Patterns within Patterns should be cumulative

Unlike Shaping Fate and Replenishing the Reservoir, Patterns within Patterns was NOT cumulative at reset and I lost all progress. I assumed it would work like Korthia and I could finish at my leisure. I put in a bug report in case this was in error and not intended. If it is intended, here is my plea to make this quest work like the others whereby you turn it in whenever you are able, be it weeks or months down the line after casually filling it up. If you want to grind, you can also pick it up every three days. This is not very main- or alt-friendly to remove progress in this manner as it was extremely slow to fill the bar on the first day after I completed the quests. Because you only have 3 days, instead of a week, it makes this worse.


I was just going to post this!
It should be like the Korthia one where it carries over until you complete it.
Resetting and ā€˜losingā€™ all the progress you made on it isnā€™t player friendly at all.
I did all the quests, killed several rares, opened chests and was not finished.


Yes, it felt pretty bad when I logged in. :frowning: I was looking forward to taking my time and enjoying the new zone at my own pace. It felt pretty slow to fill the bar as it was.

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Say it louder! This is such a dumb choice.

I run raids for both the Alliance and Horde side of my guild, which means I have to be raid ready on at least 2 and used to be able to keep up 4 alts beforehand.
With Korthia I was always able to ā€œworkā€ on my characters by doing a little bit everyday on my characters, I was able to get my two mains ready and then slowly help my alts over time without having to worry ā€œif I donā€™t log on to X and get their quest done, Iā€™ll have to spend another 2 hours to get itā€

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One additional update, since I received a response to my question about it carrying over week to week:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

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It only takes an hour to complete Patterns within patternsā€¦

The main point of the post was the lack of carryover of quest progress, but please do share your tips on how to complete it in an hour. What is your strategy?

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Do all/most rares and most treasures and the 2 dailies as possible, after shutdown there is tons of people so rares die pretty fast. But they hotfixed it after I got done this week so idk how long it will take now, will have to wait for next Tuesday.