Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

Exactly. It has become a running joke, and it’s no longer funny. Either do away with it forever (which I’d actually probably quit the game over), or give it to us for a lump sum of cash like you used to when your main hits max level. Enough of this gated crap.


Sorry my confused little friend.
But instanced PvP killed world PvP.
It also didn’t make content too easy, just made it more enjoyable.
As for enjoying what the Devs made, we do that leveling up on the ground. let everyone enjoy the same art from the air.


You’ve got to do away with this mindset that no flying == no sub though. The game already doesn’t have flying. They’ve tricked you by making you wait for until the expansion is over. Outland was designed for flying. It’s huge empty zones with pieces you can only get to with flying. This in between nonsense is much worse than us either going back to that, or going back to Vanilla. WoW without flying or Pathfinder is a much, much better game than what we have now.


Agreed, Kijo. It makes it MUCH more enjoyable. Besides, these latest zones have so many collision errors in their 300-foot, tiered world, I’ve about had it. Running around this zone isn’t enjoyable. Getting smashed by 400 mobs with aggro ranges of 30 yards is infuriating, and I’m pretty much done. At this point, this will probably be the first expac I don’t get to fly in.


gankers killed a lot of WPvP to the point where Blizzard changed all servers and added WM then the gankers got upset over it when it was their own actions which lead to the redesign since it gave those they ganked a means to opt out


Too late now for this expansion. It would be nice if in future expansions they would do away with part 2. However it’s pretty clear it’s not gonna change until the development team changes.


Would be nice yes. But I’m not going to be here to see it. I’m done.


To add to this point. WPvP was never truly viable because it was mostly a game of waiting until the other guy was hurt and not looking then punching them in the back of the head, preferably when you had a numerical advantage against them.


Blizzard will let this game completely die before they let Ian go; like they should have a long time ago when this game started nose-diving. I pretty much think they WANT it to die, so they can build more ridiculous micro-transaction games like Overwatch.


I wish you well on your future gaming journeys.


Back in the day I had a riot with WPvP. Was a game of who can overpower who before backup arrived. I have fond memories of it. But as I said in my previous post, instanced PvP sucked the blood out of WPvP.


Actually Ghostcrawler said they’d regretted it. However, he also recognized that it’s in there and taking it away now is going to, well you’ve seen what happened.


yeah back on the older forums there was at least 1 thread per day of city guards need to be nerfed and 99% of the OPs were either rogues or druids from both factions


you can get it in a week if you faction change multiple times to reset the rep quests and dailies. fasction swap to human for extra rep

The reason they LOVE Pathfinder is because it keeps some players doing an endless grind for a ridiculous amount of time much more than a mere gear reward might.

They call it a compromise but it’s a goldmine for them. Until eventually people wise up.


Getting gold is easy for some, hard for others. With the whales it would take an extremely expensive price for it to be challenging to them. A price that the gold challenged would never be able to meet.

With Pathfinder, everyone starts on an even playing field with each new expansion. You can be rich as heck but you’ll have to work as hard at it as the guy that can’t keep more than 5k gold to achieve it. (Of course the human rep racial makes that a bit easier than for the rest of us).


like the top end guilds that sell AOTC carries oh yes were all on equal grounds here


This seems like a non sequitur.

AOTC has nothing to do with Pathfinder. Raiding is it’s own can of bees with it’s own pain points.

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What? I want flying as much as the next guy, but I haven’t given it even a moments head space… Just questing naturally in BfA will yield 90% of the achievements necessary for completing Pathfinder part 1… pathfinder part two is really just about doing daily quests in the zones. How much easier can it be?

I dont mind it and im a lot of other people dont.