Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

I honestly don’t care if we do or do not fly at this point. Vanilla was amazing and did not have flying, and many of the Vanilla devs were against it. All I care about is getting rid of this terrible in-between solution that is killing WoW like a cancer.


I agree it does have a very negative effect on players mindset going into a new zone. In BC and Wrath everybody was excited about the actual story and new raids/dungs that came with it. Those who were interested in the rep rewards (patterns, gear, mounts ect) did the rep gring, those who weren’t didn’t, and that was ok. Nobody had the mindset of feeling forced into doing a part of the game they didnt enjoy. Now all those players who wouldn’t have done the grinds have to, and all the players who would have done them any way tell the others to just play the game. Its just a mind numbing fight constantly and has a negative effect on player morale. Of course, with all the recent news about Blizz, maybe thats intentional. After all, misery does love company.


Lol. The funny thing is that the players have all the power. We’d see just how “non-negotiable” it is if people would actually cancel their sub instead of just complaining about it.


Do you really think those people would WANT to work for Blizzard? Blizzard is no longer the AAA respected developer they once were.


AWWW. Are you going to be ok?


But why? Part 2 isn’t even that hard to get. Im gonna have my flying in about 5 days. Maybe 6


Watcher would rather see WoW shut down rather than concede an inch and accept the fact for once his vision was wrong I mean when have you ever seen him admit something ill conceived that the players objected to was all his own fault? oh no in the rare times Blizzard did admit a mistake they always worded it carefully to make it the players fault for not playing the game properly


Is there an opinion worse than “I don’t mind pathfinder, but we shouldn’t have to wait so long!”

No, we shouldn’t have to wait at all. Pathfinder is garbage. I was willing to give “No Flying” a fair shake during WoD, and thought it might improve certain aspects of the game.

It hasn’t. At all.

Instead, they’ve used our grounding to justify turning the terrain into a nightmare of vertical mazes. Gotta up that time played metric!

Zone design was far better when we were intended to have flying at, or before, max level (See Icecrown and Storm Peaks. Zone quality that they haven’t managed to replicate since Pathfinder).

It needs to stop. They might disagree, they might like Pathfinder, or find value in it, but these are the same people who found value in pruning, or everything in Warlords of Draenor, an expansion that cost them half of their subscribers in under a year. Blizzard is wrong on this issue.


He’s free to do that, but he still works for suits who answer to investors. You can bet he’d be looking for a new job in a hurry if people actually quit the game and made it clear to the higher ups WHY they did so. But people are content with complaining but still paying their sub, or saying that they’re only canceling until Classic or 9.0, which is just as bad. I was waiting for 8.2 and after seeing what a flop it is I have finally canceled my sub and I made sure to let them know why in the comment box. We are the ones paying their bills and we have all the power - it’s time for people to use it.


I still don’t have flying in Legion and I’m not even playing BfA hardly at all until I get caught up in reps on Legion. Guess which person is not even thinking about buying the “new” expansion when they announce it?


Not sure about this one. As WoW is still a very big money maker for blizz

Thing is, a lot of people have canceled their sub over it. Most of them aren’t on the forums complaining any more. They’re long over it.


You would be flying if you weren’t wasting all that time here, complaining about Pathfinder. That’s why you’re behind.


Part 1 is ok. Part 2 is just a slog. I know why Part 2 exists and its NOT to make us enjoy content, we all know why Part 2 is there.


don’t forget Ion is a lawyer by trade if they cant win they do their best to get a tie and that’s what PF is a tie for him having to go back to gold for flight is unacceptable since its not what HE and those on the development team that that agree with him want

haven’t you ever noticed we NEVER hear from the pro flight supporting dev team members and why is that? because they probably don’t want to rock the boat by voicing support that goes against the almighty watcher so they remain silent and it signal their compliance but we aren’t held to the same standard if you disagree with pathfinder and the forced way of being told fun is wrong now is the time to speak out


I like having to earn it.


I’m so used to doing everything with a ground mount that I don’t care one way or the other about flying. But, I don’t want to be last getting flying, while everyone else is flying. What I really don’t like about Nazjatar is getting level 266 gear (I’m 402) in a zone that should be dropping at least 370 gear for new comers, and some 400 level gear here and there for players like me. I’m mean, 266 gear?!?!


I mean idk about you, but I have plenty of time to complain on the forums about pathfinder while afking on a rare spawn point.


well id hardly call leveling to 120 then having to save gold for it as getting it handed to us for no effort at all quite the contrary pathfinder is a lazy mans alterative since you only do it ONCE and your entire acct has it

that’s like going out and running a mythic 10 on one toon then every alt gets a full set of 415s mailed to them

with the gold for flight model you have to spend more time harvesting gold for EACH toon that you want to fly which means more metrics for the MAUs telling Blizzard players are in fact playing longer due to it because you have to go back every new alt and max level as well as get gold and itll stretch the content way longer than a one time deal like PF


Or, they could continue as they’re doing and you could leave and play a game you actually enjoy. :man_shrugging: