Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

Exactly this. I’m finally getting to this point that I can no longer accept being a gerbil in a wheel. I want to break the wheel. :):face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Pretty much. And im pretty much never going to get flying. Its just gated behind too much content that I hate for me to bother with during my limited play time. They never should have tied sometime like that to a grind.


Leave pathfinder parts 1 and parts 2.
Just change the gated rep grind. Let us grind it at out own pace.
Let us do it in our own time. If ive got 3 days to play this week, but cant get online for 4, then im so far behind. But If I can go crazy for those 3 days farming rep, then all good.
Rep grinding is fine, if its not gated.


Rep grinding in modern wow is not fine. Needs to be obtainable from multiple sources and content types. Otherwise someone out there is gonna hate what you locked it behind. In the case of using your mount, that’s pretty egregious.


Not really.

I’m going to get revered, then exalted, with both of those factions anyway. I got exalted with every other BFA faction, then got oodles of paragon caches with each one. In this case, it is only TWO reps; so it is way easy (we’ve had the oher ones for … years? So no one really has no excuse to not be exalted with those.)

Naz, more than Mechagon, seems to be built more with the intro “challenge” being the lack of flying. While going around and doing it, I find myself saying “This aspect would be so very easy, if only I could fly.” So, in a way, it makes sense that we can’t yet.

Think about what we get, with pathfinding, in BFA; In Legion, we got flight but could NOT fly in Argus. So we actually JUST got flight, then got this new area (which I enjoyed), where we could NOT do it. People were really up in arms about that.

So it seems later to me, this time, but it also means more.

I’m also very busy in the new areas, so I’m not so focused on pathfinder. I have all the other requirements, while being honored with Fish dudes and friendly with Mechamypeople (I only started in mech on Saturday.) So it seems pretty fast to me, anyway.

I’m more focused on doing the new stuff, rather than doing it just for pathfinder. Plus, every single thing I do gets me rep.

Agreed, but other people would not like me then. My entire playstyle IS the kind of stuff that gets you pathfinder. So if they just let us get it at the start, I’d have it very rapidly. Other people would be doing their Mythic things and stuff, while I’d be doing content which gets me pathfinder (and still gear like this.) So they’d probably complain.

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IMO, I just wish they’d change how we got flying instead of gating it behind all of these reps. Something like FFXIV’s aether current system would be better. Get most of the zone’s quests done and do some exploring and you’re good. Now reps feel like a chore because flying is locked behind them all instead of just buying it like we used to.


To be fair, the maps have actually been made more managable without flying, if you evan look at northrend back most zones are way bigger then now, naz/mecha/whole broken isle was tiny in comparison to size and run time xD, although because im pretty lazy bring back flying at max lvl!

yes but just like legion this is only the X.2 patch where flight is coming but we still have yet to see X.3 or any hint thereof and im sure they’ve already built the new Argus zone and are merely waiting until the storyline is ready in order to transcend from here to there


Would not be so mind numbingly boring, if they gave alternate route to get some rep besides the same mind numbingly boring dailies every single day. Some sort of a potion, or elixir that gives you like a 1 hr rep gain buff. Like the draught of ten lands. Or bring back rep tabards. If the they don’t want the tabard to give a constant rep buff, then make it to where you click on the tabard icon, and it gives a 5, or 10% rep gain buff for a hour. Give it a hour cd even. Also make the never ending mobs that are every 2 feet it seems give some rep like the mobs on Timeless isle did. Better yet. Let some dungeons give some rep. Limit it to only so much you can get in a days time. That would prevent dungeon spamming, and still gets folks to do their boring dailies also. Some of these things were mentioned back when this frickin expansion was still in the beta, and numerous times back when Legion was current.


Totally disagree with this. It matters not how the rep is obtained, so long as its not gated.
PvP, M+, LFR, Repeatable hand ins. Who cares how its available, so long as its not gated.
Id be more than happy to farm murlocs for 10 rep each, so long as it wasnt gated.
But regardless of what they do, theres always going to be someone, who isnt happy.


Wow, really? I kind of thought these areas came so LATE, in the life cycle of BFA, that this would be “it.”

I mean, as long as these took, that would make it another couple years of BFA?

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I would be in game working on Pathfinder if they hadn’t drained every last ounce of desire to play from me.

This is the first expansion that I have maxed all my characters before flying. I usually wait until flying to start leveling my alts, because it makes it so much more enjoyable.

But I ran out of things to do, so not only did I level all my alts, I started 3 new alts, all of which are level 80 now. Then one day I hit the wall. I just couldn’t do it any more.

So, THAT my friend, is why I don’t have it yet. And I don’t think anyone could possibly have it already with all the time gating.


I’m an “anti-flyer”, I like that we have to explore on foot for a while… But I’ve already had to wait almost a year for flying to unlock. The only reason I subbed for 8.2 was to get flying and while I know it will only take me a week or two to get it, I’m already sick of broken dailies in broken zones and timegates on top of timegates on top of timegates.

If you want to lock flying in the new 8.2 zones for a couple weeks, then do that. But the Pathfinder system just bogs things down in the back of your mind and makes the new content unfun.

IMO Blizzard, just unlock flying for everyone at whatever arbitrary time your “fun” metrics tell you to and be done.


No one wants to be stuck on the ground while everyone else is flying?

When flying was added, and it took awhile for players to save enough
gold to buy it. That is exactly the way it was. No one had a problem
with it. No one had a problem with a few rich players having it right
away while the rest of us had to grind, grind, and more grind, to get it.


until the bean counters tell them to change it. Look at them in WOD, they aimed to fully remove it.

Bliz players being silly let them put in pathfinder and call it a compromise.

it isn’t a compromise when players lost lots and bliz gave almost nothing to replace taking away flying, they gated and delayes it called it pathfinder and said it’s in a good place.

For them, but players never compromised.

Many of my friends who quit never returned.

Think it was what about 5,000,000 plus who left and haven’t returned?


We didn’t let them do anything. They said this is what we will do, and there was no negotiation.


its funny how some can still continue to say PF was a compromise

did Blizzard take a poll or ask us would we be willing to do it or offer us alternatives?

no no and no they basically said its this way or nothing at all and when the players pushed back then they finally cooked up pathfinder claiming it was a compromise when the truth was the share holders nearly lost their minds when they saw how much $$ WoW stood to lose and of course they probably threatened to pull their funds so the bean counters told the CEO about it and the development team took a massive chewing out for it and was given an ultimatum fix it or else


This is super super easy… probably the easiest thing anyone can do… just quit. Don’t play it anymore and you’ll cease to be a gerbil in a wheel. This, and almost every single subscription game is the same gaming paradigm… carrot & stick. If you don’t like it, you have really two choices… either switch games, or create a game that doesn’t rely on this paradigm.

Do you want another WoD pathfinder because this is how you get that.

And cry some more please, like really it’s what 2-weeks of doing dailies and World Quests and then you have flying.

Honestly what’s the big deal? You want something then earn it, nobody is forcing you to unlock flying that’s your choice.

If you don’t even like the WQ’s or Dailies why even unlock flying? The only time you would use it is to get to dungeons or raids. Even then you an have people summon you.

Be glad we even have flying, back in the day we didn’t and when we finally got it everyone was happy.

Now it’s just a bunch of kids crying because they actually need to work for something. News flash your going to need to work for things you want in the real world, your mom and dad aren’t going to let you leech off them forever.

You guys want flying for gold, have you seen the gold sinks lately? They have been 100k+ for mounts or even millions. The last thing players want is another gold sink, you would need to pay 250-500k for flying.

Would you be happy then? 250-500k for flying vs 2-weeks of doing dailies and world quests.

If you honestly think flying wouldn’t cost a minimum of 100k then I got bad news for you.

P.S - I’ll see you all next expansion when you come back like every other expansion.

Meh, i dont mind pathfinder. Makes ppl earn it.

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