Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

That couldn’t be more wrong. It is time gated, and the reps are dependent on how many world quests that give rep are up each day. We are stuck doing it at their pace.


if that was true they would’ve gave us a rep earning tabard and been done with it allowing players to run any content they saw fit and earning rep by wearing it but that would lead people to run older content like gnomer and or stocks and getting rep with each kill like we can do with the faction tabards from wrath and cata etc

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So are you saying there is a time limit to get it done? If your pace is three days after 8.2 dropped then that is your pace. If you prefer to do it more leisurely then that is you. Regardless, it can only be done at your pace.

see that’s the issue here if it was at our leisure we could do it in one day if we choose but since Blizzard has not given us reputation tabards and made it where only a certian number of blue ! appear in a specific time period that means they in fact are the ones that set the pace


I wouldn’t have done hardly any dailies in the new zones if it weren’t connected to flying. I’m glad it was. It was fun learning all the little extra ways to gain rep to get flying faster.

Pathfinder is fine. Play the game and stop expecting everything to be handed to you for simply logging in.

I never said it was designed to do at your own pace… another poster did. I was just replying to that.

No, that’s not what i said at all. But there IS a limit to how much rep you can earn each day. MY own pace would be to do about twice what they allow me to do.

which wouldn’t be an issue if Blizz let us have current faction rep tabards and we could run any past or current content and earn rep with them on but that would undermine their entire gating plan as I said before people would go run older heroics and earn 99% of the exalted rep in like half a day then boom we got flight at OUR pace and not theirs

Blizzard doesn’t want that though in the end its all about finding ways to slow us down to the point even the tortalians would get bored of stuff taking too long


See that’s the thing. I have (pre-scaling) leveled probably a DOZEN toons through eversong woods and Ghostlands.

I love those zones. I love the ambiance, the lore, the design, the quests, the mini-stories. All of it.

No one had to gate anything and people want to play it over and over, or at least I did. There are probably things all over this game that people like to play again and again because they get lost in the story and design, and I can imagine this being true of a couple of BfA zones, but the Devs can’t help themselves with the scaling and AP etc.

Limiting what players can do, like how Blizzard is doing it, is ruining their own great work.


then why on earth are they selling level boosts then? that pretty much negates the point of working through it when you can merely throw a few bucks at Blizzard and skip it


LOL. And you believed him?


Blaming flight because you choose not to get it is lame. And there is always the choice of using ground mounts, for those who claim not to like flying.

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It’s like the entirety of the point being made was lost on you.

Or this is just some poorly executed sarcasm.

No. You are not entitled. You pay a sub fee to access the game, not participate in development. So wrong… which is why some of you really need to grow up.

It bothers me when people do not read the entirety of something and pick out only a few words to focus on for forming an opinion.

What I actually wrote was:

For starters, I never said “I” was entitled for anything. I was referring to the entire customer base as a whole (hence Collectively). Also I did not say “WE” should be involved in the development of the game, I stated that “WE” should have some voice in what is happening as a whole.

The entire point here is, we are the paying customer base. Without us, Blizzard could not finance the continued development of the game. However, Blizzard continually ignores anything said, from bug reports to even UI suggestions. Let alone any suggestion voiced about the overall direction of the game.

And that is the problem entirely.

Lastly to reiterate: with any company, the paying customer base should have a voice that is heard.

oh they don’t ignore all comments they fawn all over the ones that give them endless praise or whenever a silly/fluff post like how cute are worgens and guess how many gnomes alts I rolled but yeah any topic that is voicing serious concerns tends to get little if any attention until it becomes a problem on their end

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Nope. Companies that fail their customers end up out of business. So, in theory, by continuing to pay for a game that you no longer enjoy (collectively as voiced by many in this forum), you are not part of the solution… you are part of the problem.

well suffering in silence is no option but I guess you would prefer for people NOT to speak up?

after all silence leads to compliance and compliance leads to acceptance maybe you like not pushing for a better product but some of us don’t intend to sit idle on the sidelines and pretend everything is fine

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Keep telling yourself just that. You are in the minority. The forums are a tiny fraction of the overall playerbase. They’re not in here “fighting the good fight” because they have better things to do… namely, playing the game.

there is no need for flying unless you want rto grind ap wq’s faster…lol.

the zones dont scale to you so they dotn matter to do anyting in.

There is nothing wrong with parhfinder, and what you wrote is entitlement.

Honestly, a little excessive and overtly dramatic?
I know if i felt that a video game was doing this to me i just quit.

And when you say we, you mean you. Because i chose not to be, We.

There was a time when there was no flying, when mounts werent earned until level 40. And 5k was expensive for most players.