Their mentality is make us waste time.
Its not experience the map before flying.
Its not experience all quest lines before flying over all of this.
And the reason we waited one year is because they wanted to use fly to make us come play now, why? To match ff14 exp launch.
Thats it, we are being manipulated to pay game time, simple as that.
all i want to do is farm mog/pets but i just want to get flying over with so im stuck “playing” in the new zones
and by “playing” i mean slogging thru the misery of argus 2.0
at this point i just want bfa to end
I have no problem with the achievements, they were actually really fun and forced me into pet battles for like the second time in my life (to get more rep).
What I immensely dislike is the one year time gate, make the timegate two or three months and we’re A OK blizzard.
You don’t really understand the problem. The problem is any content will be ruined by making people rush through it for flying. And gating the process would just increase the frustration.
Content in this game that you rush through isn’t as enjoyable as content you can do at your own pace. Flight is just too important to a whole lot of people.
Only issue with Pathfinder is people were given a year to build up resentment towards part 2.
Flying in the main land should have come out much earlier than a year into the game.
Personally, I could have given it 3 months, give out Pathfinder Part 2 in 8.1 and then put out a part 3 for 8.2.
That way between 8.1 and 8.2 people would have been able to get their flying for the mainland and not be complaining for 9 months.
If blizzard doesn’t want to allow flying the second people get to max level, then thats their design choice. However, letting it fester for a year was counter productive.
This is probably the most easiest pathfinder released.
If you don’t have pathfinder 1 by now and are complaining. You clearly don’t play the game.
Stop asking for handouts and stay grounded.
Yikes this community is sooo entitled.
How did you get all that misinformation from my post? I completed Pathfinder Part 1 long ago, along with all the reps for Allied Races. I never “went all this time without getting the other reps up”, and nothing I posted indicated this.
Yes, now it is “only 2 rep grinds”… a year later. And let’s take a look at rep. First it was exalted, now it’s revered. But why not honored? Why do you have to be at the very top ratings to be able to ride a flying mount?
And let’s take a look at flying. I learned to ride a flying mount in BC, but somehow I completely forget how with each new expansion. I still remember how to fly everywhere else, but put me on a flying mount in a new land and I can’t figure it out.
None of this makes any sense.
It’s not like the most populated expansions had easy/quick flying…
Oh wait.
“Sir, we removed all flavors of gum, except both Kale and Spinach flavored. The community is in an uproar and we’ve barely hit half of our previous year’s sales.”
Ion: omg all they do is whine. Why can’t they just deal with this compromise? Kale is fun.
huh who would’ve thought ignoring all feedback that doesn’t fit into their “vision” coupled with a bunch of condescendence as well as constantly berating customers with you think you do but you really don’t or dont you all have phones would somehow end badly for Blizzard?
its almost like they live in an echo chamber and only seem to hear positive things being said to them and ignoring feedback from players suggesting changes in hopes of trying to improve the game
You are contradicting yourself every other word, it makes my head hurt.
(Hint: Flying will allow you to level your ALTs faster! This way, when you level all your ALT’s super fast, you can complain you’re BORED with the game!)
Lies. Stop with the juvenile threats and promises of tantrums.
I personally don’t have a problem with flying being gated behind the Pathfinder(s) achievement. The Devs have put a ton of work into this game and shouldn’t they want people to work through it. Yes, it can be a bit tedious at times, but you are not required to do it right away. It’s designed to do it at your pace. Some people are just better at it than others. I should finish mine today. I’m not jealous of the people who have already earned it. I’m happy for them.
I’ve been doing the dailies casually since 8.2 dropped, no rare farming and I’m almost revered…
It’s not tough… it took longer to grind my flying mount in TBC

any content will be ruined by making people rush through it for flying
mechagon is such a neat little zone
but i couldnt care less because every day i go there im soley focused on grinding my flying requirements
terrible design philosophy
Pathfinder is fine the way it is, and please don’t get rid of flying.
Not everything has a lore reason. Otherwise you would die once and have to start over from level 1 or if respawning was a thing then every faction leader that died would also respawn.
Sounds like you, personally, have focus issues then.
It will naturally come.
Have flying now and have no desire to log on since everything worth doing was done long before flying.
That was kinda my point.