I totally agree with you. I used to enjoy playing WoW, now every time I think I will be stuck in the ground and the thing will take 10 times longer I just leave and go play another thing I can do what I want. Since I got 120 (August 2018) it’s the first month I’m playing again and AGAIN stuck in the ground trying to finish WQ with all the mobs trying to killing me is just annoying. I’ll not re-sub and I’ll not buy the next expansion if they keep this system. I’m really sorry, I really love WoW, but I’ll not waste my time with something I’m not enjoying to play.
Don’t worry about it, I know it can be odd.
We agree and disagree.
For example as I stated elrier as a DK I cannot change it. I take everything, but flying is universal so if you deprive yourself, that is much closer to a personal choice than one you must manage.
I am not disagreeing it is an advantage, I simply disagree with the idea that it is an unfair advantage.
There isn’t anything wrong with pathfinder. Theres a preveading sentiment of entitlement, that it should simply be given to you.
Its a terriable opinion, imo.
Now this is something I can agree whole heartily on.
There is a lot wrong with Pathfinder. Most specifically, flying should not be locked behind rep grinds that come a year into the expansion.
No one is acting entitled. Many players, myself included, have made very reasonable suggestions on how to keep the concept of Pathfinder, but execute it so it’s not a huge, time gated rep grind.
We are willing to work for it. We are not willing to keep subjecting ourselves to this passive aggressive punishment.
I don’t really mind not being able to fly when everyone else is. I don’t mind pathfinder in general. I haven’t started pathfinder at all, personally, so I’m perfectly alright with not flying. I know how to get it when I’m ready, and others who worked for it quicker/before me will have it and I’m happy for them.
Changing it to letting you do what you want wouldn’t solve the problem.
I used to like doing world content and getting reps - exactly the type of activities that are in pathfinder. However, pathfinder ruined that content for me. I don’t enjoy it anymore because I have to rush to do it in order to get flying.
either way we decide Blizzard will use it to their advantage because if we don’t do pathfinder to unlock flying they’ll simply claim players obviously don’t care about flight and use it as an excuse to remove it
if we do pathfinder they’ll then proceed to proclaim it a success and keep using it as a model for all future expansions there is no winning situation for players no matter the outcome
It seems to be done more out of spite than design integrity.
We don’t get a choice. Players do Pathfinder because flying makes the game so much more enjoyable, especially when leveling alts. This does not mean we accept it, or agree that a year long wait is reasonable. Players are doing Pathfinder under duress, because they desperately want to fly.
yeah and Blizzard knows that and uses it against us
The latter would be the coup de grace for this game so ideally keep it in.
No one complained about buying it in tbc, wolk, cata or mop.
Stop trying to fix things that aren’t broken. Make it 50k so people can earn the gold however they enjoy playing the game with it and be done with this.
But no, they’re far too stubborn to do this because it’d mean they were wrong.
even if they did it was be a carefully worded backwards complement bordering on sarcasm and making it seem like the players are actually to blame for having fun the wrong way
You really sound bitter and angry… over a game… or more precisely, because you think you know better than the actual developers of the game and they won’t listen to your expert opinion on game development. I always find it odd that someone with such disdain for the people who make a game, still actually play it and even worse, actually pay them to play it.
Just wanted to chime in on this. We are Paying customers, as such, Collectively we should be entitled to some voice in what is happening. Being utterly ignored by the company on basically every issue is just plain bad.
My 2 pents worth.
well as paying customers were tired of being treated like oliver twist by Blizzard acting shocked because we ask for more soup
This is pretty much my main issue with pathfinder. Gold is ubiquitous so if flying is priced reasonably then everybody can expect to acquire it through their preferred playstyle. Pathfinder is just a list of objectives that have to be fulfilled in a very specific manner.
Forcing people to participate in content they’d never normally do isn’t exactly a recipe for success. The devs seem to operate under the impression that if you make the incentives too large to ignore in order to get people to participate in different types of content that the player will eventually come around to having fun. From personal experience, that is most definitely not the case. The feeling of “reward” is damaged greatly by the journey required to achieve it.
it’s only 2 rep grinds that would take a serious player almost 2 weeks to accomplish? if you went all this time without getting the other reps up, that’s your own fault. i got the starting reps exalted last November, and I play like 1-4 days a week, only at night.
Yes and No. I think pathfinder needs to change, not be removed.
I think you need to earn flying. Ex:(Do story, hit max level, explore, pay gold) They could even delay it a little like a month. This way you see the content that the devs so nicely made for us before you fly and skip it.
But remove Rep grind.
The Warmode ON from now on will be Fly or get ganked.
Killing bosses in the new maps will be soon become impossible.
Pathfinder should be only explore all maps and do the main quest lines, just that.