It’s sad how Blizzard treats flying like its some sort of disease that needs to be quarantined. It’s one of the absolute best and fun features in all of wow.
I hope one day they realize this and start letting us unlock it right at max level.
I wish those bots were in Zuldazar more, need that Tour of Duty honor kills number (strange right that the horde capitol this expac i have the least kills in).
I really don’t understand your reply to my post. I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I am stating my opinion on a WoW forum, which is a place to discuss WoW. I’ve not only expressed my frustration, but also given some reasonable suggestions on how to resolve the issue of flying, that I feel the majority may be happy with. How is this not taking action?
For me its the fact I waited almost a freaking year to get flying in BfA, 8.2 comes and now its gated behind time AND reputation. I can’t play much, only few hours per week. Call me a casual. Going to take me another couple of months to get the second part done. To ME that’s a slap in the face.
There should not have been a Part 2 with the amount of time they waited since release. Think of this, basically the entire purpose of the new zones in 8.2 was to do Pathfinder Part 2… Think about that, real hard.
Most people, including myself, are not pissed off about Pathfinder. They are pissed off we waited this long just to have another time and reputation gate slammed in our face.
The rep gained from dailies, it’s a joke that no one is laughing at.
All fun, and games throwing the cancer word around describing anything in a stupid videogame until someone you know, and love dies from it. So go ahead, and karma will bite you back eventually.
My only beef with Pathfinder in this expansion has been the time between 1 and 2. The blatant time-gating over the past year has been seriously frustrating. But as for getting the achievement itself, it took me a few weeks at most just doing the daily quests, and that was even when I’d miss a night or two of play time.
The achievement is fine. The implementation by Blizzard is the problem.
Sorry but are you drunk/stoned/on medication? Of course blizzard would remove flying before they removed pathfinder lol. I despise it, always have and probably always will (especially where you can’t work on part 2 till six-seven months later). All jokes aside I don’t see anything ever changing at least in a positive light. If they removed flying they’d do something stupid like requiring a 10-20-30k flying license per character. Also I’d give you a heart but blizzard says those are too valuable to give freely and I must wait 4hrs.
People who can fly can level alts faster, gather nodes faster, and generally progress faster in every conceivable way. They can also swoop down on no-flyers on the opposite faction when it suits them and gank them.
So the argument of “just don’t fly if you don’t want to” is pretty garbage. The disadvantages of not flying are too large for people to be able to safely ignore to play the game the want to play.
Except for the fact that this is the same thing that occurs between people who had mounts and didnt have mounts in the past. That was back when node tapping was only once and not a multi-tap.
Furthermore, the netomatic was designed to deal with swoopers and dive bombers.
The argument works if one is discussing a matter of preference.
If you truly dislike flying, you simply do not use it. It does not mean you should impede how others enjoyt he game.
Blizzard was quite happy to introduce flying in TBC. They only reason they think it’s bad now is because they want to do each expansion on the cheap unlike the expansions before WoD.
The netomatic isn’t nearly enough. It can’t stop people from ganking you from the air, it can only help you keep people from running away, and that’s if you’re fast enough to use it. 300% of run speed is almost too fast for a normal person’s reflexes to respond to. Gankers however can just come at you from above where you are unlikely to see them because most people are not look up while on the ground. All you have to do is for someone to make too big a pull.
No the argument works because flying is too much of an advantage. Some things can be ignored if they only give people minor boosts for that 1-5% edge. Flying literally accelerates every aspect of travel such that you can cut your play time in half. Just look at the people who have flying in Naj. They can get to rares before non-flyers even have a chance to tag. They can get their dailies done in half the time.
If the way you enjoy the game doesn’t affect other players, then go for it. If what you enjoy requires everyone else to follow along so they can keep up with your crazy pace, or have to deal with you ganking them making it impossible to play. It’s an issue.
The net-o-matic range is massive specifically to counter it. Let alone that 300% run speed is perfectly capable of being reacted to, that is just laziness in terms of an argument. In terms of looking around in the sky, that isn’t the issue, it is the narrow camera vision and low amount of distance from the character.
The idea that someone divebombing you from above is any different from someone popping up behind you on their mounts is a weak argument at best.
Flying makes you faster, yes, but it does not confer an advantage which was not already existing.
For example, I play a DK, I know my class is not the best at DPS but I accept it because that is my choice in terms of the class I play.
If I unlock flying, and I choose not to use it, that is on me because it is a universal option available to everyone.
Great, so we agree. That is the exact argument you was replying to and you were apparently against. If flying is in the game people have to fly to stay competitve. The “just don’t fly if you don’t like it” argument is garbage.