Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

Working as intended, then.

Pathfinder is never really an issue infact its quite a good compromise we got instead of them straight up doing no flying, problem is they opted it into there current (Was new when introduced) scheme of ‘play time metrics’ of forced player time means they like the game, thats the issue both anti and pro pathfinder people seem to agree on including myself, they cant just release it at launch day with horrid qualifications so we can at least get it on launch? FF14 ties theres into quests and main story but its there at launch per zone.

Just make Pathfinder 1 apply to the launched zones after a grind or whatever (we cant make it easy or hand fed im sorry but i enjoy earning my keep and Blizzard wants you forced to play) and then make the next Pathfinder 2, 3 or whatever etc apply to zones added post launch, example being Legion Pathfinder 1 would apply to all but Broken Shore while part 2 is only going to apply to Broken Shore, keeps there want of grind and gives players access on launch mostly for alts.

Today I learned that an aerial view is 3D and being on the ground looking up at something is 2D.


what compromise? it was basically a take it or leave option did Blizzard ask for feedback did they invite a delegate of players or a representative to Blizz HQ to hammer out an agreement? did they ever so much as take a poll? no they did none of the above they made a unilateral decision to remove it then acted shocked it got so much negative reaction

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So you expected an Activision fueled Blizzard to sit down with a chosen delegation of players from the community when we all know they wont? basically its all or nothing to the idiots in there offices never much of a middle ground (hell its why they can’t fathom GreyArea stories).

Due to backlash of the nothing choice they were basically forced into a compromise in the middle ground instead which ended up favouring them anyway since they can balance it anyway they like.

sometimes I think they have a large wall with every possible bad idea regarding MMOs written on it and each day they put on a blindfold and toss darts at it to choose the next “hotfix”

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There is nothing wrong with Pathfinder, other than the notion of making lazy players actually PLAY the game and content provided by Blizzard.

If you don’t like what they have to offer, go somewhere else. This constant whining about Pathfinder is probably pushing more people away from the game than the actual requirement itself.

There’s nothing wrong with Pathfinder, but thanks for playing!

I love grinding, if I can fly.

You might want to check what the game is rated at…Not for kids.

all the more reason for Blizzard to realize pathfinder is a cancer that’s killing this game if they just got rid of it altogether and put flight back in for a moderate gold amount like 10k per toon as well as requiring max level this entire issue would stop and all the complaint threads would end

Learning flying for new areas should follow the Order of the Cloud Serpent design.

Am I the only one that finds pathfinder enjoyable? It gives me something to work torwards that I feel actually matters and it makes it actually MORE enjoyable because I wouldn’t care enough to spam world and daily quests if it was for something trivial like regular rep with nothing attached

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The cancer exists with the players who don’t want to play the game. The developers didn’t build intricate zones just so you can fly over everything from day one. They want you to get out there and explore what they’ve produced, and world quests offers just such an opportunity. You’d be surprised how many achievements you can rack up just running around aimlessly.

Well, I hate to disappoint you there bud, but we can all agree that’s false. Subscription numbers and the shop (mainly tokens) is what they depend on nowadays. Evidence shows with all the time gating they’ve been hitting us this expansion (if you can prove otherwise that they are simply doing this out of love. Go ahead)

Now, I’m not saying pathfinder should be something that should be removed and return to the old system. One thing that’s for sure is that only a fool would think that this xpac’s Pathfinder system is flawless and something that isn’t worth complaining about.

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no those were the people that got tired of holding on to the hope that Blizzard would stop this foolish crusade to villainize flight and the fun it entailed

they never had the desire to hang in for the long haul or they lost the will to keep going so they threw in the towel and quit

Blizzard seems to have forgotten this game didn’t survive all this time just because the developers willed it to do so oh no it was the players that made this game continue to exist for so long with our money and dedication to keep playing and to hear people say well WoW doesn’t need player that whine and complain about every little issue

that part is true but if we NEVER complain about anything and just quit playing the only one it hurts is the game and Blizzard needs to remember that developers vision or not without players WoW will NEVER survive

so the next time someone says well its Blizzards game thus its their rule yes but its our money and without it their game is meaningless so go ahead and keep telling people to quit if you hate it so eventually there will no one left at all

on that day when theres no players left in WoW I will have to ask Blizzard was your development teams vision really worth it?

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10 months into an expansion, but here’s some more timegating for zones designed to have flying. OMEGALUL what a joke this dev team has become.

Anybody that defends flying being gated still at a .2 patch of the expansion is part of the problem. This whole time played metric garbage they’re aiming towards pushes people away, it doesn’t keep them logged in.

Edit: if people want to explore the zones the devs made, they will. You don’t force people to do things they don’t care about or want to do in a game you pay for monthly for. I bought the expansion and play time. Let me discover it if I want to, not because you want me to.


Have you considered that others don’t share the same ideas as you? That ones idea of whats right is a nightmare to another?

Classic was far more a grind than bfa. Theres soo soo much more to do. That i; my adventuring companions, and my friends enjoy. And alot of that enjoyment is the current content. Are there features of the game im displeased with? Yes, and its the disparity of classes in pve and pvp.

I guess im at a loss, i continue to read further rationale for some individuals feelings of entitlement to flying. Its worth a discussion yes, but to bring the topic into the ideology of right and wrong is excessive.

There wasn’t flying originally. Mount speed was slow, and aquiring the gold for some people when in that time, the economy of the game was the most lucrative its been, and it still took weeks to earn the gold for that first mount.

I don’t have the same feeling of entitlement for being handed something, because i pay for a form of entertainment whose content is dictacted by a company, which i voluntarily subscribe to. At which any time should i be displeased with their product i can terminate that subscription.

Believe me, i have in the past, during a period of content i hated, which guess what the majority enjoyed. This time i like the past two expansions, so i chose to use my earnings to support this company. And when i dont like something i write it in the suggestions. Its pointless trying to convine me of your view of how the game should be, maybe you should channel your fustration onto a well written suggestion… which is taking action.

I finished part 2 yesterday but I still think it’s pretty horrible. You should be able to earn flying from day 1. A meta achievement is fine if you don’t want to let people buy it with gold but please there’s literally no reason it should have taken this long just to be able to fly in old zones.

That said, the only positive to the pathfinder achievement is it’s now possible to actually gather herbs since botters don’t have flying. It’s very liberating being able to destroy the 20 110 randomized named druids that have been botting in Tiragarde for months now.

“oOMg SoOoOoO hard XD only took a week to get it lol xDD”