I really don’t care how fast other people are going. I have a life and get done what I can get done. By last count I’m somewhere between one and two weeks off completion.
But I do agree with some of what you say. It does feel like pointless busy work. I too level alts and I refuse to level any more without flight. So I do my bit at a time busy work because I must to get flying. Then I log off. I could be logged on a whole lot more with my alts but Bliz set the rules. Their loss, not mine.
Honestly, every once in awhile between the torture that is maneuvering through health bloated mobs every 5 steps, on my way to complete yet another string of dailies or trying to find that 5th Elite naga mob with respawn times of 2 days.
I stop and look at the water walls and listen to the music in Zin-Ashari and think.
“This trash dev team is not doing these talented creative artist justice, because I should love this but, I hate what i have to be doing, just for the simple act of flying.”
So then leave. Or just get rid of flying altogether. Either works.
Do you really think you would love the environment if you were flying over it?
Is that a joke?
Would I love the environment more if I got an even better view of the entirety of it from the sky, while not having to avoid pulling 7 mobs at once, simply by existing in Nazjatar?
Gee wizz, I wonder.
I remember in tbc when they added flying and the game died right after that
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Or back up my, and many other player’s, opinion on threads created to discuss how this has affected the player base, both for and against. The negativity Blizzard created with their passive aggressive behaviour hurts everyone.
There’s only one place that flying doesn’t belong… and that’s in classic wow.
When you go to Niagara Falls, you don’t rent a plane and fly around in the air. You take a ferry.
And I don’t know how you’re pulling 7 mobs at once in Nazjatar, especially if you follow the road. But even if you do, you know, just shadowmeld.
Not everyone is a Night Elf.
Also if I had the money I would love to fly over Niagara falls instead of sitting in a crowded boat, getting soaked.
Whelp, I can’t help it if you chose the wrong race AND the wrong class.
But if you want to admit that Shadowmeld is overpowered, maybe we’ll see players transfer to Alliance.
That is it a nutshell. We should be able to fly by four months in. Wouldn’t even mind having to do Pathfinder for each new zone as long as after the first one you are able to fly as soon as you finish it.
Blizzard knows if they get rid of flying the game is over. So they extend it nearly a year for spite and pettiness.
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Half a minute’s thought is enough to prove that incorrect, because if that were the case, it would always be in the game so that people don’t drop subs for even a month.
I can’t believe that many people liked your post to remove flying.
i dont mind pathfinder 1 and 2. i just dont like the year in between them.
flying is important to me, and blizzard has managed to make me lose interest in flying, as well as their game.
Hate to break it to you but not many folks love PVP. Also if anyone at Blizzards needs to make players walk around to check out their fine work they need a mental health specialist and a new career. Paycheck should be sufficient.
Lol Shadowmeld overpowered. Have you seen Horde racials?
There’s a reason there’s faction imbalance.
yes because nothing says enjoying the scenery better than being packed in a boat like sardines wearing a raincoat and only getting to see the waterfalls from a 2D perspective while a helicopter tour lets you see EVERYTHING
after all if a nature hike in Hawaii is better than a chopper flight around the islands why isn’t the tourism dept revoking all helicopter licenses and ordering those tour companies to use hiking tours instead?
Speak for yourself. I’ve been doing the normal dailies and having fun traversing the zones with all the various toys like the jet pack, glider, deepcoral bud jumping, the riding shell, etc. I’m in no big hurry to fly so It doesn’t bother me they get to fly a few days before me.
Either wait like the rest of us or grind it out.