You have no right to tell anyone whether or not they should or can play WoW. I will do what I want, not what some stranger on a forum tells me to do.
Are you capable of having an actual discussion with someone who has a different opinion than yours without resorting to childish, completely unrelated, and pathetic attempts at insulting the person based on the character they play? Oh wait, how silly of me. You use a lvl 10 alt to troll the forums, of course you can’t.
totally irrelevant and uncalled for lets not forget the reason were all here to voice our displeasure in this issue doesn’t matter what level they are and what class they play the focus is all about the fact PF is slowly eroding and undermining our collective confidence in Blizzard
taking pop shots at each other isn’t helping either side and to the contrary actually making it worse we need to remain united on this if we ever stand a chance of sending Blizz a message that their design plans are the sole reason the players are leaving WoW
I wish they kept it simple. Like in pre-WoD, reach max lvl then purchase skill for a large sum of gold.
Did you bother to look at the comment I replied to? My original comment was relevant to the topic. This “such-and-such is killing wow” rant is old and that phrase has been getting thrown around by players since the game started. It actually takes away from valid complaints because it makes those people come across as someone who’s just whining and throwing a tantrum to get their way. Every change in game has had its complainers. Every single one. Blizzard could remove Pathfinder and give everyone instant, free flying at level 1 and still there would be people who complain. It is literally impossible to make EVERYONE happy, so saying that something is “killing” wow just because you don’t personally like it is beyond absurd.
Now if you want to discuss what’s “totally irrelevant and uncalled for”, that would be making a snide remark implying that a person’s choice of forum character some how plays a role in their personal opinion on what is or isn’t fun in the game. If you feel the need to chastise someone, go chastise the obvious troll. Don’t come at me for not tolerating his nonsense.
I might be one of a very few plays that really do like the pathfinder achievements. I might be crazy for that but I do. It gives me as a player something to really focus on to get and earn my flying instead of paying for it like an entitled douch.
oh I agree however the fact is this issue NEVER wouldve happened if Blizzard didn’t try to fix something that was never broken in the first place
flying for gold was only a problem in the development teams mind and instead of trying to find a way to slowly decrease the usage of it oh no they went full speed ahead and outright removed it thinking itll be like ripping off a bandaid and will only sting for a few seconds
it was a risky gamble that went horribly wrong and backfired on them and even then they still were like oh its the players that are at fault for not embracing our vision and the backlash continues to this day yet they still pretend nothing is wrong and disregard every comment that doesn’t agree with them
at some point its going to lead to enough players leaving WoW and possibly all Blizzard games and all because they’ve got sick of the rhetoric thrown at us by Blizzard merely because their development team thinks their vision is all that matter even to the point of losing millions of subs
I hate grinding rep. And I’m really slow at it. I suspect it will be 10-12 weeks before I get the rep to complete Pathfinder Part 2 and can finally fly. I’ve got many months envy coming up where I’ll be looking at all the flyers from the ground.
That said, I disagree with the OP. It’s fine as-is. It’s nice to have something to actually work towards and when I do finally get flight it will feel all the sweeter.
Oof, one thing I can certainly say is that, this is most likely the last time I can see my self getting pathfinder. Before BFA, I really had no problem with it. That was up until now. With Nazjatar and Mechagon rep grind addition, it just feels like a pain. Considering that both islands take a while to even gain a decent amount of rep. That is unless you have time to literally binge grind rep and gain the second part of pathfinder within a few days, which I’ve seen people do. Not saying that this recent patch isn’t good, just saying that compared to the last couple of xpacs they made it just a little more difficult to obtain. (Mainly saying this cause some of us have jobs and school to deal with.)
yeah what happened to Watcher saying they learned their lesson from legion and that earning pathfinder in BFA wasn’t going to as bad or tedious as it was?
I really wouldn’t mind the removal of flying in the newer content. I have mixed feeling about it, and I can certainly see why people would be frustrated to unlock flying.
I really like ground mounts more, even just aesthetically.
Oh they are trying to get rid of it. They can’t do it straight up as they learned in 2015 May. However, they have since made obtaining flight ability in new content such a monumental PITA and unenjoyable chore, they’re hoping people just stop bothering with it.
Well, I’ve stopped bothering with playing the game. I play ESO almost exclusively now and those devs do everything they can to make the game enjoyable instead of a grinding slog.
Pathfinder isn’t the problem, the long wait between part 1 and part 2 is the problem.
If there was a period of no longer than 4 months between expansion launch and part 2 average completion, I don’t think nearly as many people would complain.
4 months is a pretty acceptable time frame for the majority of the player base to see the amount of content available in a launch, without having to drag it out until people are already bored, then just have similar “part 3” extensions for any new zones with the typical achievements needed: certain rep level, certain story line completed, etc.
Pathfinder could be a great system if they would make some common sense and quality-of-life changes to it.
I can agree with this actually. I think Pathfinder could be so much better if executed right.
I recommend a firing squad
Now accepting volunteers! (Non-Paid)
I recently purchased the Elsweyr expansion and am having a lot of fun with my Necromancer. And yea, the way they treat the players is very different.
Weird. I thought about this exact same thing last night but hadn’t seen this thread. I’m glad other WoW players feel the same way.
I cannot enjoy these new zones because I’m so neurotic about getting every daily done so I can get my flying so I can enjoy the game like I want to. Last night I had this thought of “either get rid of it or put it back how it was”.
Entropia is a FTP MMO and they have a committee of delegates chosen by the players to represent the players that meet with the developers like 3 or so times a year to discuss issues of all kinds regarding the game and yet Blizzard cant find the time to do the same?
but even if they did we all know who would be the ones chosen Blizz would handpick method to be the committee
Then maybe the cop-out remark of “Just don’t use it” should stop getting injected into every single one of these threads when people criticize flying for it’s effects on gameplay…