Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

It isn’t that people don’t want pathfinder… it is that people don’t want to grind for something in the game… it doesn’t matter if it is flying, or mounts, or pvp… people don’t like grinding. If all these different facets simply were purchased with gold, another part of the playerbase would complain about that.

I could say the same thing for the questline for these new characters that Blizzard keeps coming up with. it was so ridiculously to complete pathfinder on the Broken Ise then have to use a land mount to get a void elf. I haven’t done any of the last two groups and probably won’t.

Wrong. People are fine with grinds. The Vanilla leveling grind was a core part of the Vanilla experience. The difference is progression and choice. With Pathfinder, all the reps have to be ground, there is no choice. There is also no sense of progression because it’s just the same reward being taken away and given again and again.

Pathfinder is simply a bad grind. Not all grinds are bad, but Pathfinder definitely is.


What makes a grind bad is when it becomes mandatory. What to fly? Then grind. What a void elf? Then grind. Everyday I come to Tol Barad and grind away to get a flying mount. Not like i have to, because I have a 178 mounts. I just want to get another one.


Yep 100% correct. Choice is the issue. Even in Vanilla you had choices in what zones you wanted to grind to 60 in. It also just removes the beauty of you having some rewards, and me having different rewards because we dedicated to grind different things. It just detracts from the RPG experience of us being unique and having bespoke stories.


I am of the mindset that all grinds are bad… some just have better rewards. It is all in perspective.

Two sections within Two zones (kalimdor & eastern kingdoms) you could choose from… the entirety of vanilla was gated by level… so there was a 1-20 in Eastern Kingdom, and 1-20 in Kalimdor (mirror zones). Not really a huge choice (1 of 2) but i guess for your argument, sure… choice.

If part 2 came out with 8.1 or 8.1.5 i think it would’ve been fine, it offers a good reward for doing the current content and really doesnt take long at all to complete imo.

But in the Eastern Kingdom you also had the choice of going north or south. And then came scaling. It is really all the same now no matter where you play. No more progression from one area to the next. If you were good you could go kill 3 or 4 levels higher. If you sucked you could go kill lower levels. No more.

In MoP, flight cost less than what we made while questing. Zero time spent grinding for gold. I don’t know why people act like it had become an astronomical number.

Bring back MoP style flight unlock. A million problems solved.

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yeah and all these complaint threads would end…well other than from the occasional gankers complaining flight is killing their “fun”

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As i said earlier we need a dual path for flying, both pay and pathfinder. let people choose how they want to play. I suspect a lot of people would pay for their main to fly then grind pathfinder for their alt.

Yeah, the “flight kills wpvp” crowd would be the complainers. I wouldn’t imagine they’re a huge percentage though, not like the pro-flying crowd. I mean, most of us that were on PVP servers (I was on Azgalor until WoD when the server died) noticed wpvp was alive when flight existed. If anything, instanced BGs and arena probably did the most harm.

Just last week my brother told me he was thinking of getting back into WoW. He asked if Pathfinder was still a thing (he only PvPs), and when I told him it was, he said forget it.

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I wish you good fortune on the wars to come

All i know, this will be the last expansion I’ll buy.
Unless they get rid of the pathfinder 2 part (which i know there is a snowball in hells chance) thats happening so I’ll just vote with my wallet only thing i can do…


Do Archaeology :slight_smile:

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Good answer.

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Yes, you could 1-20 in your racial zone… but then 21-60 was just one option per continent. I think most people have a fuzzy memory of Vanilla (as evidenced by the fanatical zealotry for classic).

But… the illusion of choice is I guess the same thing as choice.

If no one is leveling a toon besides me on a server that is joined with several others, there is a serious problem. Especially since those zones are massive. What the naysayers fail to realize is that back in Legion? You’d see at least 15 folks from WRA in Northrend at any given time either leveling and or herbing.

You don’t see that now. As a matter of fact you don’t see much of anything.

People can disregard the facts if they like. They can ignore and tune it out because they don’t like what their hearing, or perhaps because it doesn’t align with their own narrative; but at the end of the day it won’t change the core truth of the situation and the consequences that underpin it.

That truth is simply this. There is something seriously wrong in the game at the moment and that player activity is at an all time low. Frankly I don’t care if anyone believes me. The Devs can look at their metrics and see the same I expect. It likely is a reason the Level Squish is coming. Maybe a world redesign too if we’re lucky.

Better do something quick is all I advise.


Then leave the game see you later no one will miss you.