Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

No you are completely wrong. This is YOUR perception, YOU see it as a carrot. I always try to complete the content available, collect the things that matter to me like tabards, mounts, achievements and mounts.

Guess what that requires? Playing the new content.

Pathfinder’s fine, a lot of people are enjoying it.

I tend to dislike posting in these mega-threads, since only 2-8 people see my posts (average of 4), but…

If pathfinder must be a thing, give us exactly 9 new factions each Expansion, and let us choose 2 to grind to revered/exalted. From there, Loremaster and the WQs should be the only two followup requirements. If Explore must remain a thing, quit putting map fragments in out of reach zones.

That is all. I’d like to enjoy the story without having to worry about getting stuck in a ditch somewhere and remembering that I left my whistle and hearthstones in my bank because Bag Space Capacity wasn’t enough to hold all my gear+farming nodes+junk loot. (Yes, I have the Tundra Mammoth, but I don’t always visit the bank.)

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The dissent with pathfinder is literally entitlement. And when Devs listen to the player base game play suffers.

There atent too many new players in old content. You will find them in legion. Most chose to boost their characters. I draw this from the game play in low end mythics, and rgb. And there is the player doesn"t care enough to hit a button.

The competitions model copy wows, i mean ffxiv just released a element to their game that is wows armory. And if you want to see player base being listened too whole classes were gutted into uselessness because the devs listened. And it took years to bring dark knight, summoner, and white mage back into competitive play

All too often a minority of a player base is the most vocal. And when results aren’t inmediate the noise continues. Yes there are issues with wow. And pathfinder IS THE LEAST OF THEM!!!

I continue to play because i enjoy the game model, and secretly fear that a meeting will be held where the decision was made to give the minority what they want… And wow has listened to its player base. Have you any idea how much suggestions in the past have shaped curtent mechanics?

Furthermore, forums are a medium for discussion, what is discussed is up to usm Don"t expect to have sweeping changes because YOU don’t like it.

And i do agree people should’t insult others over something they disagree with.

I’ll do like a normally do, wait for the next expansion, make level 130 then go back to BFA and finish pathfinder. Then wait for the next expansion, make 140 and go back to and finish the next ridiculous pathfinder.

I wonder how that’ll work with the future squish…

Ya, rumors of level squish.

I know the feel, even though i only got 1 day behind the bleeding edge fliers it was awful seeing rares called out in the fish toilet zone knowing there was no possible way you could make it in time on the ground.

I got mine in 6 days and it has been miserable every time i had to go to naz, at least mecha has pseudo flight and I had some fun there because of it.

Or maybe no one is leveling alts right now and focusing on getting that end game stuff done?

Flight should be locked at launch, but then unlock with the first major content patch. The exploration requirement is fine, but the reps are stupid.

Wow is not in decline due to pathfinder though. It is a combination of many things.

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You dont have to do something you dont like. And what might be fun for you isnt fun for the next person. Theres other games out there many are free try them. Instead of complaining, take action and discover.

As I already stated in a previous post, I am taking action, by making my opinion known, and standing up for what I think is right.


nothing in your comment is a fact… they are opinions… get a dictionary or have an adult help you understand what constitutes a fact, and what constitutes opinion clouded by personal experience.

And with a MAJORITY of the population playing in 8.2, what gives you the impression that anyone would be in a zone from WOTLK?

Simple solution that comes up everytime would be a dual path to flying. Do pathfinder and flying is account bound. Or pay some ridiculous high sum for each individual character. Pay for the main to fly, complete pathfinder and the alts get a free ride.

Pathfinder is already account wide unless I am misunderstanding you… if you complete it on one character, it is open to all characters.

I played Naz today for 2 hours and 18 mins and got 700 rep. Go ahead and say “git gud” or whatever but honestly…showing up to see “seaweed” disappear is not good game design, not fun and honestly not a good use of time.

Yes people teamed up and no-lifed their way to flying, good for them. But 700 rep for over two hours of doing what Blizz gave us is ridiculous.

And the candy crush nonsense, the silly jumping quest. My lord, is this the game that adults want to play and call it an immersive MMORPG? We want to play WoW, and for many of us that includes flying in current content without made up hurdles and delays.

Stop defending the indefensible.


so what happened to Watcher saying flight would be easier to obtain in BFA than it was in Legion? just another broken promise like all the rest from the lawyer in charge

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Of course it is. But a lot of people have suggested a dual path to flying. For those that don’t want to do pathfinder, like me, let us pay for individual characters. For those enjoy mindless rep grinding, they can go the pathfinder route.

but that would completely undermine Blizzards plan when the option is there even the ones that claim to enjoy it so much would go out and pay for it thus showing once and for all that the player DONT WANT pathfinder but in their narrow tunnel vision of a world the developers refuse to see the truth for what it is and that no one wanted this time gated tedious nonsense other than the development team and all because they want to work less and still pretend the quality is the same even though the game is losing subs over it

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