Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

Flying was one of the only things that really kept me here, but after hitting honored with unshackled, I hit this point where this late into the xpac…i lost the care to fly. Spending my last 4 days getting the lock and monk to 120 then taking a break till 9.0. Flying was always that thing that made the daily WoW chores so much quicker, which then allowed me to enjoy other aspects of the game like PvP and Mythics. I’ve done F all for PvP and Mythics this xpac as the joy i have logging in is gone by the time I muster though my world quests. Different strokes for different folks, love the game, hope ya’ll have a good time and see you guys in 9.0!


it’s 12-14 days for people who actually do the 1 hour of dailies.

People had it within the first 7 days actually grinding the rep.

So yea if your lazy as hell and only play 20 minutes a day it will take you a month.

If it was 7 days for players like you then any try-hard would get it within 24 hours.

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Pretty sure Blizzard has the demographics to know how many people love and hate it, lol.

Well just in case they are counting I despise time gated flying, something that once bought / learned should never be taken away and used as a carrot on a stick in the next expansion imho.

Just putting my vote in +1 don’t like the way they have done flying since pandaland.


First true thing you’ve written in this thread.

Pretty sure they do, too, and they get that info from the forums. And anyone who reads these forums has a pretty good idea of how most players feel about this issue.

First of all some people may only have 20 minutes a day to play because they work and have families. That does not make them lazy. It makes them responsible.

Second, there is no way to get this in 24 hours no matter how hard you play, because there are a limited number of quests each day.


It’s not about being “lazy as hell” or being hard to do. It’s about it be boring, uninspired, and taking way too long (a year for flying? lol just no).

Clearly, it’s creating burnout. Milking time played is leading to people taking long breaks. I’ve read where some say they’d rather do real life chores than WoW chores. I mean, dang. When that happens, the game is doing it wrong.

Games are supposed to be fun. I hope they are paying attention to all this feedback. I want the game to be fun again too.


Says the man with many flying mounts.

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Um… you think the forums are wholly representative of the feelings of the entire playerbase? Forums are mostly for complainers like you… they swarm hear in this echo chamber to hear their personal gripes be magnified and repeated like sheep.

The forums aren’t a good barometer of the overall playerbase… it is however a good barometer of how many malcontents hate this game, yet continue to pay for the ability to complain. Paying for a game you don’t like is really an IQ test. You failed.

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Pathfinding will see no change in the next expansion. They will keep it the same. Sorry.

Pathfinder was already added to the list of things that was supposedly killing or had already killed the game. You’ll have to find something new if you want to add to it.

Sure, keep telling yourself that. I disagree and I’ll use facts to prove my points.


I just played a entire night with CRZ, leveling one of my Alliance Paladins. I did so both with War-Mode on, and War-Mode off. Despite this, I was the only person in the Howling Fjord in both cases. I checked both Alliance and Horde-side because I was shocked by this and thought it was strange. This also occurred in the Grizzly Hills, and Dragonblight.


Either leveling is so completely unfriendly that no one bothers to do it, or the game is just that dead with no new players. Either case would indicate that players are unhappy with the Developers decisions relating to the game, and one of the biggest ones is Pathfinder.

Ergo, one might assume the forums are not griping over nothing, and that they are actually a good barometer of the game’s health; contrary to your statements. This emptiness was also is an ancillary concern of mine with regard to Classic Servers. It seems to prove to a large extent the very reason why I suggested Classic Servers should allow a one way transfer to retail, is a legitimate one.

By taking geared players out of the pool by offering them the ability to acquire via a one way transfer old-WoW transmogs which they have unlocked, you give a incentive for those players to roll a new class. This in turn allows new players to have a chance to level with groups of their level, rather than being power leveled through Scarlet Monastery by a level 60 player.

Let’s be honest here. Once everyone levels, this will be the rule of the day in Classic also. Leveling zones will be dead, and max-level will be the only place you find any players. That is not healthy for an MMORPG.

This isn’t even a case of CRZ not IDing off-server players going on as I flew across the zone for close to twenty minutes looking for someone, anyone really. No such luck.


Perhaps instead of making such ludicrous claims, and trolling people by claiming “they failed a IQ test”, you should try being more circumspect with your wording. You might convince someone of your point if you use less assault, and more fact. That is of course assuming there is a point to it under that hyperbole and rhetoric you just employed.

These “insert random complaint is killing wow!” posts always make me chuckle. People have been crying that every change Blizzard makes is killing the game for almost 15 years now and we’re all still here playing.

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It’s not so much PF that’s killing the game, it’s the attitude of developers towards the player base. Do they really think we’re so stupid that we haven’t realized that they already effectively did remove flight, and the way that they did it created a negative experience (for me, at least, and at least a few others posting here)?

In 6.2 flight was promised, then when it came time to deliver they say people will enjoy the game more without flight. They feed us random gear in an attempt to train us with gambling style rewards. They tell us crz is supposed to be fun because we can see others and group with them for content you do not need a group to complete.


If you REALLY think that WM is what killed wpvp then you really must not play this game lmaooooo.

It was dead waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before bfa came out, homie

I beleive in two or three days ill be flying :sunglasses:

I am sure some ppl here are gonna get it today or already have it.

And what are you going to do with that flying? Run the same content you ran for the last year?

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C) People were leveling in Outland

D) People were leveling through BGs and Dungeons.

I have always been a pro flyer, but Pathfinder is a decent compromise, you don’t need flight, you want flight, we don’t always get what we want right away, I am as casual as they come but I been logging in every day killing rares as I find them, doing the emissary quests and any other quest i came along and I’m just over 7k/12k Honored, I’ll have flying at this rate before next reset, even if you don’t get it til next reset it’s not a big deal as you are making it out to be, just go with the flow and do what you can, it will come quicker then you realize

Is there a female gnome on forum that doesn’t defend every bad change?

And yeah we’re playing, less than 10% of what playerbase used to be.