Pathfinder is killing WoW: Either give us flying or get rid of it

Why would they stop that design? They did it on purpose to slow down travel.

If you’re fine with getting rid of flying you’re also fine with that terrain design. It’s part and parcel.

Clearly you’re not their target demographic. The game is designed to make players who will continue to subscribe no matter how boring or annoying the content becomes grind that same grindy content even more.

It also is designed to stroke the egos of the sort of obsessive completionists who think that if you didn’t get Insane in the Membrane done back in Vanilla - even though you never heard of the game until last year - that you’re doing life wrong.

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How else are they going to stretch their low effort content thin without resorting to things like Pathfinder and rep grinds?


I’ll have it by the end of next week. Just saying.

So we are a small friends/family guild started in Classic. Stopped raiding after TBC. We’re old farts, our youngest member is 38, the oldest 57 (just a bit of backstory there).

We’ve lost a few over the years, burnout, moved on, one death and now we have whittled down to basically only being able to field 5-man’s and alts. We each have a lot of alts both horde and alliance side, so it stands to reason we want Pathfinder on one character so we don’t have to slog through leveling our alts. on the ground.

I lost one of our original founding members at the start of BfA, he said he was done with Pathfinder and nothing could bring him back because it was “stupid to have to grind rep. in order to fly considering how many times we’ve had to pay for it in the past”.

A month ago my husband quit. He came in late to Legion, ground out Pathfinder to level his alts. and moved into BfA, started THAT pathfinder to be able to fly on his alts yet AGAIN and finally said “you know, I’m done, I’m burnt out on WQ’s, I just can’t do this anymore.”

Two weeks ago got a text from another guildie, “She gone”.

Now it’s just me and one other player who only logs in on the weekend to chat with me while playing another game.

I have gotten SO burnt out doing WQ’s for Pathfinder that I don’t even want to play my alts any longer. I only managed to get them to 110 by doing holiday events for XP or crafting WQ’s to get their levels up. I look at what’s facing me “yet again” moving into BfA and I don’t know if I can do it any longer. I’m just tired of it. I’m tired and burnt out of doing this over and over (Wod, Legion and I’m looking at your BfA) and I honestly don’t think I can take it any longer. I’m rapidly approaching “done” myself.

I’m the last one standing, after me there’s no one left.


Correction. Pathfinder did kill wow. Wow has been dead since wod.



Then let’s have master loot back

Lets get rid of warforging and titanforging

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But consider the practical aspect of the question. Once you’ve done pretty much everything in the areas you can fly they shift the focus to a new no flying area. That’s assuming you have flying mostly finished at that time or that you’ll even obtain flying. In a practical sense across all subs, we’re not talking about a significant fraction of the expansion that people will be flying, I’d call it 2 months of a 30 month expansion.

So why not get rid of flying in the current expansion? It’s what they effectively did.

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Obviously not. They’re still current players.

I agree with you. However…

Unpopular reality: if everyone had flying this instant, they’d still only have a horrible expansion to fly around in.

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It doesn’t matter. There are a lot of things in history that can be argued “should never have happened” but what is, is what is.

The cat’s out of the bag. The toothpaste is out of the tube. The fly is in the ointment. The chocolate is in my belly. I’ve tab-targeted the wrong pack of mobs.

It’s done.

So. Let’s all live in reality.

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The power of entitlement is strong. Flying or not flying really isnt an issue. I dont mind "earning my wings"as content and expansions are released.

If that is the game breaker for you. You’ll find that other games are all very similar.

And i encourage you to test those waters, there is a reason why wow is number one. Huh, kinda like harleys people mostly hate and love the rediscovered number one… i digress

Honestly, I disagree. Pathfinder isn’t killing wow. Your being Hyperbolic.


if part 1 can be shortened by about 90% u have urself a deal

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I have a solution to the pathfinder problem that is brilliant and I will post Sunday. Stay tuned!

Yep. Hey blizz, this is part of the reason your content gets done in 2 weeks… How can you be mad at players for bum-rushing content when you lock FLYING behind it when you know people have been waiting a year for it…

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I think you would find if “earning” flying wasn’t just a glorified race of how many WQ’s and Dailies you can do people wouldn’t mind. Forcing people to do irrelevant content they don’t want to do to regain a feature causes frustration.


Well you can argue that this is simply incentive to play.

Reputation in the new zones doesn’t seem irrelevant. Tedious? yes. Takes away from the zone’s experience? For sure.

As a reminder to Bliz: when you locked flying behind Suramar questing, I ended up hating Suramar. Other zones, which weren’t as arduous, I ended up replaying on many alts - but never Suramar. I already feel this way about Mechagon and can’t wait to get flying and then never go back there … well other than to do the “fun traveling” to the dungeon for M+. Cuz that’s something of value, time wasted traveling, another win for Bliz.

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I like Pathfinder… part one. Part two is stupid and makes no sense. On Isle of Thunder we were given a lore reason why we couldn’t fly there. Same with Timeless Isle and Molten Front.

What does some hag at the bottom of the ocean that has no power over the skies have to do with flying? Or a cat race in Tanaan Jungle. Or some demons on an island in the middle of an ocean? Nothing. Ion just hates flying which is a piss poor excuse to have us grounded.

Pathfinder should be part one only and achievable at max level. If people eat content too fast then that’s on them. Keeping us grounded is not keeping people engaged, especially when I see people say they are unsubbing until X.2.

What I think is happening is Blizzard/Ion is hoping people will get used to it the way we kind of got used to CRZ. That’s not going to happen.


Define relevancy I guess? I think relevant content is content you are doing because it is apart of why you play the game not because some feature in the game was taken away and hid behind content you don’t want to do. I call the content irrelevant because the second pathfinder 2 is done you are going to see the population drop from naz because people don’t want to be there for the most post. The content is irrelevant, the only thing making it temporarily relevant for most people I see is the promise of flying.

Were we given a lore reason why we couldn’t fly in Panderia till we bought the training?