Learn to play.
If you’re training 500 mobs it’s either a personal problem, or you’re playing a tank.
Learn to play.
If you’re training 500 mobs it’s either a personal problem, or you’re playing a tank.
Or it’s because the mobs are level 121 and aggro range is based on… GASP level.
I agree with you op 110%
Battlegrounds and arena destroyed WPVP, flying had nothing to do with it.
I agree at this point, and I used to say “do the rep grinds scrubs its hella easy.” I tried to no life grind rep for flying until I realized that I had to do those stupid limited and repetitive quests.
Like for real just let us actually GRIND rep instead of all these dumb quests that enhance /days played metrics or get rid of pathfinder. I don’t want to play this game everyday but somedays I want to play all day… Like why do we keep going down this road every .x patch since the game went to “Poop” in WoD. I want cool limited flight mechanics, but not having flying in a !@#!@#! flying based outworld game until a year into the expansion because of ungrindable rep reasons thats gated behind the daily quest system that literally nobody has enjoyed since it’s inception in BC. Get out of your own way Blizzard
I wouldn’t mind if they get rid of flying but they have to stop designing zones like Nazjatar. The Western and Central parts are so convoluted that getting around on a ground mount is simply not fun.
The idea would be that they would not make every zone a hard requirement. That is the issue with Pathfinder. Imagine that there was a mountainous zone, a flat zone, whatever kind of zone you want. Then you get to pick which reps are important to you, which zones you want to go in, what stories you want to hear. Actual RPG choices.
It’s worth mentioning that even my friends WHO DO NOT WANT FLYING IN THE GAME think that things are to the point of idiocy by now. Even they think that it should have already been put in and done.
I’m not a fan of the two part Pathfinder. The same way I’m not a fan of “rebooting” crafting materials, recipes, and rep farming in the smack middle of an expansion. All that does is repeat a second huge farming effort for me when I want to be doing other things after finishing the start of the expansion necessary farming. I should be able to be ALL SET on things like flask materials at this stage in the game… but no!!! Some crappy new herb needs to be added.
Even more than Pathfinder, the mid-expansion farming reboot garbage is what I want to see dumped in the trash.
if that alone isn’t an indication on how bad its become I mean even some supporters of no flight are starting to agree with people that like to fly think that pathfinder is getting annoying I don’t know what else it’ll take to convince Blizzard to listen
I don’t believe they hate it either. If they want it gone so bad then why continue to sell flying mounts in the cash shop? You would think they would pushing ground m only mounts if anything in their store, if they hate flight as bad as they say they do. Pretty hypocritical of them imo.
We’re one year into the expansion…
Depending on how successful classic is flying may be removed outright.
True. There was no flying for a while in wow.
i’m with you I dropped my wow sub and started playing eso having a blast.
vote with your wallet.
8.2 has made me realize I really, really want it to go back to the way it was in Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Mists of Pandaria. Once you hit the level cap, you should be able to purchase it for some amount of gold. And WotLK had the special touch where you could buy a BoA version for your alts. That was nice, but I won’t press my luck. I don’t mind needing to hit the level cap on all my toons first.
well if you notice the trend all the way back in WoD they used flying mounts as a cash grab starting with the rylak mount and all the 6 month sub mounts are always able to fly I find it a bit hypocritical of Blizzard to constantly come out with new flyers as a promotional tool when they keep grounding players in each new current expansion
its the principle that they keep acting like flight is detrimental yet it doesn’t seem to be an issue when it comes to generating extra revenue so where’s the moral dilemma when it comes to putting more money into Blizzards bank account?
for a company so determined to eliminate flying they sure go to great links to encourage it with store mounts with the ability to fly
There’s still timegating though.
Yep and i bet they designed Nazjatar in mind so ppl would want flying asap. Ofc they give you psudo flying in thr small zone with little to no verticality.
Yep, like Outland, Northrend, and Pandaria it is definitely designed with flying in mind.
Pathfinder is one of the worst ideas Blizzard has ever implemented into the game. They take away our flying in an attempt to force us to interact with the content they’ve made. Unfortunately for Blizzard, they haven’t learned one important fact: If the content isn’t fun, people won’t do it. You can’t try forcing people to do something unfun in a game and expect them to want keep playing, and you certainly can’t expect them to want to pay for something that gives them no enjoyment! This is why Blizzard has to try bribing people to stay subbed with the 6-month sub mounts, because the grind for flying will burn them out.
You know what I remember from BC, Wrath, Cata, and MoP? I remember buying flying from the trainer. There were no year-long rep grinds or time-gated achievements trying to force me to stay engaged with the content. I did the content because I got enjoyment from it. They didn’t need pathfinder to keep people engaged because the content was enjoyable. Is current pathfinder anything more than an admission that the current content is so awful compared to decade-old stuff that people have to be forced into doing it? Is it any coincidence that the first expansion to take away flying and introduce pathfinder led to such a massive sub loss that Blizzard had to introduce the WoW Token and rush the expansion’s ending, cutting out almost all planned content?