Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

Low post count kind of gives it away.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Why do you keep playing the game if it’s bothering you that much?

Because you just wanna be upset about a 9 year old issue? Got it.

you came in here guns blazing son…

but it DID HAND YOU dragon riding…but somehow you find it necessary to ATTACK other players who want NO MORE THAN what YOU got. lmao

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BlizZard made it an issue.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


So are you in agreement that in the next expansion dragon riding should be locked behind more difficult to obtain achievements (compared to regular flying), and only made available after 11.2?

Or do you want it on day 1 of the expansion with the ability to get all the upgrades right away?

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Sorry, but not going to happen, Blizz made flying into the issue it has become when they didn’t get their way in WoD, and decided to punish the players. It’s like a child who doesn’t get their way when playing with a toy so they break the toy and yell “There now no one can play with it”. That is exactly what Ion and Co do now, they didn’t get their way, and rather than just going back to what worked, they decided to say fine, you can have flying, but we are going to punish you for not letting play with our toy the way we want you to.

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I do not understand the logic to blame players when BlizZard kicked the hornets nest.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I’ve been saying since WoD that I have no issue jumping through hoops to unlock flying, but that it should be in the launch patch and that the 1-year I.O.U. is the only problem.

Okay I’ll take this as an admission that you can’t handle dissent and you just want to lash out like a pouty child when people disagree with you.

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The cost has been that players have found alternatives which is why FF has been a revelation for many.

But yes BlizZard made the problem and refuse to fix the damage they have done.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Okay I’ll take this as an admission that you can’t handle dissent and you just want to lash out like a pouty child when people disagree with you.

Im figuring that’ll be the case…which is one more reason why we wont be buying any expansions. DF was the last Im paying for.
I figure its all down hill from here.
Ion cant stop the mind games with the PF crap and Im not supporting his crap with any more $$$ than absolutely required to play the game.
Theyve made me miserable 2 of the last 3 expansions I bought multiple copies for. Although I did refund a few copies of SL after seeing what trash it was.

Im out.
I’ll play the content when its included in the sub from now on until Ion and crew have gone back to raid design or whatever he was doing that he seemed to be great at.

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When the so called “superior” flying is free on day 1.

Dragon Riding should have required the unlock.


its misery projecting misery.
You having normal flight has literally NO bearing on them or their games.
Theyre just in here to project for lack of anything better to do with their time…

They all had flight in an HOUR of starting the content.
Now theyre gonna run their mouths at those who waited all these months for normal flight? lmao.

The abject audacity it takes for them to even open their mouths given they had flight thrown in their laps for a short list of EASY quests, lmao

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The lying has been exposed seeing as players have been zipping around with DR day one. So why is TBC flying time gated and reps on top of it?

It reveals their character indeed at this point. Lies on top of lies. To paraphrase a mini series what is the true cost of lies?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Great I think we’re getting somewhere.

So far we agree flying should be in the launch patch. That’s a start.

You think regular flying is fine to be locked behind the main story content, plus 15 levels of rep (or equivalent if that’s not a thing), plus exploration of all zones, fine. I’d imagine you seem to think dragon riding is a superior form of flying, fine. What do we think the cost for dragon riding should be then, given it should be considerably more difficult than regular flying? Normal raid iLvl requirement? A gauntlet of mythic+ dungeons? What are your ideas behind what dragon riding should be locked behind? Because certainly it should be way more than just a 2-3 week campaign of riding around the zone collecting the glyphs that you’re looking at a Wowhead guide for the location of anyway.


What else can we think about it?
I’ll dig up the article if I can find the link…Ion talking about wanting us to experience the game from the ground, which is why they were removing flight in WoD. Ive seen the mans own words lol.
So they ‘compromise’ with PF to keep us on the ground until flight has no real use anymore anyway.

But we got Dragonriding in an hour of DF going live.
So what the hell purpose does PF even serve if its clearly NOT for ground exploration?
Seems that its only about petty spite aimed at a handful of percentage of players who dared to hold out for old flight due to whatever reasons they had.


Beautiful, probably wouldn’t show my face in this thread again if I were you, now that you’ve played out your hand.

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I’ve always thought the flying req’s should start off rather onerous and get easier as the expansion goes on, thereby rewarding people who do more, up-front, but eventually having everyone get it.

Considering I’ve been using all your arguments against you, maybe you should take your own advice and leave while you’re behind.