Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

My thoughts for Pathfinder, if they insist on keeping it, is to have a list of requirements from all aspects of gameplay, and the player is required to do X of them, and let players earn it while playing their own way. Like PvP, there would be PvP achievements, dungeons your thing, there are dungeon achievements for that etc…

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Stop trolling.

I was never trolling. Keep coping.

You just said it would be fine if the only challenge to unlocking the full potential of dragon riding was reading a Wowhead guide for the location of 20-30 dragon riding glyphs that you need base dragon riding to acquire, but spread out over 2-3 weeks.

While simultaneously telling people who may not have been playing as much as you this expansion that they have to grind rep for over a month, do the entire main storyline, and explore every zone completely, and they should shut up and be happy about it.

I really don’t think you know what you say.

those are trivial requirements.

If the requirements are trivial why do they exist?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Yeah, like the Wrathion cloak quest chain from Wrath. Except not time-gated, let people do the components in the order they want, when they want. And some people will knock it out the first couple weeks, which is fine.

(And I think they should remove requirements over the course of the expansion. Eventually everybody just gets it for doing minimal content.)

Well correct me if i’m wrong but flying is mostly a world activity. So they put it in world activities. I mean I see both sides of the issue… I think it both makes some valid points.

At the end of the day this is what it is. Do it or dont. But while I think the hoops are high if you just never do those activities, it does make sense.

Yep. People who only do M+ keys need Pathfinder… why? To get to the dungeons slower?

No it should be unlocked in the same way that DR is. :dracthyr_shrug: :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: :person_shrugging:


That’s not really the point. I don’t think people hate DF pathfinder, but pathfinder in general. It’s inception was based off of something negative. Purely out of principle, this should have never been a thing in the first place.


Look at all of these white knights coming to Blizzard’s defense on a system that never should have been implemented. Quit seeing this as a “Blizzard descended down from the heavens, and bestowed upon the masses, the great power of Pathfinder!”

See this as more of a “Ugh, fine, you can have your flying back! But just to have the last laugh, there will be a set amount of contingencies behind everything, muahahaha”.

Speaking about PF in general, not just DF, before you sound the horns and come riding in on your good looking stallions.


I mean, I do. I play the game differently, I think my highest rep is 13 or something, I have 0 in the ZC rep. I was a bit disappointed when they announced PF, and I think slow flying should’ve just been given to everyone, but then I got over it. Slow flying is for the open world, I don’t do open world. It is what it is.

Maybe the people who didn’t “just get over it” still do the open world, so that’s why they didn’t “just get over it”.

i agree 100%

It’s always been ridiculous. Now it’s just absurd.

We must use fast flight to unlock…slow flight.


If they’re still doing open world content, then they should probably have the rep and this entire argument becomes kind of a nil issue.

Right, so then what’s the point of having the requirement?

Pathfinder is certainly not needed for DF zones… you can get everywhere, faster, with DR. If that is too difficult or motion sickness inducing, unlock flight paths and use those.

The only thing I can think of as a benefit to unlocking slow flying is to afk fly to a dungeon / location (just get the FP if you need to afk your way somewhere)… or to farm herbs/ore which is fairly pointless given how many bots there still are / AH prices.

That being said… they should just implement something similar to FFXIV. Do a handful of side quests and find locations in each zone to unlock flying (or pathfinder in this case). That is adequate to ensure people visit each zone and admire the work that went into them.

What do you think the people are gonna do with flying?

And if that’s the reason they can’t add flying, why did people get dragon riding from the start, if that’s just a better form of flying?