Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

That poster has NOTHING to offer here, lmao.
Dragonriding was for pretty much an hours worth of EASY questing.
And gold costs have been removed from flight when you hit the next level for riding. Just happened to me the other day.
So this gold cost crap is a hoax at this point.
Dragonridng was given for some EASY quests in an HOUR…so should normal flight be

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Indeed, truly a shame that people can be given something that’s better than what they had, but because it isn’t exactly what they had they complain about it.


Still waiting for a compelling reason flying needs to be locked behind pathfinder.

I guess I’ll keep waiting.

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yeah…shame on them for daring to have motor skill issues, vision and motion sickess problems.

Your perma blocked son…byebye

still waiting for a compelling reason flying needs to exist at all*

guess I’ll keep waiting.

What’s even more amazing is how you’re still in here complaining about the complainers despite being given something better than what you had.

Wow I guess people really will complain about anything…

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“I can’t handle dissent so I will block you”
keep on keeping on, rate you’re going you’ll have the entire playerbase blocked.

Misery projecting misery.
They have nothing better to do with their time than demean and belittle others to build themselves up.

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Ion and Co just can’t stop being petulant children after they didn’t get their way in WoD, and just have to constantly find a way to punish the players that prefer regular flying. Part of me hopes they drive this game into the ground, and end up having to take huge pay cuts after being reassigned to less desirable projects. If it happens, they will only have themselves to blame for being the spiteful little children they are.


Because flying in games can be relaxing. I like getting on a mount that i like. And fly mindlessly through a beautiful with good music.

Not everything is about you

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you’ve been waiting 9 years, keep waiting lmao

Clearly what this is about. Ion just seems to think we cant figure it out, I guess.
PF was about exploring on the ground.
That didnt happen this time so PF has NO VALID purpose.
And give its only really affecting lesser abled players, it shouldnt exist at all in this expansion.


Not sure I’d call it dissent. You’re in here throwing a tantrum about “muh good ol days” because some people want old flying, and there’s still no good reason for it to be locked behind pathfinder.

At the same time you’ll bemoan and belittle those posters because they don’t agree with you that dragon riding is better than regular flying (which is irrelevant, because we have both).

It truly is a sight to behold. You could be doing anything else with your life and you’re choosing to be a waste of breath.

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After seeing the way they are handling it this expansion, it really makes think either, Ion is just being that petty towards the players, or since Dragonriding is something they created and regular flying isn’t, they want to wipe away old flying because they didn’t create it.


It doesn’t. I already said that an optional gold cost instead would be fine.

Getting? It used to be a lot more. Used to have to find all the treasures, Loremaster for the expansion. Hell legions had 3 different parts. Initially it was quite extensive. Its been nerfed a little bit.Still some work but not more than it used to be.

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Oh so we’re just gonna be intentionally obtuse about it then. Understood.

Here’s a question. Do you think they should lock dragon riding behind an obscene gold cost, or behind an achievement after 2 major patches next expansion? It is, after all, better than regular flying, so the barrier for entry should be considerably higher?

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I’m in here saying that we don’t need old flying, did you accidentally attribute someone elses comments to me?

We do need old flying because dragonriding doesn’t work for some people. Disabilities, motion sickness, etc. If the zones were designed for the ground mounts maybe you could argue that but they are clearly designed for flying in Dragonflight.


Wouldn’t have admitted this if I were you. Doesn’t make you look good.