Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

Maybe so but it wasn’t increasing in proportion to gold cap like you were claiming.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

That has nothing to do with pathfinder, flying doesn’t cost gold at all to anyone anymore

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We are talking about pathfinder not dragon riding

They said having gotten flight for an HOURS worth of EASY quests

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Just play the game

Me: Does whole zone of wqs and dreamsurge and time rift

Just play the game

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True, true.

But at this point people have very few arguments left.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

lmao…we’re talking flight son…catch up.
Again…YOU got flight day one for an HOURS worth of EASY questing.
Now youre in here railing on other players who want the same EASY flight they like

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Because after MoP, flying costs were replaced with Pathfinder.

1 million gold cap in mop is a greater gold cap than 214k in LK, logically it follows that the price should be going up if it were to be implemented for a gold cost as more players have more gold.
also for all your talk about arguments running out you still have yet to rebuke a single one. You just keep repeating “nuh-uh” with your fingers in your ears.

Right so between flying being in the game already, and the people that have been playing already having it, what’s the point to locking regular flying behind pathfinder? So that people who may have taken a break, gotten disillusioned by DF, or otherwise didn’t keep up with DF have to come back to the same conditions things were in when they left?

What do you gain from cheering for that?

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lmao…AGAIN…when flight first came out , son it was a HUGE deal.
And NOW it isnt.
Try harder.

Not in proportion as you made the claim. That is on you as that is your argument.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

“Pathfinder is getting ridiculous” the topic of this thread.

Some people like to watch the world burn.

Yeah those types exist out there.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

really wasn’t, try your hardest.

And now flying costs are gone entirely, so again, I’m not sure what one has to do with the other in November 2023 when flying costs nothing and dragon riding was given to us for free as an expansion feature on day one.

There is no logical response to that REGARDLESS of their hyperbolic rhetoric.

PF was SUPPOSEDLY about exploring on the ground first…well THAT DIDNT HAPPEN this expansion so PF cleary has NO VALID purpose but to torment a small part of the player base needlessly.
And it has good company…miserables in here foaming at players who want what THEY got…EASY flight for an HOURS worth of EASY questing lmao


For vanilla through MoP.


we already have flying? oh damn what are all these people complaining about then eh they should just go fly about it.

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An excellent question. Mostly they just seem desperate for something to complain about, and this is their Complaint-Cause-of-the-Week.