Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

If you have been playing the game these should’ve already been completed.

its all but money they want you in
that game grinding!

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Right, so what’s the point?

They always lied.

Gimmicks like flight whistles, glinders, feather, etc.

The truth is finally coming out!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:



Play the game!

Pvp’er are going…we do. AB doesn’t give out points for this. IOC…yeah, no rep/renown.

Only time some pvp does pve is when forced to. TBC(c) attunements then wrath got nicer…but still some BIS is raid based.

IN SL pvp upgrade was locked to this crap. and by 9.1 to 9.2 times we at least got rng renown hits from bg runs.


Point is you dont get a rewards given to those who played the game, for not playing the game.

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when flying was implemented, the gold cap was some 214,000ish gold (I’m rounding down btw)
Now the gold cap is 10,000,000 gold, to pay a comparatively similar amount you’d need to spend 230K per character to fly. Still think flying should just be a gold thing?

  1. Flying used to cost gold.
  2. While Blizzard’s lying about flying in WoD was inexcusable, Pathfinder at least got rid of the gold cost.
  3. Considering how pricy things are since MoP (which was the last time we had a gold cost for flying), I’d expect a gold price of 100k gold or so.
  4. Gold costs were per-character, so 100k gold per character.

We have been most since the beginning. How many times do you want us unlock poor man’s flying?

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Gold cost wasn’t going up after it was introduced TBC so not sure where you are going up with that argument.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Rewards like Dragonriding that you got hour one for a few easy quests?
Why are you here? To troll other players for no valid reason?

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Playing the game is not difficult and the storylines that you mentioned that you have to complete for Pathfinder, you had to complete anyways to play the game.

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No just stating facts.

actually, mop was 1500 gold more than lich king was so you’re just blatantly lying now.

I think hyperbolic rhetoric isnt helping your argument, lmao.
When that was all a thing, son…flight was a HUGE deal.
HERE TODAY flight ISNT a huge deal…
Its a mode of travel.
Try harder next time.

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Oh cute, you think flying is a “reward” lol

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what fact, son? that you had flight in the first hour for a handful of joke easy quests and now you have to come into these threads hounding other players for wanting the same thing YOU got?


Flying doesn’t cost gold at all to anyone anymore, that has nothing to do with pathfinder


No flying has been in DF since day 1

flying has always just been a mode of travel since its inception, try harder.