Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

If you set your character to walk (not run), never got on a dragon, and refused to hit any buttons in combat other than right click to auto-attack, you would be able to finish the zone storylines in the first month, rather than the first two weeks.

I had Dragon Isles Loremaster within two weeks of launch.

It has. But what makes it tough is that the people complaining the loudest about pathfinder use those people as shields when asking for it.

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Rested xp, dungeon spam, and assumed soon in the future anniversay xp boost (usually they do this)…some will level out much faster.

Some won’t do the side fiddly bits. Make the game end game focused, mix in, to some, bad story…they skip stuff. just get to level cap so they can spam to make the raider io people happy becomes a main goal.

Not a bad thing really. MMORPG to some has rp skips some bits. its not part of their RP.

I for exampe usually never help nessingwary in wrath. I on some RP’s for some chars don’t want to stop at collecting his henchman’s ears.

I would really like to bring those DEHTA druid’s a special gift. Nessignwary’s head.

One must cut off the head of an organization to be truly effective.

So I never really see the basin beyond exotic pet tame attempts.

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This is all over the place. People usually do the campaign whenever first season is out.

Apparently they do not comprehend that players play the game differently.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Pathfinder never should have been a thing in the first place. It was an implementation just to punish the player that left the game due to the original removal of flying in Warlords of Draenor.

This isn’t a compromise, it’s not a “Hey, play our game, pat us on the back”, this is a “If you want flying so bad, then we’re going to make you jump through hoops to get it back! (out of spite)”. This is not a kindness, this is a punishment, and some people will defend this, bend over and say “Thank you Blizzard, may I have another!?”


It is worse when they time gate it. They try to attach as many hurdles but that is why TBC flying has stood the test of time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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The only thing wrong with pathfinder was that it didn’t actually award flying.

Instead it gave an I.O.U. for flying a year later into the expansion.

With flying available from Day One this expansion, I have no issues with Dragonflight pathfinder.

(And I was one of the LOUDEST complainers about the old pathfinder delay.)

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It’s really easy to say “suck it up and do the pathfinder stuff, it’s easy” to the players who post about it, but the simple fact remains that there’s really no reason it has to exist in the first place. Like zero reason it has to exist at all.

And with dragonriding already being a thing in DF, there’s even less reason to gate normal flying behind anything.

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Pathfinding is free. If you want to pay 100k gold per character instead, I think that would be a fine option for them to add.

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I’d love that, I have millions.

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What was going through your head when you thought this made sense to post? Just curious

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Theyre proving they LIED, thats about all theyre doing with this PF.
It was about the exploration from the ground and danger…well duh… we got dragonriding day one…HOUR one…so there was no danger on the ground.
Any attempt to justify PF this time is a lie. A fabrication. Fantasy.

Since we KNOW it wasnt for exploring on the ground for 10 months in DF…that leaves petty spite aimed at lesser abled gamers to be pretty much all it can be about this time.


I think this is one of the most important aspects of any discussion about flying, it was simply a non issue, just a mode of transportation before Ion decided to come out of the closet about his distain for it and then failed removal attempt.

Whenever Ion is replaced, i hope the new person doesn’t continue on with this silly vendetta.


Flight should be no more than the cost of ONE wow token REGARDLESS of what any joker wants to claim…who…by the way, had THEIR version of flight in the first hour of release, yet for some reason cant stop railing and foaming at others who want the same thing THEY got…EASY flight for an HOURS worth of EASY questing, lmao


lol…VERY easy for them to run their mouths at others about it…given THEY got their flight for an HOURS worth of nothing easy quests.

My guess is misery projecting misery in here. Unhappy with life so have to spend their days attacking fellow gamers over meaningless topics.

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Ah, the good 'ol days of Burning Crusade. Either new players that haven’t experienced the months long gathering and auction house grind; Or older players that forgot about that. Even then, I was almost 60, or at 60 a bit before I had the level 40 ground mount. A friend told me of the OG Auctioneer Addon, the one that scanned the AH, and you could set only your herbs and metal bars to a list to make it easier. After that it wasn’t as bad earning gold. Still took ages to do. I was level 70 for so long before I could even get a basic flying mount too. Lest not forget we still can’t fly in the Blood Elf and Dranei starting zones. Or the fact it wasn’t until Cataclysm we could fly outside Northrend and Outland.
Almost forgot, you needed to purchase a flying manual for Northrend. Which was an expensive grind.

This is so easy to get in comparison. So yeah, 100k gold would be a good start. Especially since herb and ore prices are going back to what they were back then. It may take some a few months of using Routes with a gathering DB addon.

I have great news for you. It isn’t.


Still haven’t seen a compelling reason that regular flying needs to be locked behind anything in DF