Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

If you had to go out of your way for rep you weren’t playing. It’s not even max. It’s 15

Pvp players would have played the main quests and get rep via weeklies. Try again.

This is the easiest Pathfinder since they moved to it years ago. It’s a single achievement, and the rep grind for Pathfinder part 2 in Legion was horrendous. Meanwhile, I got 1,500+ Loam Nifflen rep after the reset today. It’s 2500 per level.

I went to start catching up on my Explorers rep too. As I was not doing much to fix it, and saw that I needed it at 26 for the last campaign quest chain in my log. Already past 15 rep, and close to 20. Are you sure you’ve played every expansion since Burning Crusade came out?

It was one in during Draenor in 2015, and two for Legion and BFA. Did you join in Shadowlands when they did an experiment that had you do the main story and get to 44 with your covenant? Cause that took forever, and they made flying in Zerith Mortis it’s own separate achievement. This seems like the most balanced one yet, as you get a weekly rep where you don’t have to choose ONE faction, but get all the main ones at once. Which was an issue in the past, when trying to get to exalted, and having to choose which one. So you were grinding for months.

Like others have said, with this one you will only need to grind the rep and do the story for a single faction if you’ve been playing since the start of the expansion. I imagine the exploration will take less than a day. I took a break for the other one, but came back as I enjoy both; Along with needing a change of pace for a couple months.

Any rep grind given a time gate already happened and DR was in use day one doesn’t make sense at this point.

BlizZard painted themselves in a corner.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:



They used to be nice here.

Can you basic fly? Yes.

are you max artisan flight? No.

Well good news, here is your cold weather flight book. You will jsut fly slow as hell.

Which has been fine for me on some chars. 1500 gold book I can do. 4500gold to get artisan? Yeah that not on the budget at this time for a char or 2.

they jsut fly from dalaran to WG keep to turn in weekly quests. That doesn’t need to break speed records for me.

But they gave me nice simple options. Cool as hell that.


Being able to buy tomes for your alts to fly was cool. WotLK did a lot of things right.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Pathfinder: to get things you must do things

People: i dont want to earn things just give it to me

Game:: The things are easy and passive

People: Still dont wanna. Gimme!!!

Exploring and working with the npcs is the game. Pvp is just a mini game you can get in any console game. Play the game if you want to get things or dont do them and dont do the rewards. Same answer when people want better gear. Do the work to get it

I dont pvp or M+, so I dont get those rewards like keymaster. Do I complain I dont get the ksm or gladiator mounts? No. Why? I didnt do the thing to get the things.

Pathfinder is the ksm/glad reward for doing the open world content.

Pathfinder has always been a ridiculous set of hoops to jump through. All to earn an ability we all had in 2007.


Except flying is not a vanity reward.


If you have such an aversion to playing the game that you think pathfinder is hard to accomplish maybe you should play a different game.

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That is the problem with patchfinder. BlizZard thinks it is a cosmetic reward which isn’t true at all.

Players would be more willing to engage with outworld content with TBC flying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I mean I can see how it might look daunting…but I haven’t even been back to the game for 2 months. And I already meet all the requirements…except for the Dream Wardens stuff which isn’t out yet. And that’s in addition to finishing up a bunch of SL stuff that I missed.

These are my favorite type of people in this debate. The ones that demand those with legitimate medical issues that prevent them from using dragonriding just get rid of their disabilities and adapt to dragonriding or quit the game. They can not fathom and refuse to fathom the idea that dragonriding is not god’s edict and there are people who prefer regular flying.


OP, Blizzard doesn’t know how to take the W’s… they just like to spite people…


Isn’t this what we did in the beginning of the expansion?

If someone has a medical problem, then yeah, I can understand their plight. I will also stand by my position, which is that Pathfinder really isn’t necessary to unlock regular flight in the Dragon Isles. Honestly, the two should have been available simultaneously.


The only things I don’t have done for pathfinder is Loamm renown to 15 and exploring the Emerald Dream and that renown to 15. Everything else is already done.

The entire list boils down to “Do the storyline for the expansion and get partway through the reps.” Almost the entire list, barring the reps, should have been completed within the first two weeks by the majority of the playerbase.

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Has it ever occurred to you that the people that need normal flying the most (people with medical/disability issues that make DR difficult) are also going to have the hardest, slowest time completing that list?


Which is easy and not ridiculous.

Ridiculous would be more like if it required this Ohnaran Plains achievement instead:

(Every 78 hours, the camp moves to one of the new locations. To get credit you have to be there when it happens and defend them en route. And you have to do all 3 migration routes.)