Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

Yeah, blame the player for a bad system. Logical, what?

Pathfinder is a pimple on the face of WoW. Is, always has been. There is no game logic for it, it is purely there to increase player activity, which is a time-played metric they can flash at their investors.

And to introduce it to make the (arguably) lesser form of flight available later in the expansion is utterly stupid. They could turn it on now, with a flip of a proverbial switch. Again, logical, yes? No.


I took a break myself after Dragonflight released. When I came back a couple of months later, it didn’t take me more than a couple of weeks for me to reach rank 10 or higher with all of these factions, and I hadn’t really done anything with them before my break.

I don’t know what you are doing exactly, but…it’s clearly not rep grinding.

The only one I could see being an issue would be the Iskaar. It was much faster before the revamp since more people participated in the soup event.

Well, better start playing the game and doing things that give rep

Good design makes people do things they find fun. Bad design forces people to do things they don’t.


question; is this unlocked once you done it w/ 1 character or each has to do this?

Well, don’t play the game, don’t get the rewards

Same as always

The thing is we ARE playing the game. Like i said, a lot of us do what DF has to offer, wqs, dreamsurges, events, etc.

Just because we’re not playing high end content or no lifing it, doesn’t mean we aren’t playing the game


Then you would have all the requirements for pathfinder, minus the new rep, already done.
It will be quick and easy to get.

Bro unironically saying getting rep is high end content or no lifing


With renown in DF, you kinda get out of it whatever you put into it. If you actually focused on it to any sort of degree and participated in what is available, you would be a lot farther along.

It took me some time to find my groove and figure out what was what, so maybe you just need to figure it all out first, and that’s okay.

Whether the renown grind is necessary or not for regular flying is a whole other topic entirely though, but I do agree it’s not really necessary for what is, in my opinion, a lesser form of flight.

Shots fired!

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Yeah totally not necessary to have pathfinder when we can already fly.
But with the requirements being so low that even the most casual of players will achieve it within a few weeks, its hard to take issue with it.

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The number of pathfinder posts is getting ridiculous. People spending too much time here instead of getting things done before next week

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If 10.2 is indeed the last major patch, it’s not really much of a surprise that they’d want to keep players busy as long as humanly possible. But we don’t have any sort of confirmation for that yet.

Difficult? How is doing the quests to unlock World Quests and then flying around in each zone for maybe 5 minutes difficult?

Actually they are since they do not protect their own employees or pay them a fair living wage.

I think BlizZard workers deserve a raise and then a food party.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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You cant take a step somewhere without getting renown with someone.

I need something to do during the RP bosses in Naxx. shrug.

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Exactly. Why force people to play it in a certain way? Why can’t PvP’ers earn it doing what they like to do, or why can’t people who spend a lot of time raiding earn it from their preferred way of playing the game? Same with the gatherer/crafter.

Not everyone fits into the same mould. The beauty of an open world MMO is being able to carve your own niche out and enjoy the game on your own terms. Pathfinder’s narrow focus takes that choice away from many players for no good reason, other than trying to force engagement on things that don’t always appeal to many players.


Dragonflight: Play how you want! Ignore the dumpsterfire that was systemlands and covenant locking.

Well that went out the window now!

Apparently we are all playing the game incorrectly.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: