Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

Pathfinder in an expansion with dragon riding does feel pretty weird.

My suspicion is honestly it’s an anti-bot mechanism, especially for Druids.

Very interesting how you don’t mention warlords of draenor. Almost curious

That’s probably the first reasoning I’ve seen that actually could make some bit of sense.

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I agree, I just started playing DF and getting renoun up to 15 is a chore. The base story from the zones maybe gets you to level 5.
Also the real question is why is this even a thing for a worse version of flying in DF?

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I said decline starts

Why would I mention xpacs that came out after the game was declining

Plus subs technically went back up with legion and that also had pathfinder

Pathfinder enjoyers: Yay, finally an expac where you don’t feel pressured to log in all the time. There’s no borrowed power to grind out in the world, you can just do what you want whenever you want!

Also Pathfinder enjoyers: What, you haven’t been grinding completely optional world content to get all your reps to 15? Do you even play the game?


If stopping bots was the point, it’d be far more effective to disable mounted gathering and yoink anti-daze mount gear. The anti-daze gear was what let botters run wild in Shadowlands before flight was ever turned on (they could simply outrun whatever was aggroing on them as they made their circuit), and it all still works in the Dragon Isles. And now, with the profession revamp, the mounted gathering druids were doing in previous expansions, EVERYONE can do.

At best Pathfinder temporarily “saves” the newest 10% of the game from the worst of the botters (because they’re definitely still in Zaralek Cavern), while the botters run roughshod over the other 90% of the game.

People who maintain proper perspective: pathfinder is easy and not a big deal.

Players:We want to use normal flying mounts in the Dragon Isles!

Blizzard:Okay, fine, just play Dragonflight and get an easy amount of rep (that most of you already have) and it’s yours.



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I’d be all for them removing the anti-daze feature but I have a feeling players would be pretty upset about.

Obviously I have no idea if pathfinder is a part of any anti-bot mechanism, but it clearly adds quite a bit of required playtime to any new bot account.

To that absurd claim I would say prove it. And not be playing more than 2 or 3 hours a day. Beause some of us only have about that much time.

I played the game plenty, don’t have most of the reqs. So no.

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so if dragonriding had never existed, you would have done ALL of DF while on ground mounts, and THEN now had to do the pathfinder achievement.

Yeah, that’s so much better?

I’d blame you for almost anything wow related you complain about. Your 35 thousand posts force blizzard to hunker down and refuse to give you what you want just out of spite for your spoiled rear end. Going full Karen never works. Never go full Karen.

I don’t think that’s the flex you think it is. You just lazy my guy.

Why should flying be anything but the default in the game anyway? Save that time for doing real stuff that matters and actually playing the game towards a real goal rather than playing the game to get something so that I can then focus on the real goal.

This is like if I needed to earn money for a living IRL but every year or two the state forces me to take driver’s education and take a test all over again…


Like just afk’ing in the towns or specifically avoiding everything that gives rep?

Arena, M+, raids, BGs, and much more doesn’t give rep.


You earn it by playing the game. Like. I don’t understand what all of this complaining comes from. It’s not hard. At all. If you did the story and unlocked world quests, you are almost done.

Well in that case, regularly flying probably isn’t remotely useful to you then