Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

Crazy thought here, but it’s really not, if you have been passively doing the activities for the expansion up to this point then you probably have a lot of this done. If you haven’t then the sojourner quests will give you a TON of rep to bring you close to 15 quickly. All the moaning about pathfinder is getting to be tedious at this point, its not hard at all, and takes a little effort to get a reward out of the game, shocker I know.

In fact I feel like previous iterations were worse as we didn’t have nearly the same amount of rep gain options as we do now. The only bad reps are iskaara and niffen given both don’t have many quests that give rep in comparison to the other three current ones. Yet even getting to 15 for those is a cake walk compared to BFA and SL’s.

There is such a thing as arguing on the principle of the matter.

Pathfinder in this context makes no sense, since we started the expansion in the air. It’s obviously not a given that people that have been actively playing the game (myself included) are at renown 15.

The height of the hoop we need to jump through is less important than the unnecessary existence of the hoop in the first place.


I’m just going to say it, pathfinder shouldn’t really be a thing in the first place.

You could fly by just paying gold and know how to fly. PT is a stupid system to begin with. You automatically lose the ability to use your favorite mounts at the start to mid expac because of this crap. You can still use them, but they won’t fly


But i guess they wanted PT, fine, there’s a solution, make it easier. Just explore the major zones, do the main stories, and that’s it. It doesn’t need to be a difficult mess.

It doesn’t need to require rep/renown. They are making us do work that we don’t want to do because they hate us.


The dragon in Valdrakken has the 2500 rep for 10 world quests up this week.

TLDR: Play Dragonflight

Grind to go slower lmao

Oh I wholly agree with that, it was stupid to add pathfinder this expansion, but the requirements are not as egregious as people are making them out to be.

We are playing the game, just that…

Grabs microphone and puts it at your ear*



I don’t think you understand what that word means.

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I really appreciate the posts like the one you’re replying to – it lets me know who to ignore because they have no intention of adding anything useful.

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Playing the game and grinding tedious tasks are two entirely different things!


I’m pretty sure Draenor Pathfinder was worse?

It’s not about what’s worse or better, it’s about how stupid it is

achievements are account wide, and pathfinder has always been account wide as well.

If you consider playing the game a tedious task, maybe it’s not the game for you

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You know that it’s optional, and you already have a flight system in place, right? That this is to unlock old-world flight. So it’s in no way comparable to old Pathfinders where you had to do it to get flying.

Maybe you do and you just haven’t had your coffee yet this morning. But, you don’t have to get Pathfinder immediately out of the gate like WoD, et al.

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I wasn’t here for WoD, i’m a legion baby

And trust me, i complained about PT there too. Because PT is STUPID. In general.

FFXIV has flying, and it’s incredibly simple. And it’s a success.

WoW’s flying is complicated and not needed, and gets a lot of hate.

See the problem

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It’s not complicated though

Play the expansion, get flying, then fly around

Not really complicated at all

When you no life it

A small handful of quests a week = no life?

Man, you must just see the log in screen and think that’s enough gameplay for now