Pathfinder is getting ridiculous

I’ll continue to see it more as “Flying no longer costs gold and is account-wide, in return for playing the game in a minimal fashion.”

That’s exactly what this is, though.

As far as pathfinders go, this is the most braindead one they’ve come out with to date.
Previous required treasure collecting, killing/camping rares, getting exalted with all the reps, weird time gated campaigns that lasted months.

This one, 15 renown, super doable VERY quickly I might add. Loamm being the most time consuming so far, but this is without knowledge of how dream wardens is going to be.
Exploring, super cake with how fast dragonriding is.
Campaign, you should do this anyway, if not just for the story. But you get a lot of renown just from this too.

I do agree, pathfinder is pretty moot in 2023 though.

The crazy thing is we’ve already learned how to fly. All we want now is ‘junk flying’ as the booger-goobers might say. And what’s extra crazy is ~they~ get mad at us for simply wanting ‘junk flying.’


We need renown 15 with this too???

[edit] Oh, are these the new people? Thought it was something else.

lmao. Um some of us might blame the cost of living mate. Some of us have lives outside the game. If they want more people to come back and play the game, they should make it easier for them to do so.


I do reps as soon as possible, and you get a lot of it leveling through the content.

So for me it’s just exploring Emerald Dream and it’s a snooze

15 in each rep is pretty easy if you do dailies and tokens

But…that’s what the requirements are? The first 4 you need to do before you can even unlock WQs on that account, so that’s half the list done for everyone already.

Pathfinder was originally added so you explored the whole expansion before flying and seeing everything from the skies. But in an expansion were we have had another form of flying from the beginning it seems kinda pointless, like jumping through redundant hoops

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Well if slow flying is for open world what is DR for then?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


As I said in the “official” thread about this, (I hesitate to call it official given the outright lack of communication against the wall of feedback regarding pathfinder…)

I will be voting with my wallet on this one. I’ve got 4 months left on my sub to fill out the warden trading post. After that, unless I see something that truly captures my attention (Solo anything, so a solo pillar) I will not be coming back.

Yes, say that it’s an MMORPG, and if I don’t like multiplayer, then I should leave and play other games. Well, I’m leaving. I can’t in good conscience support a company that is so out of touch with common sense.

What’s curious to me is that Shadowlands didn’t burn me out despite its many systems. Instead, Dragonflight has caused apathy in me for the future of Blizzard going forward.

Going back to the topic at hand, to everyone who is still providing feedback about pathfinder, thank you. I just can’t be bothered to care anymore.


Good luck to you and you are a valued member of the WoW community.

Sorry to see you go but it is clear that BlizZard is still waging a war against TBC flight.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


My guy, take a few deep breaths and re-read my first post in this thread.

For me? Getting to and from instances. Having slow flying wasn’t gonna change thay either, to be honest.

100% this

Game is just mild entertainment

If it feels like work what’s the point?

Modern design sadly revolves more around dopamine feedback addiction loops and tracking how much players will endure for a given carrot rather than making sure players are having fun

Anyone saying ‘just play the game’ is massively out of touch and unable to see anything outside their extremely narrow tunnel view

Wow entertains a huge multitude of player types and the game is played in many many ways

Pathfinder literally chases players away from the game, and has been doing so for a long time now


I have 2 reps at 15+ renown level. I have 10 characters who are 430+ ilvl. I ran 452 M+ this season. I play the game, I just don’t do the crap that gets me renown because I find it boring. That’s my issue with Pathfinder. Lock it behind exploration/story, not rep/renown. That’s been my complaint since the first pathfinder, and it’ll be my complaint every single time one comes out until Blizzard gets it.

That being said, I am not even trying to get pathfinder this go around because I prefer Dragonriding so I couldn’t care less about regular flying now.

I just won’t do it. I know they put these things in to stretch game time. I’ll just play another game in the meantime


I sometimes think WoW has gotten too fat in styles of game play and the player base if just simply spread too thin in their own little pocket worlds of game play. This has caused the us vs them feelings between groups of players on various styles of game play for many years now. It has also locked people into a I refuse to do anything else but the little content that I do mode, mind set.

There is no happy ending to the story when it comes to this type of issue.

What you’re saying could be true but I think the main problem with pathfinder is that its a totally arbitrary thing. They didn’t add it when flying was released, you either had the gold or you didn’t.

The idea that one must now “earn” something which was already available to them is absurd. And there’s no gameplay reason for it. It’s not good game design and any reasoning devs give is just corporate nonsense.

Every single day you play or don’t play this game, you pay. Might just be a few cents but you pay. Across hundreds of thousands or millions of players, this adds up. They know that any extra day someone spends playing is money in their pockets. So why not make em play longer??

The average player may be comfortable wasting time playing a game but is not comfortable having their time wasted for someone else’s profit

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Is the achievement already in-game? I want to know what i havent done.

So, I don’t plan on bothering because Dragonriding is so superior to flying anyway BUT in a world where we can already fly in the zones with DR it blows my mind that they didn’t take the easy win that would have been just giving us all regular flying in this patch for the people that do want to slow fly.

Why does it need to be a chore at all?