Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Very nice. Actually my dumb self never even thought about holding onto rep bags until I get 10 and double it on a different toon. Oh wait, maybe cause rep bags used to be character bound?

Sorry to hear what you are going through.

It feels so wrong given late in the expansion cycle to force people to use DR just to have access to TBC flying. So, so wrong.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It’s more that both chars do the campaign and both chars get the tokens. But one can wait to start until after the other is renown 10 and get much more value from them and the quest track itself.

this would had been a simple fix if they just allowed normal / hovers on the new dragons from the go. i like dr but i want to hover. the pathetic thing of it all you’re legit grinding… for the basic b, slow flying…

it’s mind bogglingly hilarious

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Yeah, unfortunately it seems it will take some time to (hopefully) oust the one that needs to be ousted. I hope Microsoft is paying attention to what their new company is doing, not that there’s been a ton of evidence that they will but I can hope next expac will be better ugh.

People love dragonflying, I don’t know why spitting on disabled people is necessary? People want to keep DF Blizzard, mission accomplished, unlock regular flying so everyone can be happy together AS EQUALS


The targeting disabled players is BS. That narrative and manipulative stance is getting old and tired. It’s just the latest excuse people are using against PF.

We ALL have to do it who want regular flying and accomplish the same requirements.

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Sure but that doesn’t stop us from letting them know that it’s stupid and needs to change.

Like I’ve said several times: the entire point of Pathfinding is to ground us for a year (or whatever) to make us see the world from that view point and to make sure we don’t skip mobs. That is what Ion said in an interview.

Well, we have been skipping mobs and viewing the world from the sky this entire xpac. There is no reason to make people jump through hoops to fly slower.

So people are going to tell Blizzard how stupid and spiteful this decision is in hopes that we can get it changed. It’s called “feedback” and one of the functions of General Discussion is to provide a platform to leave feedback.


We’ve been telling them for 10 years. Some is feedback, yes. Most is noise.

By now, it’s the lay of the land. People either complete Pathfinder or don’t.


Nah I’m going to give up. I’m going to keep telling them that it’s stupid and spiteful.


I love these threads.

What lesson? That a few people will cry on the forum, do the achievement, and move on with life?

It doesnt NEED to change, clearly, or it wouldnt have been just fine for ~7 years now.


No one needs to give up at all. Good luck. Maybe it will change.

But for some to suggest it’s targeting a certain group is extreme even for this player base.

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If I was to guess I think that they view PF as a retention mechanic but I think that in doing it that way they are punishing players that would have played through a content drought and start of the expansion if they released TBC flying early and with no strings attached.

This type of mind games with the player base while they sit silently about a hot topic says it all really.

Failure to communicate intent is often the recipe for disaster even if this issue may resolve in a more reasonable manner. The point is that it does not have to reach that point in the first place for them to offer a sincere and clear communication.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I am disabled, I was targeted and silenced for speaking against blizzard’s ableism. You telling people to be quiet essentially “becuz it annoy me” is selfish. Maybe if you don’t like seeing the disabled stand up for themselves, you find your way to the mute thread button and toddle off.

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I guess I’ll just be done with DF and keep playing classic. Maybe the next expansion they’ll get right.

I don’t need the old flying in DF but if these are the antics they’re pulling… just can’t wait to see what else they’re doing to induce FOMO and reinforce time played metrics. These little gating bits aren’t fun. Make the game fun again that I can enjoy on my time - like I do in classic.

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You weren’t targeted.
You weren’t silenced.
Quit playing the victim card. Do pathfinder and fly to your hearts content.

It is the only choice outside of quitting that you have.


Blizzard is not going to change their mind with the Pathfinder requirements. Either you do requirements or just quit the game.


Blizzard is not going to change their minds about the requirements of Pathfinder at this point or Pathfinder being required to unlock old school flying, with the release of the patch being on Nov 7th. It is all but in the bag as to how that patch is going live at this point.


Its total BS to have pathfinder going to do normal flight in Dragon Islands…we have already been flying since day 1 there…and it given to us FREE no gimps…no restrictions…no grinding reps…here use it get those rings in the air and dragon fly faster…at that point Normal flying should of been introduced same day…but nope Blizzard got to pull a BS mess with grinding out reps and punish the disabled folks…


I was excited to ride on my old mounts, then was 100% disappointed when I saw it was NORMAL FLYING and not allowing me to dragonride on my old mounts, of which we have the animations for now.

So, no pathfinder for me, what’s the point?

Stuck on my crappy default dragon still, gg.

Yeah you are voicing feedback and I think that is more than reasonable.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: