Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Blizzard seems hell bent on this being a less than 100k active players a day game.


You can also play a different game too.

Whoever thought this was a good idea isn’t a gamer.


It isnt just the disabled folks. In fact, more non-disabled people want old flying back.

Virtually every player that spends a lot of time gathering materials want it back. People who can play at work want it back.
People who need to afk often want it back.
People who just hate the speed of the dragons want it back.
People who hate the controls want it back.
People who dont have the reflexes want it back.
People who actually love dragons and think the mechanic blows want it back.

I fall into the “im a gatherer and love dragons” categories and thus hate the very idea of dragon riding as an open world system.


I agree with this. Pathfinding isn’t as bothersome when you don’t need it traverse the terrain. This one’s just a luxury, not really necessary and being locked behind an achieve doesn’t sting as much.
That being said, I still don’t see the need for it.
Sucking less still sucks.

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Congratulations, come Nov 7th you get it back, it just comes with a little work attached to it. Fact is from day one of this xpac the Dev’s have said even the head Dev himself Ion that Old School flying would make an appearance in this xpac, (At A Later Patch Date). Which I would say for 80% of the players we all knew it would be about half way through the xpac, just like all the xpac’s since WoD.

Now for probably many of us, we probably in the back of our minds expected it to have some requirements and judging from the past xpac just went along and made sure we did much of the same things that was done in the past to have them caught up, even if that meant to do things we didn’t really like. I personally always had the feeling it would be locked behind a Pathfinder requirement. So I just did the things that normally you would find in Pathfinder over the course of the past year the xpac has been out and I didn’t whip myself doing it. I just did it very none actively, very casually. But I have all the renouns on at least one toon at max and all the requirement outside of the new zone and new renoun that will be showing up in the patch done.

I don’t even really think of it in the back of my head of, Ohh that was such a hard or terrible thing. I really don’t think much of it at all. It like such a blur that I even did it, it happen just so casually as I was just going around just doing general stuff.

I am sure at this point that very few people are actually going to quit the game come Nov 7th over Pathfinder, who have not already quit months and months ago or never really even picked up this xpac in the 1st place because they was turned off by it. People have been making noise about everything under the sun in this game about not liking it dating back when I 1st came to the forums back in Wrath. It never changes, Blizzard can never win no matter what they do, who they cave into and who they do not.

Just because someone says they don’t agree with you, doesn’t make them a troll or even not playing the game with the same goals or play style as you may have. Its just things that bother you, may not bother them as much or not as all. So they express themselves in these type of topics stating that things are not just one sided. For example I am also a gatherer on many of my 40 toons, and I love dragons, I also love riding on dragons. I give Dragonriding very high marks. I even did so in Beta when testing it out. I was very happy with the mechanic. I hope they continued to use it in some form going forward into the next xpac and even maybe open it up in old world content to be fully used.

No I dont, I already said I dont and why and I do not care what Ion said and why. Thank you for your long post that was completely useless as its filled with the same nonsense others have already spewed that matters a grand total of zero to those that hate dragonriding and are dissapointed with the entire expansion.

So thank you for the time you spent typing out all those words that does nothing for the future of this game which keeps getting dimmer and dimmer thanks to so many that keep excusing the piss poor decisions being made that is continually leading to more and more leaving over time. Now, im sure you are feeling the need to post another excuse that is EXACTLY the same as others have made about how this always happens to create yet another useless post despite the fact that that excuse was already proven wrong also.

Good MMOs do not lose large chunks of its playerbase. Bad ones do and THIS game did NOT start losing large chunks of players until the quality started to plummet and im sure at SOME POINT, even EvE online will eventually lose the players they managed to keep in their net since 2004…yet, havent yet. Same With FFXIV, there is no way they are going to keep GROWING their population with each expansion for yet another 10 years, eventually the QUALITY will drop as will the playerbase.

THAT, is the only thing that always happens with MMOs. The quality drops. And that is what you are blindly defending as being natural.


Sadly if there is not a single thing in the Dragonflight xpac that you personally enjoy. You detest it so much. I don’t see if Blizzard just handed you old school flight, that it would really change any of that outside of just you could now have your old school flight without doing anything and still hate everything about Dragonflight and not want to interact with any of the content of it.

To me if I got to that point, I would just take a break or go play classic or Diablo or something. I wouldn’t just say I would go pick herbs or mine ore for the whole xpac and stew in anger. I am not trying to be mean or nasty in saying that. A lot of people lost that loving feeling half way threw Cata, that is why from that point forward WoW lost it 12.5 million subs and started to slowly go down hill in population. It is also why you have a number of people who love Classic WoW over Retail.

I hope maybe the next xpac you find more enjoyable and your cup of tea. I am still having fun myself and am not a shame to say so and that I been subbed and doing it since WoW started up 20 years ago without breaks. And no I don’t really enjoy Classic, I don’t like to live in the past. But that is me.

I wish you peace and enjoyment and I hope you find what your crave in your gaming.


You couldnt resist posting exactly what I said you would.

Thank you for not having an original reply that hasnt already been touched on many times and being exactly what I said you would do. To have so little resistance to being predictable even after being told exactly what you were going to do…

Anyway, I look forward to you continually being a force of resistance to fellow players concerns in your push to drive the game into the ground for no reason other than to do it. And who are YOU to tell others that playing an MMO as a crafter is wrong and means they shouldnt be playing the game. Go away with your nonsense. This is a game going on 20 years old and only now has tossed in a flying mechanic that goes against a varied style of gameplay. Go find something to do other than resist your fellow players love of the game especially since it does literally ZERO against your style.


Yep tell your fellow players to not to try to silence you or your point of view or those whom share it. Yet turn around and tell everyone that oppose your point of view to shut up. Got to love your double standard. That alone speaks volumes.


im not disabled and i just hate making flying into a game, with binds for the dragon.


2 derps werent enough huh, now you are going to post acting as if wanting old school flying to not be trapped behind 15 reputations is telling people that only want dragonflying they cant have their opinion. Also loved the invented words I never said to try to actually have a point.

I cant even call you a troll, it would be an insult to them.


I do not think that is their goal but I think that they have lost sight that people matter more than metrics. Take care of the people aka customers and the metrics will take care of itself.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


But they along with almost everyone else didn’t even think oh, how will this change affect people with different disabilities.


Here again to remind people it’s not cute to think so lowly of people with disabilities that they can’t use a simple mechanic in a game.

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I do not know what has happened to the WoW community where they openly attack players with disabilities or outright say players are bots because they like TBC flying.

At this point people have crossed the line and this is a bad representation of what the WoW community used to be. United for all players.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:



Hey at least they listened. It was an arbitrary thing anyway.

Yeah the trolls are lucky I cant post gifs yet otherwise they would all be getting a direct reply with different ones of someone laughing hard at their impotent rage.


Congratulations if the removal of renown part of Pathfinder makes playing the game just that much more wonderful for you. I for one will not be losing any sleep over it one way or the other since I had max renown already anyways and it doesn’t and never did bother me to just do what ever Blizzard puts in the game for people to do. To me, its just part of the game and content to do. With so many always complaining they have nothing to do in the game, it really make me wonder what will ever happen the day Blizzard says they are done with Retail WoW content period.

This goes to show that feedback matters.

Bullying people into silence has been always a losing position to take.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: