Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

With all 29 posts you are surely believable.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

  1. Didn’t lie…come off your high horse
  2. Didn’t demean anyone, I didn’t go back and try to read 2000x threads on this. I asked a question and got a bunch of attitude and this whole “we dont have to explain *** to you response” which was unnecessary/unwarranted. I could then ask why they didnt just respond to one of the other 298432094830 threads on this instead of making a new one …but I didn’t. Stop assuming everyone has bad intent, it’s not necessary.

Ahh yes, a repeat offender. Was proven wrong, ignored the proof and then tries to demean with an uppity comment right before claiming they didnt demean anyone.

Bet too nieve to understand that is why people are sick of having to explain when all they get is posters like this.


maybe you should take a break, I didn’t demean…you went straight to attitude immediately so I’m responding in tune.

I take it in stride as a free bump to keep this topic visible. The last thing we need is a wall of new and returning players to be hit by the brick wall that is patchfinder.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


As one of those returning players I will do my part :wink:


Well since this all goes live Nov 7th, I doubt any change is going to happen at this point. So any further discussion is null at this point.

People were trying to tell others asking for old flying was pointless so…how about we keep talking instead.


Ion said from day one old flying would be added at some point in Dragonflight xpac, it was never in doubt. So I never understood why people kept acting like it was.

What you’ll notice if you visit the forums regularly is the same bunch are offended and furious about everything, because it’s all Ion’s war against them having “fun”

They are addicted to complaining and being outraged lol.


It does not exist until it does.

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That comes with a lot of asterisks and needs to be made more clear that it’s possible to COMPLETE the Pathfinder achievement on day one of the patch release and not be able to do the entire thing in one day. To complete it on day one you have to have done all the other steps outside of the Emerald Dream parts first.

Being able to finish patchfinder day one is far from true based on what we know so far.

But it doesn’t help that BlizZard doesn’t want to communicate.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


No way can you do new rep within a day. It’s gonna take at least 2 weeks, and that’s probably generous.

Still can’t beat the fiasco that was legion pathfinder.


Its possible first week, as is getting the augment rune, but two is more realistic.

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I haven’t checked much info about it but I’m doubting on that with how you can only do world quests twice a week.

Once again here to reiterate that disabled players deserve access to the game just as much as anyone else that pays the subscription. Blizzard you are disgusting for giving me a 30 day forum silence for speaking my truth. You removed posts without reason, and removed my voice by force too. If I am not here again for another month, just rest assured Blizzard is putting 100% effort into removing disabled players from their game

Microsoft Blizzard is an ableist company that puts up barriers to their disabled players instead of welcoming us with open arms as they purport to do with their “We welcome diversity of all kinds at blizzard” promise they made after they got caught violating other minorities in their offices.


It takes some clever optimisations but it’s very doable to hit at least renown 16 first week, if not more.

Details here.


Oh, and at what point did you have to grind till your eyeballs bleed to access dragonflying, day one, hour one…

Disabled people deserve access, with the same effort, to regular flying. Stop with this “but you could sit and grind for days” crap, you know its nonsense when compared to unlocking dragonflying, stop fighting against people who need accommodation.

Also you can stop typing, I ignore all ableists for my own mental health, just be better and hush.


Don’t drag me into your tirade please. I’m just here to provide accurate information.