Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

What I don’t understand is why do people care if we’re asking to have Pathfinder removed or nerfed for an xpac where it doesn’t make sense?

It will in no shape or form effect them in any way. It’s like they’re just being contrary or nasty for the sake of being contrary or nasty.


Some people take joy in others misery.

Sad but true.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I guess we are pretending that similar complaints about other content being too hard/ complicated, elitist, ableist, new player unfriendly, “forced,” etc haven’t led to the content being removed or nerfed so badly that it lost any relevance.

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The damage done with PF can not be stated enough. It causes so much friction in the community and then it brings out people that are really toxic towards those that prefer TBC flying whether for personal reason or they find it fun.

Imagine being a disabled WoW player and reading the forums where some of these “posters” claim that those that like TBC flying must be bots or dumb to like “inferior” flying.

Then in the same breath claim that TBC flying being gated by PF is more than okay.

Mind boggling.

What BlizZard is communicating is that TBC flying is more valuable by gating it for a year and behind a PF wall while DR was handed to players within the first hour of game play into DF which cheapens the value of DR ironically if we are going by BlizZard logic.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Nah, not really. It’s mostly click bait drama. The “war on flying” complaints change every few months. Usually based on what some click bait streamer claims is the downfall of wow.

Disabled players is just the new hot topic, since dragon riding solved 99% of the flying complaints from the wod, legion, bfa and sl PF threads.

But I get it, when you posted about PF then, and upvoted/ quoted other players suggesting that blizzard could add mechanics to flying, to make it more engaging or fit the theme or gameplay of WoW, you never actually thought they would.

And now that they did, you need to find another hill to die on.

You are once again not reading what people are posting and projecting what you think people are saying. That also boggles my mind but here is a quick explanation:

TBC flying allows you to take a break and soak in all the beauty from above and enjoy the artists work. I have said this many times but the artists of BlizZard are AAA+ and the best in the industry. Anyways, in my opinion TBC flying is about playing at your pace that is congruent to your play session and you can decide to explore more without feeling penalized or fighting against cool downs/energy bar mechanics. You can also change tasks far more quickly with TBC flying based on if a friend logs on or you have to change your goals during your play session which feels organic and fun! Whether that is a result of real life or something else that has occured in game and you need to change your plans on the fly which is what makes TBC flying so cool IMVHO. Such flexibility is why I really prefer normal flying above anything else. MMORPGS should be all about choices and options and that is where normal flying truly shines in a fantasy MMORPG like WoW which is why it is a core staple and a great evergreen system since Burning Crusade.

What I am saying is that normal flying allows far more exploration for rares and nodes and is closer to the spirit of MMORPG open world exploration. Non flyers have always assumed that the love of flying is tied to speed but as we have seen the demand is rising for normal flying to return because of the flexibility that normal flying provides. This is because many true open world players prefer normal flying so they can explore and gather everything while those that view everything that the open world has to offer as a “chore” and want to speed through it ASAP . And as a result many do not understand the appeal of normal flying because they view it as “inferior”.

Which is why some of those that love DR exlusively refuse to understand why someone would want to spend so much time in the open world on something they deem as “inferior” like BC normal flying. As I have mentioned many times since WoD beta normal flying is a nice balance between speed and convenience. Not as fast teleports, flight whistles or DR but not as slow as ground travel by foot or ground mounts. I would argue that normal flying is the most balanced evergreen system ever put in place since BC as it has stood the test of time and it is very, very popular!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Because of the theme of this xpac is dragonriding. I think they’re hoping that dragonriding would replace old flying. But this “Disable wow player” topic came out of nowhere and tbf its not going to convince Dev to change their mind.

Even when normal flying is slower I prefer normal flying way, way far more than lets say flight whistles, teleports or even dragon riding. It is my peanut butter and jelly, or my comfort food, where it hits the sweet spot between convenience, flexibility and ease. BlizZard fails to understand this CONSTANTLY because they are trying to copy MMO and action RPG concepts and trying to force them into a fantasy MMORPG like WoW. It. Simply. Does. NOT. Work. I have done more open world exploration with normal flying than when flight whistles have been available, teleports, or even DR. DR is not conducive to open world exploration or gathering. If your goal is to reach from point A to point B the fastest than DR will never be better than a teleport or flight whistle. I suppose you can call that a compromise but technically that is a step back and not a step forward that many believe IMVHO.

We went from a ground and pound slog strategy of WoD to break neck speeds with DR in DF. Those are the extremes that WILL turn players off and it is very polarizing as we have seen. People are wondering why WoW DF is not selling like hot cakes and I am going throw out three reasons why. First, people were burned out by the last two expansions due to systems overload and slow patch pacing. Second, world content mattters and it has gone backwards for several years (eg bad scaling mechanics, poor rewards, punishing traveling in open world). And third, normal flying being gated as a backend retention mechanic backfires if enough other people do not buy upfront to frontload an expansion with box sales +subs+shop purchases. A lot of people enjoy buying flying mouns and also being able to USE THEM and that is causin a massive hit for up front box sales, subs and also shope sales. Not a mystery to figure out. Holding normal flight hostage has never been a winning strategy in terms of player trust + loyalt + money as the mount collection community along with the transmog community is a very, very big community in WoW. The war on normal flying has been a losing strategy ever since it was started in WoD beta. It is self evident if you put your ego aside and admit this universal understanding.

Currently DF promotes break neck speeds in all aspects of game play, but there is a flaw with that. Watching a movie that has non stop action and has no break or comedic tone to break up the pacing. or slow down the pace is boring. Or, even better a song that is monotone and has no bridge or breakdown which is also very boring. For me that is not enjoyable at all and I feel that normal flying hits all the right spots of variation and control. DF suffers from controlling every aspect of player game play while funneling everyon to endgame with a go go go mentality, but that isn’t how most WoW subscribers have played WoW for decades

In closing I do not see the benefit in force jamming another PF to make it a requirement for TBC normal flying when the expansion is already nearing the one year mark. Furthermore, attaching a PF achieve to TBC normal flying is saying to players that you have to do this to enjoy something you have had since TBC while DR is just handed to players.

Not even TBC flying was handed to players within one hour of game play.

We earned TBC flying long ago and having it yanked and time gated and gated again behind another achieve is very disrespectful to people. Especially those that are unable to use DR and those that have an extensive mount collection.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Why should they get special treatment? They should have to play Dragonflight just like everyone else. Just because they show up late doesn’t mean they get to have special treatment.

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Thanks for confirming you were not in the beta because there were TWO threads in the beta forums bringing up such variety of issues with DR.

I have always said player feedback matters. Those trying to squash feedback on a forum dedicated for such feedback need to re-examine their choices.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They’re giving players what they wanted.
They’ve told us what we need to do.

Those are the only options
Either do it or don’t.


They should get special treatment because they are returning players in an expansion that is almost one year old.

Allowing players to catchup is more than reasonable and punishing returning players to an expansion that is a ghost town isn’t a good idea at all.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Old school flying is not, is not considered content that is mandatory to play this game as a catching up, its as simple as that for this xpac. Its just an extra feature.

The friction towards TBC flying is already there and has been in place for some time. It was gated by nearly a year of the launch of DF. Tacking on a PF achieve is just really disrespectful toward those that prefer TBC flying for personal reasons.

Meanwhile DR is handed to players within one hour of game play. That is sending a mixed and wrong message to returning players and I don’t blame them if they are confused or angry when they discover this.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I was in alphas testing and I tested all their stuff and give out feed back. I could care less if reg flying was in game or not.

Obviously you didn’t care to read the beta forums and why do you care about this thread and are posting in it?

Anyways back to the thread topic patchfinder is not going to win people over after TBC normal flying was already gated for 10+ months.

All it will do is cause more player frustration and that is the last thing BlizZard needs for an expansion that is so far very tepid.

They need 10.2 to go on the right footing and not big step back. PF is a big step back and really throws any goodwill left into the wind.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There is flight in Classic BC and Classic Wrath content, just as their original versions had flight. The expansions wouldn’t work very well without flight.

The players in this thread who keep having to read through your babbling about “Classic this…” and “Hardcover that…”

We’re all playing a MMORPG regardless of what version of WoW we’re playing. Your useless video game snobbery doesn’t change that.


For those players unable to use DR yes TBC flying is very important to them.

Who are you to tell people what is important?

DF content has a lot of vertical scaling so for those players yes TBC flying is integral to their play session.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Stop speaking for player like “returning players” that you have no clue as to why they are returning or not. Because you have no clue yourself. You sound like a fool when you do, and have no clear arguments then.

I give out my opinion how I feel about flying. what’s bother me here is everyone is losing their mind over requirement for pathfinder which like that for five expansions. Yes pathfinder came later then usually in my view I thought dragonriding is all you need. Blizzard is happy pathfinder they believed its good compromise. if was that a problem they would changed it few expansions ago. you can cried it on forums all you want, they’re not going to change their mind. you either do it or not that your choice.

See, that is not a good winning argument. It just one more good reason not take you seriously.