Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

This thread is going places. PF does more harm than good IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


“Reach Renown 15 with all Dragonflight factions”

not gonna happen…

I play PvP, I’m not going to spend days or weeks farming to get 15 with all the factions.


It’s not really a laundry list of things you need to do though? Like in all due likelihood people who have been playing this game since the start have already cleared everything except the emerald dream rep just by playing the game.

As to the people who can’t complete these due to arthritis or motion sickness: putting aside how I question their ability to play at all there are ways around this: Just get a buddy to zip you around the world while you take a luxuriously long dump; you know, the kind where you just put on some soothing music, light some candles and just let nature take it’s course from atop the porcelain throne.

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Game is far from dying… I don’t understand where this delusion that it’s dying is coming from.

If someone dislikes dragon riding, there’s a good chance they have done little to nothing towards Pathfinder because they haven’t been playing DF.

Or, or Blizzard just allows regular flight so that way people don’t have to rely on a taxi service.

Btw, people with arthritis and/or motion sickness could have been potentially playing this game for 18 years without problem. Just a reminder that DF is barely a year old.


DF needs more reasons for players to play not less.

When you make older content easier access than the current expansion that shows something went off the rails design wise.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I know pathfinding is a REAL PITA. I know…

But the amount of alts I have had over the years saved using flying, exploring and flightpaths have saved me an incredible amount of time. It saddens me that I need this amount of renowned for it, but well it’s an investment. If you don’t want it, don’t get it.

I do appreciate when people are supportive, you’re getting distracted from the main point which could help the credibility of everyone arguing against PF in this thread. There might be 15 people who have indicated they dislike/can’t dragon ride in this thread. Then there might be another 10 who have openly admitted to enjoying dragon riding but still think it’s wrong how Blizzard is going about bringing back legacy flying due to who such a decision mostly affects. The majority of people in this thread haven’t indicated what their actual situation is on the topic and could fall into essentially any camp.

Any time a decision is discussed regarding disabilities, those who actually need the accommodation WILL be the vast minority of the population. And the people who care enough to go onto forums to talk about the subject will also be a vast minority. That’s just human nature.

The argument in this thread doesn’t revolve around how many people are affected by dragon riding being available day 1 for minimal effort with legacy flying coming much later and with a list of chores to unlock. The argument is that given dragon riding has been available since day 1 in the zones Blizzard openly admitted were designed for flying, dragon riding is much faster and more engaging than legacy flying, the legacy flying requirement will disproportionately affect those who haven’t been dragon riding during the expansion, and it is actually MORE work for Blizzard to add this PF requirement than simply unlock legacy flying with 10.2, whatever “need” might have existed for PF in past expansions makes little to no sense in Dragonflight. It’s in most player’s best interest for legacy flying to simply be unlocked as the time Blizzard would spend coding and testing the PF requirement could be spent elsewhere.

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To each their own, but this argument doesn’t really make sense for dragonflight. Every prior expansion that locked legacy flying behind pathfinder only offered legacy flying for self-directed flight. You simply could not fly in the expansion until you unlocked the pathfinder achievement.

In dragonflight, we’ve been able to fly within the first hour of gameplay. Legacy flying is simply not as valuable of a commodity as it was in every other expansion. If dragon riding didn’t exist, then this argument would make more sense. But dragon riding does exist, and has since the very start of the expansion. The only people who need pathfinder unlocked in order to gain the efficiency of flight are those who aren’t dragon riding (either due to a disability or personal preference).


It isn’t just flying though, it’s flightpaths for the really lazy types and areas explored. Also maybe there’s times in a World PvP situation, that you want to be hovering afk-ish and not have to manuveur your dragon.

You’re really condescending.

Everyone that has been playing DF has already done this to get the glyphs.

Do you not understand what Pathfinder is for? It’s to force us to see the world from the ground for a year. We never did that in DF.

Nobody cares about world pvp situations anymore since it became 100% optional. I mean, it’s always been that way by your server selection but that’s a different conversation.


Actually I am a lazy type. Many times I jump on a flightpath and go afkish rather than zoom on my little dragon mount… It’s nice to have that option on alts. It’s also nice to have areas not explored on your alts “explored”.

As far as World PvP, I’d have to check, but I do believe that a piece or two of the World the PvP gear might be BIS PvP gear because of secondary stats, which implies if you want to gear up your alts you gotta World PvP. In such cases you might want to hover…

If you’re going to make an argument that it’s optional, well my friend, this entire game is optional. :upside_down_face:

I don’t really understand what argument you’re making here. Flightpoints are available in Dragonflight as well and also have been since day 1. People who are dragon riding could dragon ride to the flight point and then use it from then on. They could also take a ground mount to get there if they aren’t dragon riding.

This is a good point when arguing against legacy flying being in dragon flight at all, but off topic for this thread. Blizzard already announced legacy flying would be coming to Dragon Flight, they did a few months after Dragon Flight launch. Whatever impact having legacy flying would make on the player experience was already deemed worth bringing the feature into the game.

This thread is that given legacy flying is on the way, locking it behind pathfinder doesn’t make much sense. For many of those who are dragon riding and have been largely playing Dragon Flight, they’ll get pathfinder by happenstance and will barely even notice they have legacy flying. The people most impacted by needing pathfinder for legacy flying are those who haven’t been dragon riding, which includes people with disabilities that make dragon riding less enjoyable (if not impossible). This dichotomy really makes it feel like Blizzard is locking legacy flying behind pathfinder as a punishment to those who dared not use dragon riding. We’ll never know for sure, but given the majority of us have been happily soaring around the dragon isles and wouldn’t use legacy flying anyway, the decision raises some eyebrows if nothing else.


Where did I even say the word “optional?”

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Damn you type fast.

And on a serious note, I don’t think you realize how PO’d I was that they gave everyone WOD flying. Those requirements were over the top ridiculous. So I feel the pain… Maybe Blizzard is doing this to get people to play. I know I had no intention of getting all my factions’ Renowned up to 15

This makes no sense.

The people that like dragon riding are playing now.

People that don’t like dragon riding were waiting for regular flight.


Is that clear?

Fair enough but that has nothing to do with the Pathfinder argument. You mentioned world pvp which has nothing to do with nothing because it’s now an opt-in feature.

It’s not like the old days where to get away from pvp you have to change servers, these days you just run to the closest inn and turn it off. So the the whole “afk in flight” thing doesn’t hold water.

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Thanks. :slight_smile:

There have been numerous theories floating around for why Blizzard likes locking flight behind pathfinder beyond what they explicitly state. Unless some former Blizzard employee writes a tell-all kind of book, we’ll never truly know the full motivation.

However, giving them the benefit of the doubt that it’s solely a business move and not an irrational emotional response, pathfinder as a gateway to flight does make sense as a way to encourage players to engage with the game before simply flying over it. It’s a way for Blizzard to ensure players don’t miss out on what could be a fun gameplay experience that they wouldn’t know is there if they could merely fly from A to B without a care for what’s on the ground.

But like I said previously, this rationale falls apart completely in Dragon Flight. Where in previous expansions legacy flight was the only way to fly in the relevant zones and thus represented a significant reward for players who completed all they cared to see and just wanted to get from point A to B quickly for their preferred endgame content, having Dragon Riding since the start has eliminated that completely. Anyone who didn’t care to complete the content and just wanted to travel to their endgame location as quickly as possible can do so. The reward for unlocking pathfinder is simply not nearly as useful in Dragon Flight as it was in other expansions. Players who just care about travel being fast and efficient won’t bother to farm the achievement for its reward. A lot of players will get pathfinder through their normal routine and it will have no bearing on how they play the game. The people who will truly value the reward, outside of some specific use cases people might have like the world PVP you mentioned, are those who aren’t dragon riding. The group of people with the longest to-do list to unlock legacy flying are essentially the only ones who get tremendous value from it.


Actually (I know everyone loves that word) Ion said why back in WoD.

It was to make us see the world from the ground and so we don’t skip mobs.

Both points have been rendered moot for this expansion. Unless you’re talking about this expac then yeah you’re right, it’s a mystery.