Jesus HP christ…talk about total irrelevance. lol.
That has NOTHING to do with anything I said, you said or I responded to.
Last post to you. Not interested in beating an already dead horse that clearly has no clue its dead.
Jesus HP christ…talk about total irrelevance. lol.
That has NOTHING to do with anything I said, you said or I responded to.
Last post to you. Not interested in beating an already dead horse that clearly has no clue its dead.
No you just want to put words in my mouth. I literally clarified my point and you are doubling down on nonsense.
The fact that next patch’s requirements are 15 renown, exploration and campaign tell the entire story.
So sure, keep going with whatever foolish argument you think you have about them giving levelers flight in wod and legion.
You mean like your reaching and twisting my arguments?
Because of a little thing called the human condition, if they did not limit/remove it in some way, people would likely either never try the new or try it then instantly go back to the old. Far too often the old is chosen over the new unless the new is the only way because the old is familiar, comfortable, etc.
Note I don’t really agree with Blizzard on things like this, but I can see where they are coming from, maybe one question asked is if they want people to give new things a fair shot, how long should the old be resticted?
looks like we have an alt hopper here folks lmao
the entire issue is shown below.
NO ONE HERE is misunderstanding this issue and we ALL know it.
some keep coming in here to insult, demean, attack and berate those who are simply requesting that normal flight NOT be more work than you all got dragonriding for.
It DOESNT affect your game if you are using Dragonriding…PERIOD.
There is literally zero valid reason for you all to be in here running off at these folks other than to troll and disrupt the forum
When people misspell words like “lesson”, is that designed to make other people read their posts?
It has to be that, yes?
looks like we have an alt hopper here folks lmao
Looks like we have someone who has no argument here folks!
Instead of just admitting you were wrong, you have to scream alt
Ps. Not my alt. I don’t hide my alts. I also don’t use my alts on the forums.
It’s also easy to spot my alts, because they are all in the same guild… AND my achievement points are more or less the same.
But you know… It’s easier to call someone an alt vs just admit you were wrong.
There is literally zero valid reason for you all to be in here running off at these folks other than to troll and disrupt the forum
Ps nice alt
keep em coming…that way I can get them all blocked now instead of later.
that way I can get them all blocked now instead of later.
I mean, I was just proving how silly your point was.
It’s much easier to accuse someone of being an alt vs debate or admit you said something inaccurate.
And based on that reply, you sound like someone you starts drama in-game. Then blocks someone. Then proceeds to trash talk. But that’s just my 2 cents based on how you interact with people here.
I just have to add how hilarious it is that a lvl 10 with 200 posts alt accuses. You can’t make this stuff up
from your ilk
(threecpo alt)
its punishing, believe me. if you witnessed my dragonriding skills,you’d think i was intoxicated. lol its not fun for me
its punishing, believe me. if you witnessed my dragonriding skills,you’d think i was intoxicated. lol its not fun for me
Its astounding the arrogance of some to even think you owe them any explanation on the matter. lol
What I see is players who waited long enough for normal flight who just want it for the SAME work THEY all got Dragonriding for. A few quests and done.
The way they keep doubling down on the insults really just confirms theyre here to troll and know they shouldnt even be in here in the first place as it doesnt affect their game at all if you do get normal flight for no more work than THEY got dragonriding for.
I agree that having a pathfinder at all is silly considering how much faster Dragonflying is. I suspect many people who aren’t already close to getting it will simply not bother.
The way they keep doubling down on the insults really just confirms theyre here to troll
The fact you are here twisting peoples words to fit your narrative then accuse them of being alts when multiple people call you out…
Spoilers, they aren’t trolling. Can you guess who is?
their game at all if you do get normal flight for no more work than THEY got dragonriding for.
You are so hung up and the WORK argument that you are BLIND to anything else. Some of us are actually in favor of those with disabilities getting normal flight easier but you keep harping on the work factor when, for some of us, NEITHER DR NOR PF is really “work” to get. This means you are INSULTING us by mistaking our argument and making us out to be trolls when, to us, YOU ARE THE TROLL.
← wouldnt this char look amazing flying the new model for heart of the aspects? i dont own it yet. waiting for 2 more expacs when my old bones can likely get DF normal flight automatically.
Honestly, the concept of having to “earn” flying back every expansion has always been a mildly insulting one since it was introduced in Warlords of Draenor. I’ve always been fine waiting about half an expansion to get flying within the continent but I have never been fine with it being tied to an achievement blatantly designed to waste player’s time. It was controversial and honestly was done out of spite in WoD and years later the current WoW team still does it seemingly out of a misguided sense of tradition, or to actively waste people’s time. Either explanation is dumb, imo. Time to just get rid of Pathfinder altogether, there isn’t even a mount reward this time.
Just lame.
← wouldnt this char look amazing flying the new model for heart of the aspects? i dont own it yet. waiting for 2 more expacs when my old bones can likely get DF normal flight automatically.
Ive tried to match up a few of my mogs set to my mounts. Fun trying to find the mog peices to do it with