Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned



Absolutely agree.
When i read thru the material from then what screams out is the word ‘EGO’. lol.
I mean, someone in that field would see it immediately. Someones ego got bruised that the base rebelled against removing flight and reacted with Pathfinder to show the base who was still in charge, calling it a ‘compromise’, but when last I checked the player base wasnt at the negotiation table, lol.

This DF version of PF is particularly obnoxious because we all got flight day one, while the few players who have trouble with DRing have waited many months for normal flight, some even took a long break and didnt really play DF much…and now theyre being told they have to WORK for flight when WE all got it free with a purchase of a coke, lol.

Now the ONLY people really affected by PF are the same people who had trouble with DRing in the first place.
Unlike a few here, Im not going to accuse Ion of not being able to figure that out.
Hes an intelligent man. He is FULLY capable of understanding that fact.

I really thought Ion had changed and DRing was the death of PF.
I have got to stop looking for the best in human beings and just go back to my views of assuming that people never change. It seems to just be easier to predict how things are going to go down if I just accept that they dont.


I really don’t get the logic behind people that simp for Pathfinder. Blizzard took away flying in WoD, lost half of their subs, and then “compromised” with PF. PF is basically a punishment for the that unsubbed, but we’re all feeling it. Should have NEVER been a thing in the first place.


lol egads, you’re spitting facts faster than i can keep up.

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What is even worse, and makes it seem more out of spite, is that a few of us, who were suggesting something a long the line of pathfinder, got our suggestion monkey pawed because of Ion and the wow devs at the time.

The idea for Pathfinder I was pushing would have been do able from day 1, and achievable before at least the first major patch. It would have just been:

  1. exploration
  2. main story
  3. whatever rep the main story gave you, maybe at worst rounded up to the next tier

Rinse and repeat for patch content.

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i didnt even unsub, just worked on my garrison, played alts and grumbled that the game was getting harder to play.

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I didn’t unsub either, but I feel like I’m being punished. There was absolutely nothing wrong with just paying gold at max level. Still saw the content from the ground, so that’s not an argument.


(shouting from rooftop)

oh mr. ion, please forgive our sorry crippled butts and just turn on reg flight, instead of insisting we dragonride to do pathfinder, when dragonriding is messing with our style. my normal flying mounts are lonely.

yeah…when I was agitated with both BFA and SL I just spent 90% of my game time in old content. I have a crap ton of characters who have their garrisons all pimped out with the AH, bank and other goodies. Something like 7 druids I use to farm old content with also have the garrison set up so I can live at the AH when Im not farming, among a long list of others.

I dont want to unsub because I enjoy WoW more than any game that Ive ever played because its so huge and has so much personality.
But I have to admit Ion really finds new and creative ways to irritate me from time to time that seem pointless and petulant. Even when its stuff that doesnt affect me, but maybe raiders and guild (personal loot for instance). Just hearing about some of the stuff is annoying knowing some things dont have to be HIS way to work best for the player base, but he just wants them that way.
Enter hunter pet specs.
LITERALLY ZERO valid reason to take that from my PVE game over some PVPer who lost. lol


Agreed, if nothing else, PF should have been for account wide, while gold could be used for individual characters.

Personally, Id rather they say its one million gold to buy account wide flight than pathfinder.

Honestly I don’t see a problem with pathfinder. The problem is most of us have really bad tastes in our from just hearing the name pathfinder. And that’s because of how awful it was in previous xpacs.

totally incorrect , you can dragonride at much slower speeds than normal flying , and its very easy to do and requires minimal vigor control

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depends on your malady.

That is another part of DRing I love…just all kinds of things you can do with it. So much more personality than old flight

Not unless you want to fall to the ground, no. Anything under 700% speed, you’re going to quickly lose more and end up on the ground. I know. I watch my addon for such things.


You are assuming something that I’ve never believed. You are assuming that the small percent of people who make up the angry echo chamber in the formus speaks for “the players” and that having spoken, anyone who disagrees is wrong.

Now I’m not for or against regular flying. If it suddenly appeared, then fine. If not, dragon flying works just fine. But there is no evidence at all that proves that the angry echo chamber of the forums and those CCs that live off their clicks speaks for “the players”.


if you’re able to. lol i’m lucky if i can make it between map locations without being forced to land. one time i was forced to land in a camp full of high level gnolls, who proceeded to whoop my sorry behind. i decided to re-test it when they announced pathfinder, by dragonriding from the area you arrive on dragon isles to valdrakken. i was so frustrated, that when i finally did get there, i just logged out lol

does everyone here just run off on some irrelevant tangent? lmao.

Read what I said again.

now…do I block you for posting irrelevance at me too?
or do you have something to say thats in DIRECT response to what I actually said?

right. Im speaking soley for myself on that.
I remember day one of DF when the vertigo was so bad I was having a LOT of trouble with DRing. Once that cleared up I was fine again and zipping around like a lunatic. lol.
I really wish you all could enjoy DRing. It is a LOT of fun.

I can imagine.
Ive only had a couple bad days trying to play. One with the vertigo and another with a migraine, so I feel very lucky to be able to enjoy it. I wish everyone could.

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