he just means all you had to do was like 5 quests, most of which were in town, and tadah, dragonriding. first day, no rep grinds, no dungeons or raids and only like .0002% of the msq
his sort is the ones always saying " you get PF by playing the game"
And playing the game for an hour is LITERALLY the ONLY thing he did to get DRing.
he wasnt asked to grind out Renown for SIX groups for it and he knows it.
Im sorry…WHAT did you do to get dragonriding again? lol.
oh…just ran the main questline for an hour?
give me a ring when you say something I can actually take seriously without laughcoughing my soda all over my keyboard again lol
Dragon Riding is a main feature of this xpac, old fashion flight is not. That if pretty much the difference right there as the between the two as to how they are being presented to being given to the player.
My game plan for me on every expansion has been always leveling through quests within the zone completing and all the story before moving onto next zone. Once I hit max level, finish up the story and do world quest to grind rep. I do that everyday until I hit max renown on every faction before I swith to my alts. I am basically 90% done with Pathfinder by just playing the game.
Because it is at least partially true, those that play in the open world can earn pathfinder without even noticing or thinking about it.
You mean something we might not have been ASKED to do because we have already DONE it?
Ones like you come down on PF but ALWAYS come across like “I did not do anything in the game but sit in queue and maybe the bare minimum for world content” and then complain when PF is released with all that is needed and you are hit with everything at once while those of us that at least finished the story and rep (I.E ran out of things to do outside of M+ and raid) before taking a break were already done with part of PF.
Pathfinder is not work for everyone, it is just playing the game as we normally do, it might not be how YOU play the game, but then some of us play WORLD of Warcraft, we are not sure what yo play but it is not the same game others play.
Some of us went glyph hunting the first day, some might have tried to get them from all areas, others, like me, hunted for them whenever we entered a new area.
All said though, if someone is actually incapable of getting pathfinder or using DR, and lack access to ways around it, I feel there sat least should be an option to get normal flight via gold, or something as simple as unlocking a % of flight points.
I currently have, at max level and all in 415+ gear:
A Druid
Demon Hunter
Death Knight
My hunter did all the work.
You now how? The game HANDS you the first 11 ranks of renoun for each faction if you complete the story lines.
I did them, and all my reps on my hunter are almost 18ish, and I have done nothing to actively farm rep.
You can’t use alts as an excuse, you just didnt play the story through.
You can’t use any excuse when you can’t even be bothered to do the bare minimum.
So why do you expect anybody else to?
However, I do agree that Pathfinder is the stupidest, most ignorant, illogical, childish, pathetic, and just plain poopy thing Blizzard has ever done.
No Pathfinder.
Blizzard needs to stop trying to strongarm people into doing everything.
Some people just aren’t going to do certain things.
if they had had the EXACT same work involved for both, I could just eyeroll and ignore it.
But literally targeting the players who are most likely lesser abled with PF while the rest of us did no work at all for DRing?
I am somewhat wondering if this will be the last expansion PF is going to be needed for flight, as if DR is the way of the future, and the areas are built with that in mind, then why not at least make it a gold for single toons, PF for account wide?
It is petty, but some of us have seen both sides as being petty and just roll our eyes at both while we play the game and reap the rewards when they come.
blah blah and blah.
you did ZERO work for Dragonriding.
talk your excuses in someone elses direction or I’ll block you for trolling me.
NO work for DRing…period
dont sit here trying to pretend there is ANY valid argument to then require SIX groups worth of renown to grind for normal flight.
Based on what I was told we were this close to NOT having TBC flying in DF. There is a reason why it was not anywhere to be found on the road map.
It became self evident that BlizZard couldn’t back out of a promise once more so TBC flying survives another attempt to have it phased out.
But BlizZard is trying real hard to apply a poison pill to TBC flying by making it hard to obtain for returning or new players. I warned people about this and now more and more people are waking up to this reality.