Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Everyone was already flying in Draenor & Legion way before me. Months before me, especially Draenor. It’s no different now.

They’re stupid fast, too.

I wonder if they’ve unlocked some kind of magic formula of profession stats or something. Like they’re finessed out the wazoo and now barely have to land and move super-fast once they do. You don’t even see them strike the node and they are taking off again.


The first form of flight most likely resulted from people complaining about no flight at cap…so they gave ut to us within the first level.

Edit: sp

Would not surprise me to see this in the “store” for purchase.

heck it took me two expacs later to get wod flying. this is why, since dragonriding was flying, and since all you had to do was like 5 quests, most of them right in town, and since they said normal flying would be coming, the assumption was, normal flying would just be turned on, not time gated behind more dragonriding - or else flightpoints and ground mounts.


They’re trying to prolong game playing metrics.

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That might be what they think they’re doing, but they’re not

At a certain point some of the decisions they make to prolong game playing metrics are so annoying and nonsensical that it has the complete opposite effect and maybe even ends up turning people off from the game all together after having to put up with it for a long period of time.


Using an addon to join groups while you hover/ afk and collect quest completions/ rewards is no different than landing and stepping away to grab a drink? Ok. LoL.

So… instead of spending time implementing regular flying, which is useless with dragon flying… break the bots.

I forgot to mention, pathfinder is a lot easier than it was initially. It used to require lore master and treasures.

Literally doesn’t exist. They broke that in Legion, dude. What other bs you going to make up?


Punishing?? It’s not punishing. It’s called playing the game.

And yet, every single world boss kill or researchers I join, this is exactly what people try to do. We are pretending that there isn’t another thread asking for the open world to be soloable?

Technically it was broken during bfa prepatch

However even after that change you could still have automation for the premade group finder when the UI was open until blizz further locked that down in patch 8.1.

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not useless. analogy inc - handicapped person buys a wheelchair with an electric motor. thing goes way too fast and handicapped person crashes. they ask company for an older version that doesnt go as fast, so they have better control. company says sure, wait a year, and we will release the old version again. but, in order to have the right to use the older version, we require you fill out this questionnaire that will take many days to complete and get at least 90% right. mind you, no such test was required for the souped up chair.

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Why are we making up analogies to create scenarios that don’t exist?

The defense about it’s just playing the game is the reason I haven’t really minded Pathfinder too much before. But even after it comes out, it will still be timegated for weeks while everyone grinds out the Dream rep. Especially with the QOL changes over the last year regarding flying and past Pathfinders, I just don’t think it makes sense to have it anymore, certainly not the way it is now. We’ve had Pathfinder for nearly 10 years, and they’ve done almost nothing different with it except in Shadowlands by tying it to the main quest line and giving it to us in the .1 patch.

For the record, I’ve had max renown with the 4 main factions since just after 10.0.7. I’m only at Renown 11 with Niffen as of now because I took a break from the Caverns to do other things (level alts, play Classic, etc). There are a lot of ways to play this game without grinding out the latest rep, and some people may have just taken breaks. Now, (and I assume this is most of the player base) people won’t even need to bother with Pathfinder unless they have issues with dragon riding. If they continue to insist on limiting regular flying through Pathfinder, they need to make some changes. Because if you’re not on track now, it probably doesn’t seem worth it to try.


its comparable, thats what an analogy is. i crash on dragonflying, i dont have the dexterity, hand/eye coordination and fine motor control necessary to properly pilot it. much easier on old flight method


Or maybe the developers saw flying as a problem creating less challenging for us gamers. That why they removed flying for WoD and they didn’t expected a large backlash. So they compromised and everyone was ok with it.

My warrior is not main kid, the jokes on you.

i wasnt okay with it. took 2 more expacs before i could fly in wod.

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I could take you seriously IF we hadnt already seen so many “OMG BOTS” threads in here so much lmao