Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Except the reward is a downgrade except for a select few.

Honestly, it would have made more sense the other way around where you had to unlock dragon riding by going through hoops.


I’m really not arguing for the lock behind renown. I’m saying it shouldn’t surprise people this is how it’s coming.

I think it benefits people, Society as a whole to question stupid decisions. I know it’s a video game but we don’t do this enough as human beings


All I will say is that this isn’t the first time people have been boggled about Blizzard making a design decision that doesn’t make any logical sense, nor is it the first time people have been boggled about any of their decisions regarding Pathfinder in general and have asked for an explanation, only to get:

I’m just going off past experience :dracthyr_shrug:


Cmon, 99% of the people here act like they log-in under duress every day. :grin:


Then let’s focus on breaking it and not worry about enabling regular flying.

Afking is fine. Afk hovering and oqueueing into rewards is not. And let’s be honest, that is what many people want back.

Every expansion folks act shocked over PF like it was going to be different.

After 10 years…I think PF is a part of the game now.

because, people who dont struggle with dragonriding, have been flying this whole time. and people who do struggle with it, were waiting on normal flying only to be told we will have to work for it, and do so the hard way. flightpoints and ground mounts. it feels unfun.


Your premise that this has anything to do with botting is faulty I think.


How so? Cheaters are going to cheat. Regular flying makes cheating easier. Cheaters want that. It is just one more reason to not.

everyones already flying, except people who have problems with dragonriding. who are being punished while everyone else, zips by at incredible speeds.


The only place in DF that I have found that regular flying would have been great is the Gorlok area right at the beginning of the Ohn’ahran Plains zone. I could not dragon ride into there to save my life. :confounded:

No communication yet?
Sad company


Regular flying already exists in Dragon Isles. There’s no extra work to be done. Bad argument is bad.

Is no different.

Moving on.


its a pain not having regular flying for druids…

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No it doesn’t. Just like how dragon riding is faster… It’s faster for bots too they’ve already cracked that code


I mean, the first form of flight in this expansion had no Pathfinder, wait, cost or hurdles of any kind other than an extremely brief 5-minute intro to the mechanics of it.

That’s quite different from “wait a year and then get to complete a Pathfinder” that it’s been for the last few expansions.


I mean do you not see how the situation is different? I think you’re a smart fellow. You can see how circumstances are not like the others, right? No flight to get flight vs have flight with no hoops for slower version. You get the differences surely…


This is why places like Cavern are a total mess, legit lots of people always claim dragonriding cuts down on the bots and it’s like just go there and sit for a few minutes a few hundred of them will come by literally to gather all the herbs and mines.


I don’t want to entertain the topic any more than I have. It’s a faulty premise.

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