But why? It’s archaic and we already have flying.
I don’t understand pathfinder either i’m not really pro in this instance. But if it’s a reality. It’s that, flight path or ground only.
you can try to pretend Im stupid, but I assure you Im not.
I guess we are pretending that it’s not abused by bots and afks. Pathfinder insures that they have to play the game first before they ruin it.
i know , just did not want to call him out on the forums, we need a change there.
Do you think that’s gonna Slow botting by even a second they can already dragon ride bot.
That might hold water as a good argument if the people who bot aren’t using stolen/hacked accounts, or will just grind to unlock Pathfinder faster than literally anyone else playing the game
Not a viable excuse to make everyone else suffer for no discernible reason
I guess we’re pretending that bots didn’t figure out dragonriding and people still AFK on sides of mountains.
PF probably wasn’t on their original plan. Yes there was doubt and backlash during beta but I’m sure they figured everyone would love DR once they used it.
PF is an answer to the complaints since launch about DR, not only from accessibility concerns but from the crowd that like to just hover or go afk randomly and refuse to use flight paths while they won’t be at the computer anyway.
As far as “no player power behind renown” they’ve stayed true to that. Old flight isn’t player power. But like I said they had locked story behind renown already from the start. The likelihood they would lock more non-player-power behind renown was always there.
They were flying in past expansions that had Pathfinder requirements. The flight hackers stuttering across the sky of Legion, for example.
I’m past the point of caring about the cheaters and giving anything up in the vain hope that it slows them down.
Edit: And given how much rampant cheating went on in early DR regarding renown and professions, yeah, the dragonriders aren’t saints.
Prior to DF release, they told us static flying would be coming eventually.
No it’s not.
Again: why is a lesser form of flying gated at all?
I refuse to believe that Ion Hazzikostas wasn’t giddy with excitement rubbing his hands together because he can force us to suffer and grind another Pathfinder
Pf is the answer to a question no one asked.
It’s slower. We can already fly. We never had to earn the right to fly on dragons.
It doesn’t make any sense. If blizzard would care to explain their logic i’m listening
I can’t answer that I’m not on the team that made the decision. And I think it’s a stupid decision. But I’m not surprised they locked it behind renown, and not sure why others are.
This is what gets me. People argue for its existence and then say this.
It’s mind boggling.
Get ready for the most lawyer-speak answer to explain away boosting player retention metrics then
At least I can make fun of them for legit reasons rather than just making up things on their behalf
they are locking the players who have trouble with it, out of an enjoyable experience. the only reason i didnt like wod was pathfinder, cause i couldnt fly in wod till two expacs later. ditto for legion and bfa. this is an old problem
There was no lesson to learn. Pathfinder rewards you for playing the expansion. Apparently that’s too much to ask of people.
Imagine thinking that you’re suffering because you’re playing a video game.