Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Same argument people give now: if you were playing the game, you already had it.

Renown was mandatory back then. It wasn’t in DF— until now if you want Pathfinder. So that’s why people skipped it.

Lord knows I skipped Niffen on purpose. Screw that Cavern. LOL


That’s what I said , six…


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it is the same people running the game since the WoD flight fiasco and imo it is time for change, why do we have to go through this bs every expansion.


while you got Dragonriding for free day one for running a few quests lmao


But of course.

Yay, 90 renown levels spread across six factions. Blizzard saw the fun with 44 in the last expansion and said, “Let’s double it! It will be twice as fun!”


I went in once and left 5 minutes later, never to return. :grin:


because we have problems dragonriding. if our primary mode of travel is a real pain or even impossible to use in some cases, then its no surprise we dont want to have to keep trying to use it, so we can earn the right not to use it.


Flight path

Believing renown would have zero impact on the expansion at any point was a naive thought. They had already locked story campaigns behind it. In lieu of no further story campaigns for those factions, it only makes dev sense to lock something else behind it as the expansion goes on.

I think what surprises me the most is how many people are shocked at this news.

Your point being?

We keep comparing what we did in SL with renown to what we’re doing now in DF and I wanna know if I get a book that will let me skip renown levels.

Because if the answer is “no” I don’t know why we’re comparing the two.

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<–second class citizen of azeroth.

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lmao…you know exactly what the point is

Are you talking about the item that instantly gets you to 60 renown?

I’m just saying, it’s one thing to not like dragon riding. And it’s another thing to pretend like people have no options in pursuit of pf

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Nope, I wouldn’t ask otherwise

Pretty standard to expect some kind of task to unlock flying at this point

Why? They literally told us there was no player power behind it, thereby making it not mandatory. And it hasn’t been since launch.

So why make Pathfinder when flying already exists? Static flying won’t work for dragon races, shouldn’t work for WQs and shouldn’t count for glyph hunting. So why is a lesser form of flying gated at all? Majority seems to love dragonriding and static flying doesn’t negate it. So what’s the issue? Why is Pathfinder necessary?


It’s literally just one guy

He got booed at Blizzcon one year when someone asked if Pathfinder is coming back and he still continues to push for it anyway lmao


yeah…the ONLY comparison here that matters is…

  • what did dragonriding require
  • what does old flight require


  • ONE hour of playing the main quest line
  • wait months and months
  • what seems to be about a months worth of renown grinding or so.

I can misjudge human beings cognitive abilities sometimes. It happens.
But Im sorry…NOT ONE PERSON on this forum doesnt understand the problem here with this. lol


i can do it, but its frustrating. i dont enjoy frustration. not a masochist or a sadist. dang it, i’m gonna miss the garden patch cause i’m too far behind. pathfinder can take a flying leap off a short pier.