Most people prefer DR to regular flying, the vocal minority is being vocal because A: they aren’t aware that you can disable DR flight effects and or B: too lazy to learn how to fly or just you know flap up as high as 6 vigor can (while aiming yourself and the dragon to the sky) and glide to their destination which mind you 929% is still pretty slow.
That doesn’t answer my question at all.
If nobody will use slow riding and “everyone” prefers DR, then why lock slow riding in the first place? What is the point?
My thoughts on why the requirements are so high?
They put a lot of effort into dragon riding so if you want the old style, they are going to punish you and make you “earn” it even harder to get the privilege.
Make who earn it though? Everyone keeps saying nobody will use it and they will continue to DR.
The point is DR isn’t regular flight, it’s a glider and blizzard wanted to remove flight back in WoD and after debate amongst themselves they decided it’s best to lock it behind an achievement as the best compromise possible, they want it gone but players want it, the closest to both is locking it behind an achievement.
Well I thought that was obvious but those who want it (the 2 people or however many others)
Bet you’re still going to do it though.
They’re not going to learn any lesson if you just do the thing you want them to change. Why would they make a change if you’re just going to do the thing anyway?
It would be like saying you don’t like the direction the MCU is going, but then you still pay to go see every new movie in theaters.
But now you are in a catch 22.
If you do it then they won’t learn their lesson
If you don’t do it, t hen they will say no one really wanted it so we removed it all together.
So you’re saying Blizzard is making the requirement so high because only two people want to slow fly? I know you’re exaggerating but what you’re saying makes no sense anyways.
That seems like a lot of effort to be spiteful to a small minority of people.
What I think is actually the case is most people won’t use their DR mounts and that pisses Ion right the hell off so that’s why he’s putting in this arbitrary “punishment” to not use them.
IMO having any requirement to unlock worse flying after we’ve had flying for 10 months is ridiculous.
This conversation with you is done.
If you are going to take everything literally then that is not a productive conversation.
Not if you remain vocal about it. Protest, don’t just give up and go home.
It is ridiculous.
That would be like making people do Pathfinder to go 150% flying and letting everyone get 310 flying for free.
I mean people are more three dimensional than that.
You can dislike something slightly. And then you can dislike something so much you walk away. It’s a continuum. For instance, I don’t like protein shakes. They taste a little gross but I recognize the benefit beyond the taste.
You can dislike Pathfinder but recognize that having oldflight in the game will still make it fun enough to continue playing.
The world (of warcraft) is not quite so black and white
ROFL all you had to do is just admit you don’t have an answer but putting me on ignore works too
many people have spent many years and some quite a bit of cash collecting fly mounts that require regular flight.
I do believe they’re working on incorporating that into dragon riding. the progress and to what extent I don’t know
I guess I really don’t care ether way. If it is important to me I guess I’ll do it.
I enjoy dragon flying but I also want to use my other mounts that I got out of hard modes and old raids. Mimiron’s head, my helicopter, headless horseman, among lots of others.
Sure, but you’ve gone this long without it. If nobody (or very little) did the upcoming pathfinder and stayed vocal about not wanting it and having flight simply unlocked without having to jump through hoops, then there’s a higher likelihood that Blizz could make that change by 10.2.5.
Rather than everyone just doing it and grumbling about it. Then Blizz definitely won’t change anything because they know you’ll do it anyway.
Maybe but that’s a decision everyone needs to make for themselves. If people out there truly hate dragon riding so much that they just yearn for old flying that much, they’re going to do it.
I would venture that most people don’t care and are going to do it Because they have naturally unlocked pathfinder already.
This isn’t a controversy for most people