My frustration is less important than those with aversions or impairments with dragon riding, but mercy, I hate that a player needs fishing to complete loremaster and thus pathfinder.
Agreed. Not a big gripe. But I’ve purposefully not taking fishing on this character (nor cooking) since I made it back in 2009. It’s definitely an oddity, but it’s an RP thing.
And now that I’m looking at the updated requirements on the wowhead link, only the main story quest is required - not the loremaster for each zone, which is a departure from previous expansions.
I guess there’ s that. Kinda unsatisfying. There is a path in the South of the city that leads to a broken bridge that can be one-hopped over with DR. But that’s the best I could find.
Yea, thats a big positive with this pathfinder. They removed a lot of the tedious/completionist stuff from it.
I find it odd they decided to require halfway on rep too.
Honestly, vigor management shouldnt be that complicated once you understand how to charge in the air and use that to your advantage.
Well, assuming there are no other disability issues, that is.
yeah…the wife and I have bought MANY of those mounts for a couple accounts here.
Lesson learned.
We dont buy extra crap now pretty much at all over Ions flight hatred.
Went from being quite willing to toss an extra $100 or so at the game over a month or three, to not paying for anything but our subs and expansion costs
Great job Ion.
Running off paying customers in droves. lol
Quite obviously.
I had said I dont believe trolling is a punishable offense in and of itself. I dont on the forums I own and admin.
But I think this sort of trolling should be a vacation where theyre pointlessly attacking disabled players in here.
Feels like personal issue projection of some sort to me. Not about flying at all
Im sorry…WHAT did you do to get Dragonriding again?
ohhhh…thats right…same as we all did…about an hours worth of main questline lmao.
There is no ‘gitigud’ about it here son.
They gave DRing away with purchase of a candy bar then pulled an Ion again with normal, lesser flight that ONLY the disableds here need in the first place.
I get it, you think youre being cool and edgy, but apathy is a pretty disgusting trait when it comes to mocking handicapped sorts.
it took more than one flag to get your post hidden. your disgusting post was trolling and a personal attack, plain and simple…
I think most had high hopes, those who dislike it anyway.
When DRing dropped so quickly, and yes, I was amazed on the beta about it, but figured theyd pull an ion before release. Was surprised they didnt.
an hour in and we have the new, fantastic flight. Love it.
and many months later, we find that Ions flight hate hasnt dissipated at all.
Ironic part this time though is instead of blanketly messing with all players, hes literally aimed his hate cannon in the sole direction of our disabled/handicapped fellow gamers who were waiting out the content for normal flight.
Literally has no affect on ANYONE else. lol
heres what we know factually.
Ion rambled on about how we’d all love flight removal…said it was being removed and said it was likely not going to be in future expansions.
and then we saw that entirely reversed and pathfinder brought about to force us to play content we may not like in order to get flight after all the fun of the expansion was nearly gone.
We ALL know Ions personality by now.
The man doesnt back down. Doesnt relent. Very obstinate indeed.
So when he tells us how great a flightless azeroth is going to be, then does a 180, its VERY easy for most minds to connect the dots that Ion and crew literally felt there was no option but to keep flight in the game if they wanted to keep enough paying customers to keep those server bills paid.
As for all the pointless details. Who cares?
PF was designed to keep us on the ground until most of the expansions fun was worn thin. And thats pretty much been its only real purpose.
I know how to read the evidence.
When Ion is gleefully preaching from the mountaintop about how great itll be without flight, then with the controlling personality that hates not having his own way caves and gives flight anyway…yeah, anyone who can decipher evidence properly can figure out that subs were tanking largely enough over flight that Ion felt he needed to override his normal tendencies of never backing down and relent on flight else the sub numbers might end up costing a few jobs at blizzard.
uh…thats exactly the point.
Some players bailed and waited for normal flight so they DONT have 15 renown.
Did you read the thread?
You have to wonder about personalities that take the time to personally attack and insult disabled players over something that has no bearing on their own game lol.
Freud would get lost in this forum most days lmao
I do renown regardless, but it’s ridiculous that they’re still doing Pathfinder at all. They should have stopped adding new ones when they started removing it for old content. Now it’s even funnier that you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get regular flying on one continent, but you get free flying automatically everywhere else in the world just for hitting level 30. Short of removing it outright, I had at least hoped they would continue implementing it in more unique ways like with Shadowlands. Instead, they went back to the standard exploration/reputation/etc in an expansion where a faster and more interactive version of flying has been free and available to us from the start. There’s no point in continuing Pathfinder. Just give it to us or incorporate it into a quest line or something.
Evidently old, bad habits are hard to break. lol. Even when we have such a spectacular new mode of flight, still gotta go hit that old stuff to feel alive, lol
LOL @15 renown with with all. These are the reasons why certain lead designers, SHOULD NOT DESIGN THIS GAME. LOLOLOLTROLLLOLOLOL.
Thing is…as with most/all of the pathfinder achievements, those hoops boil down to “just play the game as you would normally.” If you’ve unlocked DF world quests on your account, you’ve already done most of the work anyway. Which, if you haven’t done that and you’ve got max level characters, what are you even doing in-game anyway.
The complaints made some sense back when pathfinder unlocked flying in general. But in this expansion, they’re just complaining for the sake of complaining.