Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

What is it that you think this elucidated?

This changes nothing about the rest of the response.

No they don’t. The people that need normal flying need the slower speed.

If you wsnnt to go faster, that’s what dragonriding is for.

But I do agree Pathfinder is just dumb when we already have flying.


Let’s see they went from there will be no flying in wod and going forward…to pathfinder…yea it had nothing to do with people threatening to unsub…and my guess people unsubscribe…


Flying should be automatic as soon as the proper level for that area is attained. Getting quests done to fly just makes no sense at all and I’ve always loathed pathfinder. At least we have dragonriding, which is probably the only reason I’m still doing open world content, which is my favorite. Nobody has time for ground mounts.


Yes you have that exactly right. You guess people unsubscribed. And of the million or so people playing the game, no doubt some did unscribe for the path finder issue. And some unscribed for other reasons as well. And others are obviously still here.

Now do you have any concrete evidence showing what percentage of people unscribed for what reason? Or even how many people unscribed?

From the second L of “Brackenhide Hollow” on the map straight across to the coastline past the S in “Vakthros” on the ghostly spirit walker mount = 5m55s. Special note: when you’re dead the speed is reduced to 380% apparently.

Same route dragonriding = 2m20s. For DR, I ascended until I hit the ceiling of the skybox, then tilted downward just far enough to activate thrill of the skies, used 1 whirling surge when i reached 6 vigor, then a few surge forwards as I was passing Vakthros.

3m35s seems like a huge difference to me personally, but for those who just can’t handle DR, I do hope they enjoy the slower pace.


Yeah well its just another grind blizzard wants to implement i guess.

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There’s actually a ground path on the Western side. Accidently ran across it a couple weeks ago. Not the most obvious of things, but its there.

I’ll check that out. Is there a way to the upper areas and the floating islands?

Don’t think so, but as far as I can tell, there’s no quest targets on them either. So without DR use they are just sky flavor. Other than of course the main teleport from the base to the top where the Aspects are parked.

Developer arrogance ensures Pathfinder will come back, again and again and again.

Imagine Ion having to walk back his werld pee vee pee and “”“immersion”“” stance from way back when, when they started their stupid crusade against birds.


That was just my curiosity. Not because there’s quests.

So the Waking Shores campaign is the main block. Of course, without the flightpath, I don’t know how you get down to the Caverns without dying. And the rest of it all is just a slow challenge.

Pathfinder just doesn’t make sense to me.


I’m sorry but if you don’t have at least renown 15 with the major factions by now and you’ve been playing since launch, then that’s on you.

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Renown was never mandatory.

And I sure don’t have much renown with the Niffen.


Checking it out myself, it turns out the path doesn’t go all the way down… investigating alternatives at the moment.


What’s laughable is blizzard players defending bad game design. Pathetic really


Yeah totally
Ion Has Cost Us went on and on and on about “IMMURSHUN” and “MY VIZIUN” and “Flying isn’t coming, I feel its bad for the game”

May 23rd 2015 Ion Has Cost Us
“Having looked at how flying has played out in the old world in the last couple of expansions, we realized that while we were doing it out of this ingrained habit after we introduced flying in The Burning Crusade , it actually detracted from gameplay in a whole lot of ways.”

June 10th 2015

EIGHTEEN… that’s right EIGHTEEN DAYS was all Ion Has Cost Us got of his petty flight war before the BIGWIGS ROLLED THE NEWSPAPER AND TOLD HIM NO



Just started a new toon into Dragon Isle’s. The flightpoint to Valdrakken is known from the start, so you can take that flight point into Thaldraszus.

This isnt the case for accounts that don’t have the MSQ done up to unlocking Valdrakken.

Not going to be able to experiment with it then I guess.

Wonder if the portal in SW to Valdrakken is active.