it is for me. i didnt even do bfa pathfinder. the closer it gets to current expac, the more i struggle without help. i’m super happy with their decision to make it free in older content, but pathfinder continously stops my progression in every new expac. and this has been so since wod.
sounds like you just need to gitgud
Pathfinder at least since Wod until this expansion anyways has been nothing more than a slow everyone down mechanic. Do agree with others that it is silly to gate a slower method of traveling behind rep renown or whatever stupid thing they can come up with since we have been able to fly at sonic boom speed from the beginning of DF.
well i have a few excuses - i’m nearly 70 years old, a coma and cancer survivor, have rheumatoid arthritis so my fingers are all twisted and locked in odd positions. this means the more difficult the content, the less likely i’m gonna be able to do it. notice, i dont capitalize letters . thats cuz it hurts to do so.
It’s dumb to have any requirements for regular flight when we already have dragonriding. More effort to be able to unlock slower flight seems backwards to me. Pathfinder can exist to give a cool mount or something, but it should not be a barrier to being able to use regular flight.
i thought surely they’d just say in a patch, hey you can now regular flight. sigh. back to classic or rep grinds in old content i can regular fly in. like the horribly slow rep grind for waveblade ankoan. sooooo slooooow. eek.
i will likely just not finish dragonflight pathfinder till its free like bfa, which will likely not happen for 2 more expacs.
so i should quit wow?
This, I personally like both for different reasons like I like normal flying when I wanna AFK, camp a specific rare but not be attacked by mobs, eat and not stop completely and move slowly but get where I wanna go eventually, etc. dragonriding I like when I wanna get somewhere really fast, I’m in a hurry, I’m trying to catch up to a friend that’s all the way across the map, etc. so yeah both have pluses and minuses in my book but I don’t hold it against others if they like or hate one or the other because they aren’t me and I’m not them so.
your words not mine. Also time to report people abusing flags because they didnt like my post
well if its any consolation, i didnt flag ya. i never flag people.
Nothing I said was against ToS. So I dont careless
Or just use flightpaths and ground mounts for whatever area you have business in?
Are you being intentionally dense?
How do you get flightpaths without discovering them first? How do you get to Thaldraszus? How do you do the campaign that requires an entire chapter of learning how to dragonride?
Oh man you have no idea how bad healers have been these past few days, I was apart of quite a few failed keys because a: healer not doing anything or casting anything major to keep the group up (looking at you lazy disc priests, your whole gimmick is to do damage and you also have spells that you know heal with said damage and you have proper castables, stop being lazy) and b: lazy dps who largely ignore boss mechanics (or mob mechanics)
Geebus, if I’m healing a key, I take my job seriously. That’s crazy.
You would think this would be the ONE expansion they wouldn’t pull this Pathfinder BS.
In order to learn you need facts. In this case we saw none. Maybe they did and what they saw indicated that path finder did not anger the majority of players. Or maybe they didn’t have the evidence.
You can’t learn a lesson if the lesson is not there to learn.
Yes that was a theory being put forward in the forums but there was never any evidence anywhere outside the forums to back it up. As for the forums themselves, they are not an unbiased random sample of players.
Pathfinder would be okay, if they increased flying speed to 800% in the Dragon Isles. Right now it’s absolutely useless, since you’re moving at almost 1000% the entire time.
Yeah they def need to boost the flight speed