Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

I’m personally waiting for the “static flight is too slow Blizzard! I need 800% speed too” posts.

I guess those will be a few weeks after 10.2 launch since nobody is actively working on their PF reqs yet.

I have nothing else constructive to add, sorry. I don’t think things will change, so accept or quit and play other games!


Of course you’re gonna see at least a few humanity is predictable

It’s not like that was the only time in memory that players got something very different from what they had been led to expect, what they specifically subscribed for.

IN any case, it appears that the requirement has been designed to be easy for people who didn’t need normal flying, and much harder for those who were waiting for it because of disabilities and impairments. The people who put wow on hold because of this issue have zero reason to “start working on” something you’re saying may change completely. They have no reason to plan to come back. Nor will this be a draw for players who haven’t purchased yet.


That is exactly what will be next.

I agree that pathfinder in this instance is dumb. But getting pathfinders always more difficult if you ignored the expansion

They never bother reading The Dark Tower. Even Roland didn’t learn the lesson.

We are well aware that your opinion is " if you don’t agree with me and the spreading of misinformation then you are trolling"

Which really says a lot about you.

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Why would it be “a few weeks after 10.2 launch” when it will take players who are way behind more than a month? And why do you think the game should be designed to force out disabled people so you won’t have to listen to them complain a major feature was designed to inconvenience them?


Tell me what disabilities prevent them from playing because of the new flying system. All I ever hear is “I can’t play because of disabilities.” Seriously. What disabilities makes it where dragon riding is impossible?


Why will it take 4+ months for those people?

No one expects this. No one asked for this.

Tell me why Pathfinder for lesser flying needs to exist in an expansion that’s had better flying since day one? Tell me why that’s bad if it solves some of the issues people have with dragonriding?

They’re testing some new things to help. And normal flying solves some of the other problems.


I never said I think it should be designed a certain way. Don’t put words in my mouth.

I said I don’t think it’s going to change. If it does, I’ll happily admit I was wrong.

I explained a couple of these to Shadybolt earlier— including my own.

Vision or neurological ones that cannot handle the speed, angles, the way it turns, moves, lands, etc.

This isn’t normal flying where it’s muscle memory at a slow speed and not hitting any buttons or needing to bank in certain ways or find certain angles or use certain buttons.

Find my earlier post to Shadybolt that explains in better detail.

And please try to have a mind and some respect.


Excellent points.
I absolutely love DRing. I love all sorts of flight sims, the crazier the better.
DRing isnt quite as cool as a full blown sim, but its still a lot of fun.

So for me it has been overly easy getting renown and doing pretty much everything the game has to offer.
But for those who literally put the game on pause waiting for normal flight, now they have to do now what they didnt do while they were waiting…grind out renown that NONE OF US had to do when we got our version of flight.

As many petulant games as Ion has played with this game, I’ll admit with DRing day one, I honestly believed the man had changed.

shame on me for ever giving benefit of doubt and hopefully I never said anything in all these months to anyone who was having trouble with DRing that was offensive. They certainly are justified in any amount of negativity towards Ion at this point.


I just give these people the title they truly deserve to wear above their heads IRL

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The summoning stone is on the ground outside, you have to fly up to the ledge to enter the dungeons/raid.

Unless you are accepting of the idea that an in-game accommodation exists in the form of a warlock who already has flight. Kinda like there’s an in-game accommodation for DR-slow mode that is essentially the same as regular flight less the ability to hover.

Sorta their fault, no?

Did anyone think their wouldnt be a renown tie in?

Every single bit of history suggests their would be.

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  1. Warlocks exist and always have
  2. Optional dungeons and a raid aren’t MSQ that’s absolutely necessary to unlock content.

There is not.


I agree with you. I’m one of the people who have had a very hard time with dragon riding because I have motion sickness and a fear of heights. While the QOL settings they finally added months after the expansion started help a little, I still find it physically distressful to dragon ride vs using a regular mount.

My account is cancelled and will expire in December. However, when I saw they’re going to add regular flying to the expansion I was SUPER happy! I was about to re-subscribe until I saw the requirement for pathfinder. It’s a blatant overuse of power to make people who already did all the work to be able to dragon ride in the first place. I’m beyond fed up with Ion and his petty tactics. Blizzard has lost my support.

  • some vision issues. I can attest to that one when Im having a migraine and all that swirly garbage and fast screen movement goes straight to my head.

  • motor skill issues. Motor skills are ZERO with normal flight. Its like walking.

  • Motion sickness.

why are you here again?
this clearly has no bearing on your game whatsoever.