Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

Uh I don’t know about you dude but I live in the United States of America and we have this wonderful thing called the ADA and while it doesn’t currently apply to video games, it is a fantastic piece of law that requires the majority of private companies to cater to people’s disabilities so that people with disabilities can live normal lives just like the rest of us.

Do you hate America???


I’m looking at it more from the angle of “is Pathfinder possible” since the assertion seems to be that there are people who are extremely unable to do dragonriding at all, but they’re fine with “regular” flying, and since they can’t do dragonriding they can’t do enough of the content to complete Pathfinder.

As far as I can see, there’s not major obstacles to doing a lame, inefficient version of dragonriding just to get past the couple of points where it’s required. The Pathfinder requirements aren’t that oppressive, IMO.

Now, fundamentally, should Pathfinder be required? I’ve never been a fan of “earn your convenience by experiencing inconvenience in the meantime!” systems. But I don’t think it’s as fundamentally oppressive as people make it out to be either, as long as the requirements are a good midpoint between not playing at all and hardcore 360 no-lifing it.

It is entirely possible. It might take longer than people would be happy with and I can respect that.
But it is absolutely possible

By the time Pathfinder is released, I usually have the majority of requirements for it. It just is. My opinion won’t change anything.

However, I don’t think there is a lesson to learn. Blizzard seems pretty pleased with Pathfinder achievements and I doubt they will ever go away. It is a shame because I do like Raven Form but I don’t expect it to change. Again, it is what it is.

Right. But as people have stated in the past pathfinder was to give you something You had before but new for the expansion. You couldn’t fly before now you can.

Here we already can fly and have since day one. It’s arguable, but it’s slower and therefor inferior. Does it need a pathfinder? According to blizzard yes. But I don’t think so


And we’re not getting a mount to go with this achievement, even though we know there are new mounts in 10.2, right?

Another reason Pathfinder, while easy, feels like a kick in the behind.


As I pointed out in above posts, I can medicate myself to a point of zombiehood to get somewhere if I absolutely must, but think about grinding every renown in the game to 15… and ANY time you bend and use the sickening-flight you want to vomit right then right there.

ALL of that is besides the point though WHY oh WHY do disabled people have to make themselves PHYSICALLY ILL to get what you got in less than 6 hours DAY 1

Blizzard can’t answer that question because their obvious hate for the disabled would torpedo their “We VaLuE InClUSiViTY” crap they spout


People actually should be able to. You can even do the Wrathion and Sabellion stuff without dragonriding. There is a ferry that will take you up and down as needed.

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I feel like its akin to putting AC in pretty much most car models out there.
Then one day the automotive industry comes along and says they know we love AC, but they think we’ll love not having it even more. lol

Flight is a convenience.
AC is a convenience…well, for most of us, some have health issues that require it.

yeah, we might not NEED them, but we WANT them anyway.
Ion was clueless then, I’ll give him that benefit of doubt.
8 years later…sorry, but the man KNOWS the deal with flight now.
Anything he does is done INTENTIONALLY anymore.

so we have to ask what the motivation could possibly be for making normal flight any more work than Dragonriding was to get. Especially when most of us use DRing any way and normal flight is literally no threat to it.


The grind is what I would hate not the getting there. The grind is gonna be that much slower. Now that there’s less participation in things like soup.

If you’re just coming into the game it’s gonna be so tedious

But that was always true for pathfinder

I don’t have crow form. I will continue to find it superior to dragon riding. Even if it is slower.

I just hope the Dreamwarden or whatever the new faction is doesn’t take forever. Would like to get Pathfinder within a month of release and that faction is my only obstacle.

And that’s fine i’m talking in a practical sense. I also know that when I say that. There are other people who don’t feel that way.

I was strictly speaking about practicality. And in that sense it really is superior (for most)

Just for fun, see how long it takes you to grind ALL renowns to 15 without ever touching a dragonflying mount (and if you do touch the dragonflight mount, punch your stomach till you vomit so we can all be on the same page on “Oh… JuSt.GeT OvEr YoUrDiSaBilItIes”)


I would suggest not waiting and get going now.

I dont know what’s the complain about. I hardly play anything outside of M+ and I’m almost done w/ pathfinder. I just need 3 more rep w/ Mmaruuk Centaur and 1 rep w/ Loamm. Not even hard to do if you’re actually logging in to play you know :wink:

I hadn’t blocked you because i have seen you being a genuinely nice person in other places here… things change it seems

I’ve been at max renown with the main factions for a long time now. Even have had multiple paragon boxes with each. I originally leveled to 70 without actually using my dragonflying mounts. Flightpaths and ground mounts. I hated dragonflying that much.

The quests to unlock the dragonriding mounts actually took me a few hours to complete. I would just get frustrated with the entire thing and log out.

I may not have done it as fast as some people but I don’t compete in this game.

It wasn’t until they added in some options to counter motion sickness that I started using it. Have only really done it after they added option that removes the “Speed Lines” from the screen completely.

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This is a bad move, Ion. But if you’re just determined to drive the final nail, keep pathfinder.

Just know, there is zero logic to this decision. We have had flying since the start, and the very thing that could bring some players back, you throw up a gate and (here comes that word again) FORCE players to do something they either don’t enjoy or can’t do just to fly the way we have been for over a decade. Excellent way to attract and retain players. This decision should be reversed, plain and simple.


I fully agree that the logic is lacking for this choice.

But it’s not going to affect enough people to be very detrimental

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You are not forced to do anything.,

Ion is not at your house supervising you play making you buy a sub, making you log in, and making you do OPTIONAL content LOL.

Yes, thats right folks, pathfinder is OPTIONAL