Pathfinder? Again? Lession not learned

I found that article a handful of years back or so when I was curious about how this all came about.
Some try to pretend Ion can be defended in the matter…“it wasnt his decision”…or some such nonsense.
But as we see, he has a fully developed personal opinion that he is arguing quite deliberately in that article.
Doesnt sound at all like someone whose arm is being twisted or held captive, tied in a chair like a hostage meeting some kidnappers demands lol

Sounds like he is quite convinced of the position he is declaring and certain the player base is on the side of removing flight to me.


AK AK is one of the oldest blizz shills around, he opposes any change to the game, no matter what it is, on every post he’s on… Just ignore and save yourself the headache

you said your agenda here is ‘curiosity’.
When you start making statements such as…

i feel youve been a little disingenuous about your curiosity and are making actual assertions about the situation that arent meant to help or assist our handicapped fellow gamers here.
Feels more like your telling them to get over it, to be quite honest.

But Ive said more than enough to you about it.
Im sure my actual point is quite clear by now.


Yeah, Im trying to be cordial to him but its OVERTLY OBVIOUS what the agenda is here.


I’m genuinely trying to work out why dragonriding would be impossible for some people who can otherwise navigate and play the game.

Yeah, not everyone has twitch racing reflexes, myself included. But you can press spacebar three times to get into the air and then just glide with button presses or mouse movement for the direction, or just like…point yourself in the direction that you want to go, and I’m hard-pressed to think of a circumstance where that wouldn’t get you to the content that you need to get past. Even the previously-mentioned “Intro to Dragonriding” quests in Waking Shores can be done with falling off the start point and pressing the “1” or “2” key with very little back and forth movement.

It’s fine if people don’t prefer it and want to have regular flying in my book. I just don’t see how getting the Pathfinder requirements to unlock it is “impossible” for people who have been otherwise subscribing to and playing the game in the meantime.

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I’m so sick and tired of seeing the complaints at this point. Just unlock both methods of flying so people stop complaining about it constantly. I’ve never seen a group of players constantly complain about playing the game so much. I often wonder why many are still here. The requirements to unlock pathfinder seems silly easy but whatever.

Take away the requirements and just give it to them so they can move to the next “problem” with playing the game. It will probably be about acquisition of gear again.


Do you find it harder to navigate the game when you are unable to look at the screen during dragonflying. Try it out and see.

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Interesting. An entire chapter people haven’t been able to do because you can’t get help from friends, a zone you can’t get around without help from friends, but somehow that’s not “impossible” to do Pathfinder. :face_with_monocle:


I would imagine trying to do anything in the game without looking at the screen would be hard.

What are the circumstances where that would happen?

hell, even if im having a very slight migraine and that light sensitivity kicks in to any degree at all, those wind vapor trails are nearly blinding, especially at night.
I can imagine someone who has an actual problem with that sort of thing isnt having a good time with DRing at all.


that up there

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At that point, I’d wonder:

  • Have you turned on the Accessibility features that make Dragonriding less disorienting visually? No shame in that, I’ve got them on myself.
  • Do you have the same issues with regular flying triggering your issues? Doing the “gliding” version of dragonriding, without the zooming and zipping bits, is otherwise indistinguishable from regular flying visually. If regular flying gives you the same problems, I’m not sure how having regular flying implemented helps.

The horizon is 100% stable with “static” flight as they call it now, and I could always angle my cam up to the skybox and watch the minimap for the quest markers to come in range if I do start feeling sick… then its just my fox floating in the air with no apparent motion to make me sick. Trying that with dragonflying will have you crashing or stalling

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I remember that article. The trouble was (and is) that I simply haven’t ever been able to wrap my head around that perspective. Even if completely candid, it’s such an alien interpretation of good or bad outcomes in player behavior to me that I feel I must be missing context.

( it’s entirely possible that I’ve long, long gone past the point of overthinking it, but as pathfinder shows, it’s still echoing down through decisions in the present … and given that the default experience now is Dragonriding, not no flying … none of the explanation from back then should even matter? ug … I’m making my head hurt again … fortunately I’m happy with Dragonriding and don’t need this )


This poster isn’t the best one to engage on this topic since they’re lying through their teeth for whatever reason… they have almost all gold dragonracing achievements:

But yes there are people who legitimately have issues with the motion of dragonriding. It is not comparable to regular gameplay and rotations, so don’t even start with that.


I was just futzing around with it, to see if I could just go up high and drift across a zone without adjusting my pitch, and flying into a solid object and having that stop your forward motion is actually an excellent way to get to a stopping point without having to pitch down, if that’s a problem. It’s not like it knocks you off the mount and kills you, you just drift down to the ground again.

Is it convenient? No.

Is it fun? Also no.

But would it get people who are severely afflicted enough that the Accessibility tweaks don’t help but are also still able to do regular flying past enough content to get Pathfinder and regular flying? I think it wouldn’t be a huge lift, personally.

They always forget about the achievements.


that’s a you problem, you didn’t play the game.

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He did hide his profile, but that’s only a mild inconvenience lol


I think trying to tell people what they should like is silly. You know, if they don’t want to dragon ride, there’s no sense in trying to squeeze a reason out of them because there’s no accounting for taste.

The debate should be, is there a reason for pathfinder or not… I agree there shouldn’t be in this particular instance. I’m not against pathfinder per se… But the argument of it being inferior and requiring a grind is something I agree with.

So if we take away trying to tell people what they should like… If we take away the ridiculous notion that if you like it, you’re somehow a disability hater… Which is nothing more than side conversations.

Is pathfinder warranted for something like this in this instance? Isn’t that the heart of this thread?