Patch 9.0.5 PTR is Now Available

220 ilvl cap? So nothing has changed for mains. I’m still praying to get lucky in the great vault.

So this is the “things we should have fixed in Beta, thanks for being our QC department for free” patch. Which means that actual 9.1 with its storyline progress and promised flight will be…Summer-ish? Can’t say I’m surprised.


Odds are they’re going to take the buff approach since nerfing means having to redo PvE balance.

Everything with Blizz is monkey paw design dude.


Will alt characters be able to benefit from our mains having KSM (+15s) or will we need to complete all 15’s on a that specific character to upgrade gear?

PVP is still superior to gearing over this system. Hopefully they put it in line with the pvp system


Might have to do with the difficulty of doing 15’s vs getting 2100 as of now.

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I’ve been saying it for weeks and weeks.

With respect, this doesn’t fix the issue with loot. It still assumes you have the loot to begin with. It’s a good start, but there needs to be a vendor where you can buy the piece of gear you want. Valor Points are fine as an upgrade.

You folks said in your hype building that you would introduce a bad luck currency so even if you get all vault options that you can’t use, you have a currency to buy stuff with.

Upgrading gear is nice. It means nothing if you can’t get the piece you want to upgrade.


It closes the gap which is HUGE.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

So the item is just going to be random? That doesn’t sound like much of an improvement if that’s the case, though it’s better than one possible upgrade a week.

This is fine.

If you want to maximize gear, you look for it out of the great vault, though it will be a very minor upgrade now. That’s ok. The Great Vault should never have been a primary way for upgrades. Looking forward to seeing the KSM mount more frequently now.

The question I have is: can we upgrade the lower-end gear from the great vault? Like if you get a +4 item and want to upgrade it to 220, will that be possible?

which build is gonna include the havoc DH buffs?


Most you can expect is something like rank 4 essences being account-wide. They didn’t even let us have BoA azerite tokens for alts when we had excess chalk. Slim chance.

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I sincerely hope this also comes with an additional FoS for all 20s and maybe even something higher than that; players who push in M+ shouldn’t have to PvP or raid to get access to 226s or 233s outside of vault.

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Why only 220 when pvpers get 226?


Haha watch this patch have players more hyped than patch 9.1.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Rain down soul ash on me so i don’t have to do the tedious torghast when i resub in march.


Casual players - Give us valor back!

Blizzard - Sure, valor now is in mythic + only.

Casual players - whaaa

Hardcore players - Lol yes! Suck it up casual players. Keep paying that sub so I get more content.


Probably because they still want the GV to matter, as it awards 226.