[Patch 9.0] Character not found

Same with me. every server, every char. ;(

Same here, tried 3 servers and about 10 different characters. Canā€™t create one either

Add me to the list, I see my characters, when I click on them, it loads for a bit, then says not found. Also getting my drivers are out of date but fixed that too. And still getting thr same message.

Same here, all characters on all servers. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s from people flooding the servers.

Wonā€™t happen though. They sell games, set trends, or in the very least, keep games alive

Same here. Every character is not foundā€¦

I tried every character on almost all my servers, 90% blue bar and then character not found as well

Same. Was able to log into my toons for about 10 minutes. Then swapped and was never able to get back on any of them. Not found on 4 servers on 14 toons

We as gamers could justā€¦ ignore them. But that would be a hard conscious decision to make.

Same problem for me too :frowning:

Same issue here

Very frustrating. My wife is on right next to me and loads in with no problem. Blizz a response would be nice.

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same computer specs? Cause if so this would be account related issues :frowning:

same issue here on azshara server please fix soon v.v

exactly the same for me. my wife is in the game but all my character are not found. Maybe Blizzard just want more girl in the gameā€¦

Thanks for the reports everyone!

WoW and server teams are looking into it.


Streamers are able to play, no issues. Legit


same i canā€™t access any of my characters its say the same character not found

Same issue, none of my characters are loading - I just stare at a dark blank screen.

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God forbid Asmon has an issueā€¦