[Patch 9.0] Character not found

Having same issues on all of my toons

Also getting this error on all my toons.

Same here too, getting nervous, haven’t tested all my characters but all the ones i tried failed with the same error. Saw some other threads and updated my drivers and reset all graphics settings too but the only change appears to be a “you have been disconnected” screen on my first login post setting reset.

Same thing for me.

Same thing for me also.

same from area 52 here :frowning:

Yup. Replied in another thread:

Same. Tried multiple toons on multiple servers and it’s all the same.

Game takes a minute or two to load the server, showing an empty character list in the meantime. Characters eventually pop up. Logging in to any of my characters starts a loading screen, progress is made, and a few minutes later I get kicked back to the character select screen with a “Character not found” prompt.

Tried updating and then disabling addons, restarting the game and client, restarting the PC, updating drivers, and everything in-between, no change.


Same here, Character not found on all characters and servers.

I have tested all of my characters across all servers that I have characters on and am having the exact same problem as the op. Spoke with a friend and he is having the same problem as well.

At least you are getting that issue, i just get blank servers. Doesn’t show any of my characters, can’t create new character, just have option to “Delete Character”. And when I try to change servers, I get disconnected.

Jumping in to say that I’m also having this problem with every toon on retail.

I am having the same issue as well
 I cannot even make a new character. And I cannot even log back in, keep getting booted off line

same problem here, can’t make a new character either. i’ve been having this problem for about an hour.

This is a great description that covers the issue I am having.

Exact same issue here. First the persistent green circle icon with the pre-patch download, now this. Not feeling lucky this time around X_X

Same issue for all of my characters on multiple servers

Yup. Same.

Getting the same on all toons. updated drivers and disabled all addons. character not found.

Streamers are a blight on gaming, and should be Purged from the Earth.


Same here! It suuuucks :frowning: