[Patch 9.0] Character not found

Yeah, I saw this too…

small indie game company
if the prepatch is this bad how is the launch going to be?


Same for me. All characters are showing same error. Also, no allied races are available when I attempt to create a new character.


yea i agree how bad will launch be if pre-patch was this bad.


Black screen when loading character list for approximately 2 mins before character list generates. Receiving (character not found) message when attempting to log in to all characters on 3 separate servers.


zzzzzzzzz why? why each time? post-mortem?

I can play as well with no issues :man_shrugging:

Same thing here…Tried to create another character too and timed out…and all the allied race i’ve unlocked are locked…

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why comment on the thread then?

we all getting wow time back for this? been trying all day yet Streamers are playing just fine. Come on guys, expected this stuff 10 years ago but not 2020


To show there’s no conspiracy :rofl:

How comes They have so much trouble with servers after all these years?

Well, I hope they find my character soon.

wdym scrub its 2020 look at how thing have been thus far this year

I can log in but my wife cannot, same systems except hers is running win 7 mine win 10.

Msi z270 gaming mb
I7 6700k oc 4.9 ghz
Rtx 2080
16 gigs ddr4 3200
250 gig ssd, windows
500 gig ssd, games

this is prepatch imagine when SL actully drops POG

Every time I try to log into a character it kicks me out of the loading screen and back to the character selection screen and tells me “character not found.”

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Same here, been trying for about an hour now.

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…what a great patch huh?

Replying from my actual toon, sorry.

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